Summary of changes

May 2024, V14R1M22

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification 22. It contains some minor changes and clarifications, as well as the following major changes to this document from the previous release:
  • Enhancements to the enhanced ISPF processing:
    • Extended member lists are now produced for view or edit functions when a partitioned data set with a generic or blank member name is being processed.
    • A view or edit of a DD statement containing concatenated partitioned data sets now supports an extended member list for all corresponding cataloged data sets.
    • Variables defined in an INCLUDE member are now processed and resolved when processing data set names.
    • Option 4, Dslist, has been extended to support the display of an ISPF data set list when positioned on a DD statement, and a UNIX directory list when positioned on a UNIX path or file name. See Using F4 from any edit or view session when positioned on a string or word for more information.
    • Two new prefix commands are available for the enhanced reference list display:
      • L: produces an ISPF data set list.
      • U: produces a UNIX directory list.
      For more details about these prefix commands, see Line Commands.
    • Pressing the function key with 4 in the command line when viewing or editing produces a data set list for up to 30 data set names referenced in the session.
    • Pressing the function key with 4U in the command line when viewing or editing produces a UNIX directory list for up to 30 path or file names referenced in the session.
  • A new keyword option, KSDSUPD, has been added to the Data Set Copy (DSC) function to manage matching record keys. When record keys from the source data set match record keys in the destination data set, you can choose to either overlay them in the destination data set or, you can leave them unchanged and return a message indicating that there is a duplicate key. See DSC (Data Set Copy) for more information about this keyword.
  • The DEFV function now supports generating the DATACLASS, MANAGEMENTCLASS, and STORAGECLASS values via a new keyword, SMS=YES. See DEFV (Define VSAM Statements) for the complete syntax.

December 2023, V14R1M21

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 21. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version.

August 2023, V14R1M20 (refresh)

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 20. It is a refresh of the previous version and contains some additional enhancements as well as minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous release.
  • A new option, option 13, has been added to the Enhanced Search KEY menu panel to allocate, change or invoke catalog services against a data set name that the cursor is positioned on. See Using F4 from any edit or view session when positioned on a string or word for more information about this new option.
  • Indexed search changes:
    • The restriction of a maximum of 22 data sets when duplicated members are not being processed has been removed.
    • Automatic word detection has been introduced as the simpler and recommended method for determining words. See Automatic word detection for more details.
    See Indexed search for details on the indexed search capability.
  • A new option, ASIS, has been added to suppress automatic encapsulation and, automatic encapsulation has been limited to when a delimiter is encountered or when the first character is a quote. See Copy To panel and DSC (Data Set Copy) for more details about automatic encapsulation.

June 2023, V14R1M20

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 20. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous release.
  • The File Manager Data Set Copy (DSC) function and the Copy From and Copy To panels now support importing CSV files. See DSC (Data Set Copy), Copy From panel, and Copy To panel for more information.
  • The indexed search provides a way to perform a fast search across one or more partitioned data sets. The results are displayed in the index search report containing the list of matching words, the number of lines where the word occurs, the number of data sets containing occurrences of the word, and the number of members. See Indexed search for more information about how to set up and use the indexed search facility.

February 2023, V14R1M19

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 19. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version.

November 2022, V14R1M18

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 18. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version.

June 2022, V14R1M17

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 17. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version.

February 2022, V14R1M16

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 16. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1.

  • Enhanced Find. Two new options when performing partitioned data set searches:
    Produces an intermediate matching member list with sortable columns. Columns can now be sorted in change date order so that you can easily determine the most recent member matching the search criteria. This provides more flexibility than the current summary command from the enhanced search report.
    Limits the search to the first occurrence of a member if more than one partitioned data set is being processed. For example, this can be applied in a Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) environment where you might have the same member in more than one library and you are interested in only the first occurrence or the latest version of that member.
    For more detailed information about these new options, see EFind command syntax and Enhanced Search command panel.
  • Enhanced Change and FCH function. A new option, MEMORY, has been introduced to address the restrictions associated with update in place. Record lengths can now be changed and compressed data sets are supported. For more detailed information about this new option, see Enhanced Change command panel, Find/Change Utility panel and FCH (Find/Change).
  • New function to produce VSAM define statements. A new batch function, DEFV, has been added to produce IDCAMS define statements for one or more data sets. See DEFV (Define VSAM Statements) for more information.

October 2021, V14R1M15

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 15. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1.

  • Display a list of templates, of all types, and perform actions on them. The Template List provides the following features:
    • Visibility of member generations for PDSE version 2 data sets.
    • A lock mechanism to prevent unintentional template edit changes.
    • The ability to change the default value for formatting leading zeros with numeric fields.
    • The ability to compare templates in their exported XML format.

For more detailed information about the Template List, see Working with the Template List.

March 2021, V14R1M13

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 13. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1.

