Analysis Control user exit (MVS SVC Dump registration)

The following describes the dump registration Analysis Control user exit.


This exit can be used to examine and override current settings of the following options relevant to dump registration processing:
Only the history file data set name is relevant to this exit. The current history file data set name is provided in the ENV.IDIHIST data area field. The user exit can choose to change this data set name, in which case the supplied data set name is used as the history file for the current fault. If the history file was pre-allocated, it is freed.
The last matching Exclude criterion is provided in the CTL.EXCLUDE_CRITERION data area field. If the fault is excluded from analysis based on a matching Exclude criterion, then the CTL.EXCLUDE data area field is initialized to 'Y'. This field can be modified by the exit.
The last matching Include criterion is provided in the CTL.INCLUDE_CRITERION data area field. A blank Include criterion signifies the implicit product default, which is to include everything.

When invoked

This exit is invoked after options processing has completed, and before the writing of the MVS SVC dump registration fault entry.


The following is an example of an Analysis Control dump registration user exit that is written in REXX.
Figure 1. Sample REXX Analysis Control dump registration user exit
/* REXX */
if ENV.VERSION <> 5 then
  say 'Note: ENV data area version change - field usage review required!'
if CTL.VERSION <> 2 then
  say 'Note: CTL data area version change - field usage review required!'
/* Exclude all MVSA jobs from analysis */
  CTL.Exclude = 'Y'
/* Select a separate history file for DB2, IMS, and other jobs
   based on jobname */
if SUBSTR(ENV.JOB_NAME,1,3) = 'DB2' then
else if SUBSTR(ENV.JOB_NAME,1,3) = 'IMS' then
exit 0
If the above sample exit existed as member ABC in data set X.Y.Z, then providing the following options in either the IDICNFxx configuration member or an IDIOPTS user options file that is allocated to the IDIS subsystem, would cause it to be invoked:

The DumpRegistrationExits option must be specified in the IDICNFxx parmlib member, or via an IDIOPTS DD statement in the IDIS subsystem JCL. The DumpRegistrationExits option is ignored if specified via an IDIOPTS DD statement anywhere else, such as in a CICS® region or batch job.