Changing the JCL skeleton for batch mode

Several functions in File Manager are available in batch mode and the TSO batch environment. For these functions to run successfully, appropriate job control language statements must be provided. This is done by means of the set processing options, and a job control skeleton. The job control skeleton for File Manager is the member FMNFTEXC in FMN.SFMNSLIB.


There are some DD statements in FMNFTEXC that you may need to change. These statements are commented out in the distributed version of the skeleton. They are documented below.

//* If using WMQ queues via batch, uncomment and update MQHLQ to suit
//* your sites WMQ high level qualifier
//*FMNCOB  DD DUMMY     Uncomment to force use of FM COBOL Compiler
//*FMNCLERR DD SYSOUT=* Uncomment to force output of Compiler listing

FMNFTEXC assigns a STEPLIB DD statement to the File Manager load library. FMNFTEXC assumes that you have installed File Manager into the default target libraries, and that the load library is FMN.SFMNMOD1. If you have installed File Manager into a different library than FMN.SFMNMOD1, you may either change the SFMNMOD1 parameter in the FMN0POPT module or change the //STEPLIB DD statement in the FMNFTEXC skeleton.

If necessary, change &FMNSMOD1 in this statement to the name of your File Manager load library.
File Manager can process WebSphere® MQ queues in both online and batch scenarios for the common utilities; create, copy, compare and print. To interface with WebSphere®, the libraries SCSQLOAD, SCSQANLE, and SCSQAUTH must be made available to the JOBLIB, STEPLIB or linklist concatenation. You can do this by uncommenting these lines:
The STEPLIB DD statement in this skeleton also concatenates the following statement, which appears as a comment in FMNFTEXC.

In this statement, IGY.SIGYCOMP is the supported, licensed COBOL compiler library. Some batch functions which make use of COBOL require this library. If you did not add your supported COBOL compiler library to your LINKLIST, remove the * to uncomment the line, and change the DSN to the name of your supported COBOL compiler library. All currently supported versions of IBM® Enterprise COBOL for z/OS® and OS/390® are supported by File Manager.

If you have created a COBOL compiler library for File Manager with a special version of IGYCDOPT, you can use this DD statement to make it available to File Manager for all batch jobs using COBOL templates. See Using COBOL compiler options with File Manager for information about a special version of IGYCDOPT for File Manager.

If you do not have a supported COBOL compiler available to File Manager (for example, if you are using File Manager in a production environment, where the COBOL compiler is not used), File Manager can use its own internal COBOL compiler. To enable this feature, remove the * to uncomment the third statement:
//*FMNCOB  DD DUMMY     Uncomment to force use of FM COBOL Compiler
If File Manager encounters a statement, //FMNCOB DD DUMMY, the File Manager COBOL compiler will be used. For information about the File Manager COBOL compiler, see Using the File Manager COBOL compiler.
If you want to produce a compile listing of copybooks processed by File Manager functions, in case of compile errors, remove the * to uncomment the fourth statement:
//*FMNCLERR DD SYSOUT=* Uncomment to force output of Compiler listing
You can also change the specification of SYSOUT on this statement, if necessary, to suit your site's requirements.

If you plan to enable File Manager to use the DFSORT COPY function to improve File Manager performance, you might want to add the DFSORT libraries to this STEPLIB DD statement. If you do this, you must add them in the order SICELINK, followed by SORTLPA. If you choose to do this and DFSORT is not your primary sort product, you must also add your sort products libraries in front of the DFSORT libraries. For more information about using DFSORT to improve File Manager performance, see Customizing to use DFSORT to improve File Manager performance.

If you plan to enable File Manager to access COBOL copybooks, PL/I include books, or HLASM copybooks in library management system (LMS) libraries, and you plan to link edit your LMS exit, FMNCRAEX, into your own load library, you might want to add this load library to the STEPLIB DD statement in the JCL skeleton. For more information about enabling File Manager to access LMS libraries, see Customizing File Manager to use library management system libraries.

You use the usermod FMNUMODB to modify the job control skeleton. FMNUMODB is distributed in FMN.SFMNSAM1. To do this:

  1. Copy the FMNFTEXC member from FMN.SFMNSLIB to your own source library.
  2. Modify the FMNFTEXC member in your own library. Change the name of the File Manager load library on the first line of the STEPLIB DD statement to the name of your load library, if necessary. Uncomment the second line of the STEPLIB DD statement if you want to add your COBOL compiler library, and change the DSN to the name of your COBOL compiler library, if necessary. Uncomment the WMQ lines, if necessary. Add your sort and LMS exit libraries if necessary.
  3. Modify the FMNUMODB member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the usermod for information about changes you might need to make.
  4. Install SMP/E usermod FMNUMODB.
Note: File Manager does not provide support for the automatic generation of job routing control statements in the JCL generated by FMNFTEXC.