Preparing to customize Fault Analyzer
This section tells you how to customize Fault Analyzer for your particular installation, and how to set up global default options. There are times when you might want to set or change an option just for one job or reanalysis. Real-time analysis and The Fault Analyzer ISPF interface tells you how to adjust options in this case.
The global default options affect the way in which Fault Analyzer runs. For example, there are options to indicate what jobs should be analyzed, how much detail should be provided in the reports, and where compiler listings and side files can be located.
Before you can customize Fault Analyzer, you have to install it. SMP/E installation instructions are found in Program Directory for IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS®.
Installation-wide default options are contained in the parmlib member IDICNFxx.
As part of the analysis process, Fault Analyzer attempts to find compiler listings or side files. Providing compiler listings or Fault Analyzer side files suggests how to store listings or create and store side files, so that they are available to Fault Analyzer. This section also tells you which compiler options are required for IDILANGX processing.
It is a requirement for Fault Analyzer that REXX support is available via the standard MVS™ search path, if REXX user exits are called, or if diagnostic tracing is requested via the IDITRACE DDname.
The tasks described in the following assume that Fault Analyzer was installed into target libraries with a high-level qualifier of IDI. If you used a different high-level qualifier for your installation of Fault Analyzer, then substitute your high-level qualifier for IDI.