Display formats

To determine which display format is best for your needs, review the display format descriptions below.

Character display format. This format is suitable for viewing or editing unstructured text that is composed of characters that can be entered via the keyboard.
                                   Record 0         Col 1          Format CHAR
****  Top of data  ****
       01 REC-TYPE01.                                                   0008000
          03 REC-TYPE              PIC XX.                              0009000
          03 NAME                  PIC X(20).                           0010000
Hexadecimal updown format, followed by a scale. This format uses separate lines; one for the characters, one for the zone digit and one for the numeric digit of each byte. Hexadecimal updown format is suitable for editing data that is composed of characters or values that cannot be entered via a keyboard or cannot be displayed. For example, you may want to use the HEX display format when editing DBCS characters or packed decimal numbers.
                                   Record 0         Col 1          Format HEX

****  Top of data  ****
       01 REC-TYPE01.                                                   0008000

          03 REC-TYPE              PIC XX.                              0009000
Unformatted hexadecimal. This format has been superceded by the HEX format. However, it has been retained within the product so that long-term users of File Manager can continue working with Hexadecimal characters in a familiar layout.
                                  Record 0         Col 1          Format LHEX
- - - - + - - - - 1 - - - - + - - - - 2 - - - - + - - - - 3 - - - - + - - - -
****  Top of data  ****

When in Zoom mode, the selected record displays as formatted hexadecimal and characters (system dump format). For example:

                                                    Col 1          Format LHEX
Record Length Byte ---------------- Hex -----------------   ------ Char ------
1          80 0000 40404040  404040F0  F140D9C5  C360E3E8   *       01 REC-TY*
              0010 D7C5F0F1  4B404040  40404040  40404040   *PE01.           *
              0020 40404040  40404040  40404040  40404040   *                *
              0030 40404040  40404040  40404040  40404040   *                *
              0040 40404040  40404040  F0F0F0F8  F0F0F0F0   *        00080000*
Single-record format (only available when using a template). Limits the display to a single record. Each field might take up one or more lines, depending upon the field information selected for display and the length of the field name. SNGL display format is suitable for viewing information that has been structured into fields and records, when you need to focus on a single record.
 View             FMN.V16R1M0.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA)                 Rec 1 of 40
                                                                    Format SNGL
                                   Top Line is 1    of 11    in Record 17
 Ref Field    Picture Typ Start   Len   Data
   1 1 REC-TYPE02
                      AN      1    80
   2  2 REC-TYPE
              XX      AN      1     2   02
   3  2 NAME  X(20)   AN      3    20   Bob McDonald
   4  2 JOB-TITLE
              X(14)   AN     23    14   Programmer
   5  2 ADDR1 X(20)   AN     37    20   67  Hampshire Road
   6  2 ADDR2 X(20)   AN     57    20   Parkwood
   7  2 POSTCODE
              X(4)    AN     77     4   4507
 ****  End of record  ****

This example shows the Ref (Field Reference), Field, Picture, Typ (Type), Start and Len (Length) columns, and the Field column contains structure information (copybook element level). The display of many of these columns is optional (the default is for them to be displayed).

To change the information displayed in SNGL mode, enter one of the following commands:

Left justifies the numeric fields
Displays or hides the Picture column
Displays or hides the Redefines information (within the Field column) and the redefined fields. This command also affects the display of the redefined fields in TABL display.
Displays or hides the Field References column
Displays or hides the Start column
Displays or hides the structure information in the Field column
Displays or hides the Type and Length columns
Displays or hides the CCSID column.

These are toggle commands that change the display from on to off or off to on, depending on the current status of the panel. The commands only affect the current editor session, they do not change the default settings.

To change the default settings for editor panel:

  1. Ensure that you are not currently in an editor session.
  2. Choose Options> Editor options from the Primary Options menu.
  3. Select or clear the following record formatting options for SNGL display or print in the relevant Editor Options panel:
    • Field reference number
    • Field type and length values
    • Picture clause
    • Start location
    • Structure
    • Left justify numeric fields
    • Redefined fields
Note: These options cannot be changed when you are in an editor session.
Tabular format (only available when using a template). Arranges fields in columns. This format is suitable for viewing information that has been structured into fields and records and you need to review multiple records.
#2       #3                            #4      #5       #6         #7
AN 1:2   AN 3:20                  BI 23:2 BI 25:2  PD 27:4    BI 31:4
<>       <---+----1----+---->     <---+-> <---+-> <---+--> <---+---->
01       Grant Smith                 7712      35    75000          6
01       Andrew Apple                6645      53    78500         30
In TABL display format, only one record type in the data set is displayed at any time. The column headings at the top of the screen reflect the fields in the current record type. There are three lines in the headings:
#n [R #n]
type start_column:length
<- … ->


Defaults to the field name defined in the copybook. You can change this by editing the template. For details, see Creating and editing templates.
#n [R #n]
The field reference. You use this to refer to the field in File Manager. For example, to limit the FIND primary command to searching only certain fields, you specify the field references for those fields.

If the field redefines another field, then this is shown by the “R” notation, followed by the field it redefines. For example, #5 [R #4] shows that this is field 5, which redefines field 4.

The field data type.
The field start column.
The field length.
<- … ->
Ruler, indicating the size of the field.

Records of other types are “suppressed” from display: they are either hidden or represented by shadow lines.

In CHAR, HEX and LHEX formats, and for alphanumeric fields in SNGL or TABL formats, characters that cannot be displayed (“non-displayable” characters) are represented as periods.

  • You can display hexadecimal values under your formatted field data by entering HEX ON on the Command line. For example, if you are viewing data in TABL display format and your display looks something like this:
    Order# # Items Date   Time   Seller  Buyer     (1)    (1)
    #6          #7 #9     #13       #18    #19     #31    #32
    A00001       1 900227 010101   1144     20      25   9999
    A00004       1 900310 100530   1144     10      15   0099
    then issuing the command HEX ON causes the hexadecimal representation to be displayed:
    Order# # Items Date   Time   Seller  Buyer     (1)    (1)
    #6          #7 #9     #13       #18    #19     #31    #32
    A00001       1 900227 010101   1144     20      25   9999
    CFFFFF   00001 FFFFFF FFFFFF   0014   0000    0001   0020
    100001   0000F 900227 010101   014F   002F    0009   007F
    A00004       1 900310 100530   1144     10      15   0099
    CFFFFF   00001 FFFFFF FFFFFF   0014   0000    0000   0006
    100004   0000F 900310 100530   014F   001F    000F   0003
  • If a numeric field contains data that cannot be correctly interpreted as a numeric value (for example, a packed decimal field contains invalid packed values), then the field is displayed as highlighted asterisks.
  • If a numeric field contains a valid numeric value, but the value is too large to fit in the width allocated to the field on the screen (as defined in the picture specification of the original copybook), then the value is truncated. The field is highlighted to indicate that truncation has occurred.

    To show the entire field without truncation, you need to edit the template, and specify an output width for the field.

  • If a field is a array element, then its field heading is followed by a subscript in parentheses; for example, ELEMENT(1).

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