Searches for the value in the member name and description fields. L
JCL searches member name and description for the value JCL.
F string
Searches the contents of the members for one or more strings.
This performs an enhanced search of the reference data set for the
string you entered. Use the AND & OR | connectors to provide more
than one string. If your reference list was produced
from the enhanced search command panel, you can select the member
for that panel by pressing the enter key with the cursor that is positioned
on a member name in the enhanced search report.
S member
For a list produced from the enhanced search command
panel, this selects the member for the enhanced search panel if it
exists; otherwise, you will be placed in an edit session with the
SORT column
You can sort any column by placing the cursor on the column header
and pressing enter. Alternatively, you can issue the sort command
where the column values are:
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