Changing the default options

Default processing options are supplied with FM/CICS in the module FMN3POPT. You can change these options to suit your installation requirements.

The first part of this module invokes the FMN0POPI macro and allows you to change options related to File Manager processing (for example, audit logging and the print data set). See File Manager options for a description of the available File Manager options and the values you can specify.

Any option changed in FMN3POPT will be used by the FM/CICS interface and when running the File Manager Base component interface under FM/CICS.

  1. If you have previously customized the File Manager Base function, the options specified in the FMN0POPT options module (not FMN3POPT) are used when running File Manager Base function under ISPF or batch. Therefore, if you want to run File Manager Base component under ISPF and FM/CICS with similar installation requirements, you must ensure that the options specified in FMN0POPT match the options specified in FMN3POPT.

    For example, if you want File Manager running through ISPF and FM/CICS to use the same audit log HLQ, ensure that the value specified for the AUDITHLQ option is identical in both FMN0POPT and FMN3POPT.

    If you do not plan to run File Manager Base function under ISPF or batch, then only FMN3POPT needs to be configured.

  2. When running FM/IMS through ISPF or through FM/CICS, all FM/IMS options are taken from FMN1POPT. Therefore you must ensure that the FM/IMS component is installed and configured to your requirements. See Customizing the FM/IMS installation options module for information about changing options in FMN1POPT.

The second part of the FMN3POPT options module invokes the FMN3POPI macro and allows you to change options specific to the CICS® environment.

You use the usermod FMN3UMDP to install your version of FMN3POPT. FMN3UMDP is distributed in FMN.SFMNSAM1.

The options you can change in FMN3POPI are:
  • The file name of the CICS® profile data set (PROF option).
  • The queue name of the transient data queue required for submission of CICS® batch jobs (QRDR option).
  • The transaction name for the user ID verification program (TRANVU option).
  • The queue name of the FM/CICS message log transient data queue (MSGL option).
  • The name of the transient data queue with a list of APPLIDs of connected CICS® regions (CONN option).
  • The FM/CICS start type (START option).
  • The transaction ID for FMN3CICS (TRAN option).
  • The port of ADFzCC server if START=TASK is specified (PORT option).
  • The host name of ADFzCC server (HOST option).

You change the options as follows:

  1. Copy the member FMN3POPT from FMN.SFMNSAM1 into your own source library.
  2. Change the options in FMN3POPT in your library, according to your requirements. For a description of the options in FMN3POPT, and the values you can specify, see File Manager options.
  3. Modify FMN3POPI in the copy of FMN3POPT in your library, if required. See FMN3POPI for information about FMN3POPI.
  4. Modify the FMN3UMDP member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the usermod for information about changes you might need to make.
  5. Install SMP/E usermod FMN3UMDP.
Note: You can also use the sample job FMN3POPH to assemble FMN3POPT if you do not want to use SMP/E.