Example 4. EC command panel: select from history

This example shows selecting a command from the history list of previous change requests.

Enter EC to open the Enhanced Change Command panel.
   ┌───────────────────── Enhanced Change Command ─────────────────────┐        
 ─ │ FMNPCHNG ==>                                                      │ ────── 
 I │                                                                   │        
 O │ Command:                                                          │        
   │ Search                                                          + │        
 0 │ Replace def                                                     + │ RNEY   
 1 │ Options        Columns        Limits               Change         │ 46     
 2 │ _ 1 Prefix     _______ From   ________ MAXINREC      ISPF         │ 8      
 3 │   2 Suffix     _______ To     ________ MAXRECS       Memory       │        
 4 │   3 Word                      ________ FIRST                      │ LISH   
 5 │ Member  ________     _ Edit                                       │        
 6 │                                                                   │ F      
 7 │ Scope:                                                            │ ONED   
 9 │ Member  VSAM         _ Edit                                       │ 2      
 1 │ DDnames                                                         + │ GSA    
 1 │ DSNs .                                                          + │ F 7.1  
 1 │                                                                   │        
 1 │ Options:                                                          │        
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                             ISPF Pack  │        
 1 │   Immediate    Result    Parmlib    Proclib    1. Asis            │
 S │   Batch        Jobcard   Edit                  2. Skip            │
   │  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  │        
   │  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel    │ p      
 F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  

Place the cursor in the blank Search field and then press Enter. The History Change Commands panel is displayed.

 FMNPHCHG                   History Change Commands           Row 1 to 13 of 14 
 Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll CSR  
                                                                           P P A
                         O                                             I R A R T
                         P                                             M E R O C
   Search     Replace    T Member   Refer    DDnames  Data set names   M S M C H
 _ abc        def                                                              /
 _ a          b                                       dtorney.testpds           
 _ 'SETVAR '  ''                    SETVAR                                      
 _ GALEVEL    PFM17237                                IVP.V1R10M0.SERVE          
 s new        old                   VSAM                                        
 _ a          b                                       fmn.f2data.ksds           
 _                         ABCDEF   WEBINAR1                                    
 _ abc        def                                     dtorney.cntl              
 _ abc        def                                     dtorney.cntl     /       /
 _                         ABCDEF                     fmn.f2data                
 _ FMN.SCLMV1 FMN.SCLMV1                              fmn14svc.projdef          
 _ $TUTCMSG   $LEMSG                                  IVP18SVC.PROJDEF          
 _ ',@@FLMETP ',@@FLMETP            V14SQL                                      
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward   
  F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Type S next to one of the saved commands. Press Enter to return to the Enhanced Change Command panel with the attributes of the saved request already filled in.

   ┌───────────────────── Enhanced Change Command ─────────────────────┐        
 ─ │ FMNPCHNG ==>                                                      │ ────── 
 I │                                                                   │        
 O │ Command:                                                          │        
   │ Search  new                                                     + │        
 0 │ Replace old                                                     + │ RNEY   
 1 │ Options        Columns        Limits               Change         │ 46     
 2 │ _ 1 Prefix     _______ From   ________ MAXINREC      ISPF         │ 8      
 3 │   2 Suffix     _______ To     ________ MAXRECS       Memory       │        
 4 │   3 Word                      ________ FIRST                      │ LISH   
 5 │ Member  ________     _ Edit                                       │        
 6 │                                                                   │ F      
 7 │ Scope:                                                            │ ONED   
 9 │ Member  VSAM         _ Edit                                       │ 2      
 1 │ DDnames                                                         + │ GSA    
 1 │ DSNs .                                                          + │ F 7.1  
 1 │                                                                   │        
 1 │ Options:                                                          │        
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                             ISPF Pack  │        
 1 │   Directory    Drill     Result    Parmlib    Proclib    1. Asis  │
 S │   Batch        Jobcard   Edit                            2. Skip  │
   │  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  │        
   │  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel    │ p      
 F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  

Press Enter to rerun the change command.