  • Random and repeatable scrambling can now be optimized with a new option. The option can be customized at installation time (default behavior for scrambling). The default behavior can be overridden by specifying the option when copying and scrambling data. The option can be set to one of the following values: OFF, ON, or MAX. See SET (Set Processing Options) and Copy To panel.
  • Load Module Attributes are now included on the information, print, and XML reports. See Load Module Information panel.

October 2020, V14R1M12

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 12. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1.

  • Prefix commands JCL, SELECT, and SUBMIT are now supported in PDSE Workbench. See Prefix commands.
  • A new SETCICS function enables opening and closing CICS® files and working with CICS® resources in batch or keyword mode. See SETCICS (Update the status of CICS files) -- batch only.
  • When doing a keyed data set compare you can now first sort the files in the order determined by the key values. See DSM (Data Set Compare) and Compare Utility: Options panel.
  • Output from a data set compare can now be combined and directed to a single DD. See DSM (Data Set Compare).
  • Fields can now be held when scrolling in SNGL display format. See Holding fields on the display when scrolling.
  • Template enhancements:
    • New "A" (Always) option means the template can always be edited before an edit, view, or browse session.

      New "R" (Re-edit) option provides the ability to save a temporary or dynamic template after it was applied to the data, or re-invoke the edit or view session using RUNTEMP.

      See Editing a template, Browse Entry panel, and View Entry panel.

    • For templates created during a FM/IMS extract the DBD name can now be edited in the File Manager Base component. This allows one template to be reused for multiple DBD names. See XML templates.
    • PDSE Workbench has been updated to support PDS and PDSE data sets on a remote system.

June 2020, V14R1M11

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 11. It contains minor changes and clarifications to the information in the previous version.

March 2020, V14R1M10

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 10. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1.

  • The VLM (View Load Module) and CLM (Compare Load Module) functions have been updated to:
    • Filter CSECTs selected for processing.
    • Display and compare compiler options added with the latest Enterprise COBOL and Enterprise PL/1 compilers.
    • Display and compare COBOL program language features used in the COBOL code for CSECTs created by Enterprise COBOL compilers.
    See VLM (View Load Module) and CLM (Compare Load Module).
  • Member name filter values can be specified to limit the partitioned data set members to be displayed in a list or selected for processing. This is implemented through an enhancement to the Advanced Member Selection panel and a new XMEMBERS option in the BTB, BTU, CLM, DSC, DSEB, DSM, DSP, DSU, FCH, TPEXP, and TPIMP functions. See File Manager functions and Advanced Member Selection panel.
  • File Manager now supports editing of MQ remote queues and aliases to remote queues. See Working with WebSphere MQ.
  • The Find/Change Utility panel, File Selection panel, and all UNIX System Services member lists have been updated to display created and changed dates in YYYY/MM/DD format. See Find/Change Utility panel and File Selection panel.

SC27-9042-08: December 2019, V14R1M9

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 9. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-07.

  • Support for version 2 PDSE member generations and new PDSE Workbench.
    • A new PDSE workbench has been developed to handle management of members and generations.
    • The enhanced search Drill parameter now supports a limit and applies to version 2 PDSE generations as well as HFS and zFS directories.
    • The enhanced search function key (or edit macro) menu has a new option to invoke PDSE Workbench. This allows for cursor-sensitive invocation from JCL View or Edit sessions.
    • Data set COPY utility now supports copying of member generations.
    • CLONE facility now supports the copying of member generations.
    • A new history capability for all member lists within File Manager.
    See PDSE Workbench.
  • File Manager print output can now be directed to FMNPRINT, and individual sections of the output can now be directed instead to alternate ddnames. See Invoking File Manager functions from a REXX procedure or CLIST in /BATCH mode and JCL syntax for File Manager batch jobs.
  • New DSINFO File Manager option on the SET function provides additional information in batch reports about input and output data sets for the DSP, DSM, DSC, and FCH commands. See SET (Set Processing Options).
  • The data set COPY utility has been enhanced to support CSV as an output format. See DSC (Data Set Copy).
  • File Manager MQ users are no longer required to have CONTROL access to the MQADMIN class resource mqmanager.CONTEXT.mqqueue. If users do not have this access the MQ CONTEXT is not copied when records are updated.

SC27-9042-07: September 2019, V14R1M8

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 8. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-06.

SC27-9042-06: June 2019, V14R1M7

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 7. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-05.

  • Edit models are provided to help create batch JCL that accesses File Manager functions and REXX external functions. Refer to Using File Manager edit models.

SC27-9042-05: March 2019, V14R1M6

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 6. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-04.

SC27-9042-04: September 2018, V14R1M4

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 4. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-03.

SC27-9042-03: June 2018, V14R1M3

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 3. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-02.

SC27-9042-02: March 2018, V14R1M2

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 2. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-01.

SC27-9042-01: December 2017, V14R1M1

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 1. It contains minor changes from the previous edition for Version 14 Release 1, SC27-9042-00.

SC27-9042-00: September 2017, V14R1M0

This edition of the document provides information applicable to File Manager Version 14 Release 1 Modification Level 0. Here are the major changes to this document from the previous edition for Version 13 Release 1, SC19-4119-08.