Information stored in a template

The following section describes the information that a template can contain, and where and how FM/Db2 uses the information.

Note: In this chapter, transferring data refers to using any of the following FM/Db2 functions:
  • Copy (option 3.3)
  • Import (option 3.6)
  • Export (option 3.7)
  • Utilities (option 3.9), Db2® LOAD utility, Db2® UNLOAD utility
Row selection criteria
Determines which rows are to be selected.

Rows that do not match the row selection criteria are excluded when comparing, copying1 or printing.

Column selection
Determines which columns are displayed (if you are browsing or editing) or printed.

Except for when you are exporting data, this information is ignored when transferring or creating Db2® objects. (When you are copying, importing, exporting, or loading data, if you want to exclude some data in the input from being transferred to the output, you need to map the To template without those fields.)

Column sequence
Overrides the default order in which columns are displayed (if you are browsing or editing) or printed. By default, columns are displayed or printed in the order in which the columns are defined in the object in the Db2® catalog (the COLNO column of SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS).

This information is ignored when transferring or creating Db2® objects. (When copying, importing, exporting, or loading data, if you want to exclude some data in the input from being transferred to the output, you need to map the To template without those fields.)

Column headings
Overrides the default column headings when browsing, editing or printing. (The default column headings are the column names defined in the Db2® catalog.)
Column fixed attributes
The column name and data type as defined in the Db2® catalog on which the template was based.
Column use attributes
Consist of two attributes:
Output width
Defines the number of positions allocated to the column if you are browsing, editing or printing.

The default width depends on the data type and relates to the external format for the data. For example, the default width for a SMALLINT column is 6 bytes (the usual external display size).

If a numeric field contains a valid numeric value, but the value is too large to fit in the output width, then, if you are browsing or editing, the value is truncated and highlighted.

Leading zeros (numeric columns only)
Defines whether or not the column value is shown with leading zeros if you are browsing, editing or printing.
Column create attributes
Defines the value to which the column is initialized if you are transferring data, or creating a table.

If you are transferring data, FM/Db2 uses this information in the To template. In a From template, this information is ignored.

Column mapping
Defines which columns in the From template map to columns in the To template if you are transferring data.

If you are transferring data, FM/Db2 uses this information in the To template. In a From template, this information is ignored.

Scrambling options
Determine how the contents of the column are scrambled (if at all) during a copy, import, or export process.

Related tasks

Related references

1 When copying, FM/Db2 uses this information in the “From” template. In a “To” template, this information is ignored. However, when comparing, the selection information in both the “Old” and “New” templates is used.