Verifying the Japanese component

After you have completed all the necessary steps involved in the initial installation and customization of the File Manager Japanese component, you need to perform the following steps to verify your customization, before completing the installation process. You might need to refer to the File Manager for z/OS User’s Guide and Reference for IMS Data.

Note: The File Manager for z/OS® Japanese component requires the File Manager Base function product to have already been installed.
  1. Log on to a TSO user ID that is enabled to access and use File Manager. Ensure the ISPF terminal type is set to 3277KN or 3278KN in ISPF option 0.
  2. Start File Manager:
    • If you have added an option for File Manager to your ISPF Primary Options menu (see Adding File Manager to the ISPF menu), enter the option value you have assigned to File Manager and press Enter. For example, if you have assigned 'F' to File Manager, enter 'F' and press Enter.
    • If you defined File Manager to the ISPF command table (see Defining File Manager in an ISPF command table), verify that File Manager can be started by entering the command 'FM' on any ISPF command line.

    The English or Japanese File Manager Primary Option Menu is displayed. depending on the default defined.

    Note: The first time you use File Manager, a Copyright panel appears. After reading the panel text, press the Cancel key (PF12). In subsequent File Manager sessions, this panel will not automatically appear.
  3. If the English menu appears:
    • Check the ISPPLIB concatenation and ensure that the Japanese panel library (FMN.SFMNPJPN)) is allocated in front of the English panel library (FMN.SFMNPENU).
    • Check the ISPMLIB concatenation and ensure that the Japanese message library (FMN.SFMNMJPN) is allocated in front of the English message library (FMN.SFMNMENU).
  4. Enter ver on the command line to display the release level and PTF level of File Manager. If you are verifying the Japanese component, a panel is displayed similar to this:
    IBM File Manager for
                      z/OS Version 16 Release 1 Modification
    (not APF authorized)
    Service Levels of installed components
                 Base       IMS        DB2        CICS
    English      -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE
    Japanese     -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE-

    Check that the information displayed conforms with the level of File Manager that you are verifying. If you have not installed a component in Japanese (for example, you have not installed the FM/IMS Japanese component), that component will not be shown at all.

  5. Press the Exit key (PF3) to end the File Manager session and return to your ISPF menu.

You can now complete the installation of File Manager by performing the ACCEPT processing. The steps involved are described in the File Manager Program Directory.