Checking your FM/IMS version

To display the full version information for FM/IMS, enter VER on the Command line of any panel. The current FM/IMS version number and the PTF number for each File Manager component is displayed in a window. The window also indicates whether or not FM/IMS is APF-authorized.

When logging a problem, please supply your support team with the information provided by the VER command. This helps them in diagnosing and resolving your issue.

Figure 1. Primary Option menu with PTF information
  Process   Options   Help
FM/IMS                       Primary Option Menu

│                                                                             │
│ IBM File Manager for z/OS Version x Release x Modification x                │
│ IMS Component                                                               │
│ (not APF authorized)                                                        │
│                                                                             │
│ Service Levels of installed components                                      │
│                                                                             │
│              Base       IMS        Db2        CICS                          │
│ English      xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx                       │
│ Japanese     xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx                       │
│                        │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│  F1=Help     F2=Split    F3=Exit     F9=Swap    F12=Cancel                  │

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