Changing the print and display translation tables for languages other than English
If you plan to use File Manager with a national language other than English, you might need to provide print and display tables specific to your language.
You use the usermod FMNUMODX, and the member FMNTRTBS to do this. FMNUMODX and FMNTRTBS are distributed in FMN.SFMNSAM1.
A translation table is also provided for German. This is FMNTRDEU, which is distributed in FMN.SFMNMOD1. You can modify this table, if necessary, using the usermod FMNUMODG, which is distributed in FMN.SFMNSAM1.
A sample translation table is provided for Thai. This is FMNTRTHT, which is distributed in FMN.SFMNSAM1. To build the Thai translation table, copy this sample member to FMNTRTBS and use the usermod FMNUMODX.
This step is essential if you are using a DBCS language other than Japanese.
You do this as follows:
- Check that the terminal on which you want to display File Manager panels supports the display of special characters, or that the universal character buffer (UCB) of your printer has the characters you want to use.
- Change the File Manager options to specify PRTTRANS=ON. See Changing the default options for information on how to do this.
- If you are using any DBCS language, change the File Manager options to specify TERMTYPE=3270KN.
- Create a multicultural support version of the translation table
as follows:
- Copy the FMNTRTBS member from FMN.SFMNSAM1 into your own source library, with the name FMNTRyyy, where
yyy is one of the following language codes:
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Danish
- Upper case English
- Korean
- Swiss German
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Other
- Change the translation table definition statements in your source member, FMNTRyyy, in your source library, as
File Manager provides support under ISPF for command verbs and command keywords entered in lower or uppercase as long as they are valid SBCS-only strings, and the a - z codepoints in the host codepage used correspond to the standard EBCDIC a-z codepoints. If this is not the case, and you want to be able to enter lower or mixed case command verbs and command keywords, then you will need to modify the TRUPC translation table in FMNTRTBS, to specify the uppercase A - Z EBCDIC codepoints at locations corresponding to the a - z codepoints in the codepage used.
- Modify the FMNUMODX member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the usermod for information about changes you might need to make.
- Install SMP/E usermod FMNUMODX.
- Copy the FMNTRTBS member from FMN.SFMNSAM1 into your own source library, with the name FMNTRyyy, where
yyy is one of the following language codes: