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Product Documentation
File Manager for z/OS®
User's Guide and Reference
PDF documentation
About this document
Summary of changes
Working with
File Manager
File Manager
XML definitions for a template
Support resources
Accessibility features for
File Manager
This version is no longer supported.
View the latest version.
A newer version of this product documentation is available.
View the latest version.
IBM File Manager for z/OS
Version 16.1.0
Version 15.1.7
Version 15.1.6
Version 15.1.5
Version 15.1.4
Version 15.1.3
Version 15.1.2
Version 15.1.1
Version 15.1.0
Version 14.1.22 EOS
Japanese / 日本語
File Manager
File Manager
EOJ (End of Job)
Go to Feedback
File Manager
Panels and fields
Primary commands
How to use this reference chapter
How to read the syntax diagrams
General tips about performance when you use
File Manager
File Manager
AUD (Print audit trail report)
BSF (Backward Space File)
BSR (Backward Space Record)
BT (Create Tape File)
BTB (Batch Template Build)
BTU (Batch Template Update)
CLM (Compare Load Module)
DEFV (Define VSAM Statements)
DP (Disk Print)
DRS (Disk Record Scan)
DSB (Data Set Browse)
DSC (Data Set Copy)
DSE (Data Set Edit)
DSEB (Data Set Edit Batch)
-- batch only
DSFA (Altering a data set)
DSFC (Allocate a data set)
DSFD (Delete a data set)
DSFR (Rename a data set)
DSG (Data Set Generate)
DSI (Data Set Information)
DSM (Data Set Compare)
DSP (Data Set Print)
DSU (Data Set Update)
-- batch only
DSV (Data Set View)
DSX (Data Set Extents)
DVT (Display VTOC)
EOJ (End of Job)
ERT (Erase Tape)
EVC (Exported Stacked Volume Copy)
EVL (Exported Stacked Volume List)
FCH (Find/Change)
FMT (Set DBCS Format)
FSF (Forward Space File)
FSR (Forward Space Record)
INT (Initialize Tape)
NOSORT (Disable the use of DFSORT)
ODL (Object Directory List)
OE (Object Erase)
OO (Object to Object)
OP (Object Print)
OS (Object to Sequential Data)
OV (Object to VSAM)
PBK (Print Copybook)
PWB (PDSE Workbench)
REW (Tape Rewind)
RUN (Tape Rewind-Unload)
SCS (Catalog Services)
SET (Set Processing Options)
SETCICS (Update the status of CICS® files)
-- batch only
SETRC (Set the job step return code)
SO (Sequential Data to Object)
ST (Sequential Data to Tape)
TLB (Tape Label Display)
TLT (Tape to Labeled Tape)
TMP (Tape Map)
TP (Tape Print)
TPEXP (Export template to XML)
TPIMP (Import template from XML)
TRS (Tape Record Scan)
TS (Tape to Sequential Data)
TT (Tape to Tape)
TTC (Tape to Tape Compare)
TTR (Tape to Tape Reblocked)
TV (Tape to VSAM)
TX (Tape to REXX Variable)
-- REXX only
VER (Display Service Level)
VLM (View Load Module)
VO (VSAM to Object)
VT (VSAM to Tape)
VX (VSAM to REXX Variable)
-- REXX only
WTM (Write Tape Mark)
XT (REXX Variable to Tape)
-- REXX only
XV (REXX Variable to VSAM)
-- REXX only
External REXX functions
RETURN return values
EOJ (End of Job)
File Manager
No parameters.
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