Specifying an alternative parmlib data set for IDICNFxx (CNFDSN)

To accommodate installations that do not provide general READ access to SYS1.PARMLIB (or any one of the data sets in the logical parmlib concatenation), Fault Analyzer provides the CNFDSN setting in the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module. This setting permits an alternative data set to be specified for the IDICNFxx configuration member (for details, see Parmlib member IDICNFxx.

The specified data set name can contain MVS system symbols and must be allocated as a PDS(E) with LRECL=80 and RECFM=FB. The data set must be given universal READ access.

Fault Analyzer does not require the IBM ADFz Common Components IPVCNF00 parmlib member to exist, but it will attempt to process IPVCNF00 unless the NOIPVOPT value is set to 1 in the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module. For details, see Ignoring IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components options (NOIPVOPT).

To determine if the IPVCNF00 parmlib member exists, Fault Analyzer must have READ access to either:
  • The logical parmlib concatenation
  • A data set specified in the IBM ADFz Common Components IPVOPTLM configuration-options module
Otherwise, abend S913 and a message similar to ICH408I (depending on the security server) will occur.

For information about the IPVOPTLM configuration-options module and the IPVCNF00 parmlib member, see IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components: Customization Guide and User Guide.