Catalog Services Data Set List panel

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Catalog Services: list of catalog entries (initial display)
  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager                  Data Set List                Row 00001 of 00027
 Catalog ID ''                                                    Types ALL
         Data Set Name                                  Type  Volume  MV Creat ±
         PAM.V99R1M0.S*                                 *     *       *  *    
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMCLIB                           NVSAM D$FM08     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMDBRM                           NVSAM D$FM09     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMEXEC                           NVSAM D$FM10     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMAC1                           NVSAM D$FM00     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMENU                           NVSAM D$FM19     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMJPN                           NVSAM D$FM03     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           NVSAM D$FM02     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODJ                           NVSAM D$FM00     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODK                           NVSAM D$FM10     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMOD1                           NVSAM D$FM09     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMOD2                           NVSAM D$FM04     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMPENU                           NVSAM D$FM09     19/02
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMPJPN                           NVSAM D$FM13     19/02
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=Process
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Available commands

In addition to the commands listed in Manipulating your view of the data, the following primary command is available on this panel:

The line commands you can use with a list of catalog entries are:

Displays AFP (LIST3820) data using the File Manager AFP utility.
Lets you alter the parameters for the selected entry. A panel is displayed on which you can change parameters for the entry, as described in Managing catalog entries.

To run the ALTER command in batch, first select the Batch execution option on the Catalog Services panel

If the selected entry is an OAM object collection or a catalog, invokes the appropriate File Manager list option (Object Directory List or Catalog Services); otherwise, invokes Browse.
Copies the selected entry. Invokes the Copy Utility (3.3) with the from data set prefilled to the selected data set.
Lets you define a new entry that is similar to the selected entry. A panel is displayed on which you enter the name of the new entry. You can also change the parameters (copied from the existing entry), as described in Managing catalog entries.

To run the DEFINE command in batch, first select the Batch execution option on the Catalog Services panel

Deletes the selected entry.

To run the DELETE command in batch, first select the Batch execution option on the Catalog Services panel

Invokes Edit (option 2).
For a data set entry, lists the statistics and extent information in the catalog.
Displays the Non-VSAM Entry Detail panel or VSAM Entry Detail panel. Synonymous with LIST. If entered for a catalog, reinvokes catalog services to list the contents of the catalog. For all other catalog entries, displays the details and, for VSAM entries, also statistics and allocation information. The information displayed is the same as would be displayed for the selected entry using the information service from the entry panel.
If the selected entry is a catalog, invokes Catalog Services for that catalog; otherwise, lists the parameters for the selected entry. Synonymous with INFO.
If entered for a library data set entry, displays a member list.
Invokes Print Utility (option 3.2).
If the selected entry has been migrated or archived, this command recalls the data set.
This is a synonym for Alter with non-VSAM data sets and it works identically. For VSAM data sets it invokes a separate VSAM Entry Rename panel.
Invokes AFP Print Browse (option 3.7) for non-VSAM data sets.
Note: Only use this command for data sets that contain data in Advanced Function Printing (LIST3820) format.
Line commands work differently according to the type of catalog entry. File Manager line commands available for different types of entries shows the line commands that are available.
Table 1. File Manager line commands available for different types of entries

This table has 11 columns. Every row contains these 11 columns, except for the final "Note:" row, which spans all 11 columns.

  Alter Define Delete List Browse Edit Print View Extents Info
AIX yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Alias yes yes yes
Cluster1 yes yes yes2 yes yes yes yes yes yes
GDG yes yes yes
Non-VSAM yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
OAM yes yes3
Path yes yes yes yes yes4 yes4 yes
PGSPC yes yes yes
UCAT yes5 yes yes
  1. A blank space means that the line command is not available.
  2. The word “yes” means that the line command is available.

Parent panels

Equivalent functions

Related tasks and examples

1 Represents the types: CLUST, DATA, ESDS, INDEX, KSDS, LDS, RRDS, and VRRDS. “CLUST” is only shown for a base component that has a DATA or INDEX component catalog error.
2 You can delete a cluster, but the deletion attempt might fail if the cluster is large or complicated (for example, with more than 1 AIX or more than 20 volsers per component).
3 Object Directory List (option 6.1).
4 Is only successful if the path is defined over a base cluster rather than an alternate index.
5 Catalog Services is invoked again to list the entries in a catalog.