Parmlib member IDICNFxx

Default options for the site are held in the parmlib member IDICNFxx, where xx is either:
  • 00
  • A value matching the current MVS symbol, &SYSCLONE.

    &SYSCLONE is a standard MVS system symbol that represents a unique one- or two-character system ID. Refer to MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for information about the MVS &SYSCLONE symbol.

    Using an IDICNF&SYSCLONE member name permits an installation to specify different options for each MVS image in a sysplex, while still using a common PARMLIB data set.

The initial search is for an IDICNF&SYSCLONE member name. If this member name is not found in any parmlib data set, then a search is made for an IDICNF00 member.

The IDICNFxx member can be created in SYS1.PARMLIB, or any other data set that is part of the logical parmlib concatenation.

All data sets in the logical parmlib concatenation must be given universal READ access.

Note: See Customize Fault Analyzer by using an IDIOPTLM configuration-options module if you do not want to place the IDICNFxx member in the logical parmlib concatenation but use an alternative data set instead.

If the IDICNFxx member does not exist, then Fault Analyzer uses the product-supplied default options. In real time, message IDI0018W is issued.

This is an example of an IDICNFxx parmlib member:
Figure 1. Sample IDICNFxx parmlib member
/* IBM Fault Analyzer Configuration                                  */

Exclude(TYPE(TSU))             /* Exclude TSO users                  */
Exclude(TYPE(STC) NAME(VTAM))  /* Exclude VTAM started task          */

RetainDump(AUTO)               /* Automatic dump retention           */

/* Data sets where installation application compiler listings are kept */
  IDIHIST (IDI.HIST)           /* Fault History file                 */
  IDILC   (MY.LISTING.C        /* C compiler listings                */
           XY.LISTING2.C)      /* more C compiler listings           */
  IDILCOB (APP1.LISTING.COBOL  /* COBOL compiler listings            */
           MY.LISTING.COBOL)   /* COBOL compiler listing for IVP     */
  IDILCOBO(APP2.LISTINGS)      /* OS/VS COBOL compiler listings      */
  IDILPLI (MY.LISTING.PLI    ) /* PL/I compiler listings             */
  IDILANGX(MY.IDILANGX)        /* LANGX files                        */
  IDIADATA(MY.SYSADATA)        /* SYSADATA files                     */
  IDIMAPS(IDI.SIDIMAPS)        /* Data area models                   */

A sample IDICNFxx parmlib member (which might not match the sample above) is available in the IDI.SIDISAM1 data set as member IDICNF00.

Note that only columns 1 - 71 of the IDICNFxx member are processed.

When installing Fault Analyzer, you must review the DataSets option in the IDICNF00 sample member:
  • If you have installed Fault Analyzer with a high-level qualifier other than IDI, then you must include the DataSets option with specification of data sets for these DDnames:
    • IDIDOC
  • If you have allocated your VSAM message and abend code explanation repository with a name other than IDI.IDIVSENU , then you must include the DataSets option with specification of the data set name for the IDIVSENU DDname.
  • If you have allocated your default history file with a name other than IDI.HIST, then you must include the DataSets option with specification of the data set name for the IDIHIST DDname.
For details on the DataSets option, see DataSets.

You can change the parmlib member whenever you need to. For example, you can change the parmlib member to exclude other types of jobs. However, you should adjust an option in the user options file if you only want to change an option for one job.

Various techniques for changing options for individual jobs are described in Where to specify options, Batch reanalysis options, and Interactive reanalysis options.

The individual options are explained in Option descriptions.

Note: If an IDICNFUM user-options module is used, it might replace the IDICNFxx default options. For details, refer to User-options module IDICNFUM.

The next sections briefly describe the function of some of the other Fault Analyzer options that you might want to consider specifying in the IDICNFxx parmlib member. However, if you are installing Fault Analyzer and merely want to reach a point at which the supplied IVP jobs can be run, then neither of these options are required.

In the remainder of this document, whenever references are made to the IDICNFxx parmlib member, it is implied that the name can be either IDICNF00, or IDICNF&SYSCLONE.