Display VTOC Data Set List panel

The Display VTOC Data Set List panel shows the list of VTOC entries that match the information entered on the Display VTOC panel.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Display VTOC Data Set List panel
  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager           Display VTOC Data Set List          Row 00001 of 00055
 Unit    *        DSN       'PAM.V99R1M0.S*'
 DevType *        VOLSTATE  ALL         SMS SG *
 Volumes 10       Data sets 27          VSAM   0           non-VSAM 27
 VOLSER  *        Trks used 3752        Free   N/A         Utilized N/A
         Data Set Name                                Seq Volume Begin CYL-HD  ±
         PAM.V99R1M0.S*                                   *      *           
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMCLIB                           1 D$FM08    32 14
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMDBRM                           1 D$FM09  8802  4
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMEXEC                           1 D$FM10  1060  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMAC1                           1 D$FM00  7885  1
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMENU                           1 D$FM19   172 13
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMJPN                           1 D$FM09  9025  8
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           1 D$FM02  2881  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           2 D$FM02   109  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           3 D$FM02   109 10
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           4 D$FM02   110  5
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           5 D$FM02   111  0
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=Process
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Available commands

You can use the following primary command on this panel:

Finds the next occurrence of a character string in the Data Set Name area. Allows for a string argument which might contain the * and % wildcard characters. The FIND argument is matched against the data set names using the default system match rules for such wildcard characters.

You can also use the following line commands in the prefix command area:

Invokes the Catalog Services Alter function which lets you change some data set attributes, such as expiration date and data set name (this functionality is only available for cataloged data sets).
Invokes Browse (option 1).
Catalogs the data set (if not already cataloged).
Copies the selected entry. Invokes the Copy Utility (3.3) with the from data set prefilled to the selected data set. If the input data set is cataloged, the volume information is not prefilled.
Deletes the data set, and uncatalogs it if cataloged.
Invokes Edit (option 2).
Displays a pop-up panel showing the data set extents.
Displays detailed information about the selected data set.
If entered for a library data set entry, displays a member list.
Invokes Print Utility (option 3.2).
This is a synonym for Alter with non-VSAM data sets and it works identically. For VSAM data sets it invokes a separate VSAM Entry Rename panel.
Uncatalogs the data set (if cataloged).

Caution: uncataloging an SMS-managed data set might leave the data set in an unusable state.

Invokes AFP Print Browse (option 3.7).

Parent panels

Child panels

  • None.

Equivalent functions

Related tasks and examples