Tailoring the job control skeletons

Several dialogs in FM/IMS generate JCL for batch functions. If you want these dialogs to generate JCL that will run at your installation, appropriate job control must be provided. This is done by means of the installation options, the Settings panels, and a job control skeleton.


A sample job control skeleton for FM/IMS is in FMN.SFMNSLIB(FMN1FTEX). You might need to change the following DD statements in the sample skeleton:

  1. The STEPLIB DD statement specifies DSN=&FMNSMOD1. FM/IMS sets &FMNSMOD1 to either the value specified for the SFMNMOD1 parameter in the FMN1POPT module (when specified) or FMN.SFMNMOD1 (otherwise). So if you haven't installed File Manager into the default target libraries, you need to specify the name of the target File Manager load library in the SFMNMOD1 parameter or modify this DD statement.
  2. The FMN1JIN DD statement specifies DSN=&FMN1SLIB. FM/IMS sets &FMN1SLIB to either the value specified for the SFMNSLIB parameter in the FMN1POPT module (when specified) or FMN.SFMNSLIB (otherwise). So if you haven't installed File Manager into the default target libraries, you need to specify the name of the target File Manager skeleton library in the SFMNSLIB parameter or modify this DD statement.
  3. The STEPLIB DD statement in this skeleton also concatenates two other statements
    //*FMNCOB  DD DUMMY     Uncomment to force use of FM COBOL Compiler
    which appear as comments in FMN1FTEX.

    In the first statement shown above, IGY.SIGYCOMP is the supported, licensed COBOL compiler library. Some batch functions which make use of COBOL require this library. If you did not add your supported COBOL compiler library to your LINKLIST, remove the * to uncomment the line, and change the DSN to the name of your COBOL compiler library. All currently supported versions of IBM® Enterprise COBOL for z/OS® and OS/390® are supported by File Manager.

    If you have created a COBOL compiler library for File Manager with a special version of IGYCDOPT, you can use this DD statement to make it available to FM/IMS for all batch jobs using COBOL templates. See Using COBOL compiler options with File Manager for information about a special version of IGYCDOPT for File Manager.

    File Manager provides an internal version of the COBOL compiler, for use in preference to a supported COBOL compiler, or when a supported COBOL compiler is not available to File Manager. (See Using the File Manager COBOL compiler.)

If you need to modify the FMN1FTEX job control skeleton, do this:

  1. Copy the member FMN1FTEX from FMN.SFMNSLIB to your own source library.
  2. Modify the FMN1FTEX member in your own library as required.
  3. Modify the FMN1UMDB member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the usermod for information about changes you might need to make.
  4. Install SMP/E usermod FMN1UMDB.
Note: FM/IMS does not provide support for the automatic generation of job routing control statements in the JCL generated by FMN1FTEX.