TLS for the Build Toolkit plug-in
During SAR creation, the Build Toolkit plug-in needs to connect to an instance of the ADFzCC server .
If your IPVSRV server is configured to require clients to connect using transport layer security (TLS), you will need to install the trust chain of your server’s digital certificate in the environment where the Build Toolkit runs.
The File Manager Build Toolkit plug-in uses the default trust store of the JVM environment in
which it runs, for example: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
If your default trust store does not already contain the Certificate Authority (CA) trust chain
of your server certificate, you will need to export your CA certificate chain and import it into the
default trust store. For example:
Certificate')) DSN(ADFZCC.CERT)
Note that there may be multiple certificates in the trust chain.
Once you have the CA certificates of your server certificate, you can import them into the JVM
default trust store using your preferred tooling. For example, using Java™
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit
-noprompt -alias ADFZCC -file C:\certs\adfzcc.cert
With the CA trust chain in place, the File Manager Build Toolkit plug-in will be able to establish a TLS connection with your IPVSRV server.