Zooming in to see all of a record
In CHAR, HEX, or LHEX display format, if you want to show all of the data in a particular record without having to scroll left or right, you can “zoom in” by moving the cursor to the record, then pressing the Zoom function key (F2). File Manager limits the display to just that record, as shown in Zooming in on one record (CHAR display format).
The zoomed display automatically scrolls to the column that was shown in the Col field prior to zooming.
Process Options Help ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── View FMN.V16R1M0.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA) Rec 1 of 40 Col 1_________ Format CHAR Record Length Byte ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 40 80 1 02Grant Smith Developer 22 Montrose St Thor 61 nlie 6145 Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll PAGE F1=Help F2=Zoom F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F6=RChange F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
To zoom out, press the Zoom function key (F2) again. Zooming toggles between zooming in on one record and zooming out to show multiple records. When you zoom out, the display format returns to its setting prior to zooming in. For example, if you zoom in when the display format is CHAR, then change to SNGL, zooming out returns the display to CHAR format.
In SNGL or TABL display formats, when you zoom in on a record, just that record is displayed in “zoomed” SNGL display format, as shown in Zooming in on one record (“zoomed” SNGL display format). This format differs from “normal” SNGL display format, in that:
- In this display format, you cannot navigate between records.
In “un-zoomed” SNGL display format, you can navigate between records using the PREVIOUS and NEXT primary commands or Previous function key (F10) and Next function key (F11).
- When you view a record in “zoomed” SNGL display format,
File Manager displays all fields, regardless of whether or not they
were selected for display in the template.
Figure 2. Zooming in on one record (“zoomed” SNGL display format) Process Options Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── View FMN.V16R1M0.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA) Rec 1 of 40 Current type is REC-TYPE02 Zoom Format SNGL Top Line is 1 of 11 in Record 21 Ref Field Picture Typ Start Len Data 1 1 REC-TYPE02 AN 1 80 2 2 REC-TYPE XX AN 1 2 02 3 2 NAME X(20) AN 3 20 Grant Smith 4 2 JOB-TITLE X(14) AN 23 14 Developer 5 2 ADDR1 X(20) AN 37 20 22 Montrose St 6 2 ADDR2 X(20) AN 57 20 Thornlie 7 2 POSTCODE X(4) AN 77 4 6145 **** End of record **** Command ===> Scroll PAGE F1=Help F2=Zoom F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F12=Cancel
Note: SNGL view with the STR command active provides a view of your record structure that is identical to the ZOOM SNGL view and allows you to scroll between the records.In TABL or normal (“un-zoomed”) SNGL display format, File Manager only shows the fields selected for display in the template. For instance, in the example shown in Zooming in on one record (“zoomed” SNGL display format), if you edit the template to deselect the field JOB-TITLE, in “un-zoomed” SNGL display format the record looks like this:
Figure 3. SNGL format with unselected fields Process Options Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── View FMN.V16R1M0.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA) Rec 21 of 40 Current type is REC-TYPE02 Format SNGL Top Line is 1 of 7 in Record 21 Ref Field Picture Typ Start Len Data 2 REC-TYPE XX AN 1 2 02 3 NAME X(20) AN 3 20 Grant Smith 5 ADDR1 X(20) AN 37 20 22 Montrose St 6 ADDR2 X(20) AN 57 20 Thornlie 7 POSTCODE X(4) AN 77 4 6145 **** End of record **** Command ===> Scroll PAGE F1=Help F2=Zoom F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Previous F11=Next F12=Cancel
In TABL display format, zooming in automatically scrolls to the field that was at the left of the screen when the display format was TABL.
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