Displaying a Volume Table of Contents (VTOC)

To display or print a list of data sets on one or more disks, you can use the Work with VTOC utility. With this utility, you can list either all the data sets, or a subset of the data sets based on a generic data set name. You can also use Work with VTOC to display or print a volume summary list (VTOC list), or print a combined data set and VTOC list.

See Display VTOC panel for details.

The information in the data set list includes:

  • Data set name
  • Volume (VOLSER)
  • Disk extents
  • File organization information
  • Creation, expiration, and referred dates

In online mode, you can enter commands to invoke functions that operate on individual data sets.

See Display VTOC Data Set List panel for details.

The information in the volume summary list includes:

  • Volume information
  • VTOC information
  • Free space information
  • Data set statistics

See Volume Summary/Selection panel for details.

Note: Work with VTOC shows “never to expire” expiration dates of 99/999 and 99/366 as 9999.999 and 9999.366, respectively. An expiration date that was explicitly specified as 99/365 is also considered “never to expire”, and is shown as 9999.365. If you sort the list by expiration date, values beginning with 9999 appear first.

To display the VTOC information:

  1. From the Utility Functions menu panel, select option 5. VTOC. The Display VTOC panel shown in Work with VTOC panel is displayed.
  2. Specify the disk volume or volumes with which you want to work. You can specify a generic volume serial number, such as D$US1*.
    Note: If you specify a pattern that causes a large number of volumes to be accessed, the operation can take a long time.
  3. You can limit the data sets that are listed by specifying selection criteria in a number of fields on the Display VTOC panel:
    Data set name
    Specify a generic data set name. If you do not specify a data set name, File Manager uses the default generic data set name of '**' which causes all data sets to be listed or included. If you do not type quotation marks around the data set name (mask), File Manager prefixes the data set name with your TSO PROFILE PREFIX (usually your user ID). For example, to limit the data sets to just the ones starting with your TSO PROFILE PREFIX, specify the generic data set name of ** (no quotation marks). Any valid ISPF data set name mask can be used as the generic name.
    Volume serial
    Specify a fully-qualified or generic volume serial number.
    Volume status
    Specify a fully-qualified volume status string of PRIVATE, PRIV/RSDNT, RESIDENT, PUBLIC, or STORAGE.
    Specify a fully-qualified or generic device address.
    Device type
    Specify a fully-qualified or generic device type.
    SMS SG
    Specify a fully-qualified or generic SMS storage group name.

    To select a non-SMS controlled volume in an SMS environment, specify the reserved name, NONSMS.

    Processing limit
    Type a "/" to select this option and then specify the maximum number of data sets to be selected for VTOC processing.
  4. If required, select the Batch execution option. File Manager then displays the Display VTOC Batch Sort Options panel.

    On this panel, select the appropriate sort option. File Manager then generates the batch job stream and the JCL is presented in an Edit session. If necessary, you can change the JCL before submitting the job.

  5. To display dates in the format YY/MM/DD (instead of the default format YYYY.DDDD), select the YY/MM/DD date format (default: YYYY.DDD) option.
  6. By default, for data sets with multiple extents, the display format suppresses the data set name on the second and subsequent extents. To show the data set name for each extent, select the Repeat data set name for each extent option.

To update your list view, to include any changes that you have made and also any changes made by other users since you first displayed the list, enter the REFRESH primary command.

To display or print a volume summary list (like the one shown in Work with VTOC: list of volumes):

  1. Enter the line command V to display the list.
  2. Enter the line command P to print the list. File Manager then displays the Display VTOC Batch Sort Options panel.

    On this panel, select the appropriate sort option. File Manager then produces the requested VTOC listing.

When you specify a generic volume serial number, File Manager displays a list of those volumes that contain data sets with names that match the specified data set name. If you select a data set list command, a data set list with all data sets matching the specified data set name and volume serial is produced.

Figure 1. Work with VTOC: list of volumes
  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager            Volume Summary/Selection           Row 00001 of 00005
 Unit    *        DSN       'DTORNEY.FMDATA.**'
 DevType *        VOLSTATE  ALL         SMS SG *
 Volumes 5        Data sets 7           VSAM   3           non-VSAM 4
 VOLSER  D$US5*   Trks used N/A         Free   N/A         Utilized N/A
   VOLSER UNIT Dtype SMS-SG   Total  Used   %Used Free trk Tot DSN VSAM   nVSA ±
   D$US5* *    *     *                                                        
   D$US51 E801 3390  PRIMARY  150255 128750    86    21505       1           1
   D$US53 E81C 3390  PRIMARY  150255 142702    95     7553       1           1
   D$US55 E929 3390  PRIMARY  150255 141320    94     8935       1           1
   D$US57 EA52 3390  PRIMARY  150255 127706    85    22549       2      2
   D$US58 EA55 3390  PRIMARY  150255 131406    87    18849       2      1    1
 ****  End of data  ****

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=Process
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
To see more information about a volume listed on the Volume Summary/Selection panel, enter the line command I (Information) in the Sel field next to the volume you are interested in. The I line command displays the Disk Volume Details panel showing detailed information about the volume you selected.
Note: To show data set statistics on the Disk Volume Details panel (under the heading "Data Sets"), the Limited information for VTOC list option on the Display VTOC panel (that you used to navigate to this point) must be deselected.

On the Volume Summary/Selection panel you can use the S (Select) line command to select which volume you want to work with. If you want lists of data sets from more than one volume, you can enter the S line command on multiple lines. If you are going to select many volumes, you can use the ALL command to fill in the S on every line for you (you might then, if you wish, deselect any volume by overtyping its S with a blank).

File Manager lists the data sets as shown in Work with VTOC: list of data sets.
Figure 2. Work with VTOC: list of data sets
  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager           Display VTOC Data Set List          Row 00001 of 00055
 Unit    *        DSN       'PAM.V99R1M0.S*'
 DevType *        VOLSTATE  ALL         SMS SG *
 Volumes 10       Data sets 27          VSAM   0           non-VSAM 27
 VOLSER  *        Trks used 3752        Free   N/A         Utilized N/A
         Data Set Name                                Seq Volume Begin CYL-HD  ±
         PAM.V99R1M0.S*                                   *      *           
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMCLIB                           1 D$FM08    32 14
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMDBRM                           1 D$FM09  8802  4
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMEXEC                           1 D$FM10  1060  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMAC1                           1 D$FM00  7885  1
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMENU                           1 D$FM19   172 13
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMJPN                           1 D$FM09  9025  8
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           1 D$FM02  2881  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           2 D$FM02   109  0
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           3 D$FM02   109 10
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           4 D$FM02   110  5
         PAM.V99R1M0.SPAMMODA                           5 D$FM02   111  0
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=Process
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

By using the RIGHT and LEFT commands or corresponding function keys, you can scroll the list to see the other columns.

To print a combined data set and volume summary list report, use the PC line command. File Manager produces a summary output for each disk, followed by the list of data sets located on the volume that match the selection mask (if any).