End Processing user exit (Fault entry refresh)

The following describes the fault entry refresh End Processing user exit.


This exit can be used to control history file updates.

By default, Fault Analyzer suppresses the minidump if its size exceeds the limit imposed by the MaxMinidumpPages option in effect.

The minidump size is available in ENV.MINIDUMP_PAGES field as a number of 4K pages.

The suppression intent by Fault Analyzer is indicated by the initialization of the EPC.SUPPRESS_MINIDUMP data area field, which can be overridden by the End Processing user exit. If set to 'Y', no minidump is written to the history file. If set to 'N', the minidump is written regardless of its size.

The End Processing user exit can choose to suppress the refresh of the entire fault entry using the EPC.SUPPRESS_FAULT_ENTRY data area field. If set to 'Y', no refresh of the current fault is performed (including the minidump). If set to 'N', the refresh is performed and the minidump can be written subject to the SUPPRESS_MINIDUMP field.

When invoked

This exit is invoked on completion of batch reanalysis, prior to updating the history file.


The following is an example of a fault entry refresh End Processing user exit that is written in REXX.
Figure 1. Sample fault entry refresh REXX End Processing user exit
/* REXX */
if ENV.VERSION <> 5 then
  say 'Note: ENV data area version change - field usage review required!'
if EPC.VERSION <> 1 then
  say 'Note: EPC data area version change - field usage review required!'
EPC.SUPPRESS_MINIDUMP = 'Y'  /* Always suppress the minidump */
exit 0
If the above sample exit existed as member ABC in data set X.Y.Z, then providing the following options in either the IDICNFxx configuration member or the IDIOPTS user options file would cause it to be invoked: