Java API to download Fault Analyzer report
The Java™ API downloads a Fault Analyzer report from the host and shows it in Eclipse-based products that are developed in Java™.
The download part of the process happens only if the Fault Analyzer report is not already downloaded. This API belongs to the FAAPI package, which is available as part of the Fault Analyzer plug-in for Eclipse products. The assumption is that the specified host ID and port number are defined in the Systems Information view.
Two interfaces are designed to achieve this function:
FAAPI.openReport(String UniqueAdressOfFaultEntry);
//UniqueAdressOfFaultEntry :"hostId/portNo/historyFile/faultId"
FAAPI.openReport(String hostId, int portNo, String historyFile, String faultId);
Both interfaces perform the same function, only the style of argument-specification differs. All arguments are case-sensitive.
Here are examples using both interfaces of how to open fault entry F03004 in history file DA.DCAT on system pthfae1, which listens on port 7799:
FAAPI.openReport("pthfae1", 7799, "DA.DCAT", "F03004");
This example shows how to extend the Hello, World Command sample plug-in in Eclipse to open a Fault Analyzer report. Follow these steps to create the Hello, World Command sample plug-in, and then modify it to download and open a Fault Analyzer report.
- In IBM® Explorer for z/OS®, activate the Java™ perspective.
- Activate the plug-ins for the ADFz family of products.
- Click New -> Plug-in Project.
- Enter a Project name (in this sample FAAPITest) and then click Next.
- Click Next.
- Select the Hello, World Command template and click
- Click Finish. If you receive the following message, click
At this stage, FAAPITest is created. To run the generated plug-in at this stage, follow these steps:
- Click FAAPITest in Package Explorer.
- Click Run from the main menu and choose Run.
- Select Eclipse Application and click OK.
- The running environment displays. the following window. Click
- The following message appears on the screen:
- Click OK and close the running Eclipse environment.
Now change the FAAPITest plug-in to show a fault entry when you click Sample Menu -> Sample Command:
- Open MANIFEST.MF. This file exists in the META-INF folder of the FAAPITest plug-in.
- Click the Dependencies tab. Then click Add... for required plug-ins and select Click OK and save the MANIFEST file.
- Open and modify the run method as
shown in the following example:
package faapitest.handlers; import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import; public class SampleHandler extends AbstractHandler { @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event); MessageDialog.openInformation( window.getShell(), "FAApiTest", "Hello, Eclipse world"); return null; } }
- Run the modified plug-in as explained earlier.
- After Eclispe has initialized, make sure that the system is defined in the Systems Information view. If not, add the system.
- Click Sample Menu -> Sample Command. The report is downloaded and displayed in the current perspective in the Eclipse editor area.