Enhanced Change command panel
You can run all the options of the EChange command from the panel. File Manager maintains a history of the last 50 commands.
┌───────────────────── Enhanced Change Command ─────────────────────┐ ─ │ FMNPCHNG ==> │ ────── I │ │ O │ Command: │ │ Search + │ 0 │ Replace + │ ONED 1 │ Options Columns Limits Change │ 45 2 │ _ 1 Prefix _______ From ________ MAXINREC ISPF │ 8 3 │ 2 Suffix _______ To ________ MAXRECS Memory │ 4 │ 3 Word ________ FIRST │ LISH 5 │ Member ________ _ Edit │ 6 │ │ F 7 │ Scope: │ ONED 9 │ Member _ Edit │ 3 1 │ DDnames + │ GSA 1 │ DSNs . + │ F 7.4 1 │ │ 1 │ Options: │ 1 │ Enter "/" to select option ISPF Pack │ 1 │ Immediate Result Parmlib Proclib 1. Asis │ S │ Batch Jobcard Edit 2. Skip │ │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward │ │ F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel │ p F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Search
- See the string1 description for the EChange command. This
field is scrollable so you can use the F10, F11 (Left/Right), and F4 (Expand) keys to enter more
than the displayed width. Leaving this field blank with the cursor that is positioned on it will
display the history list of previous commands.
Process ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── File Manager History Search Commands Row 1 to 13 of 13 Command ===> Scroll CSR P P A O I R A R T P M E R O C Search Replace T Member Refer DDnames Data set names M S M C H ABCDEF _ 'SETVAR ' '' SETVAR _ GALEVEL PFM17237 IVP.V1R10M0.SERVE _ new old VSAM _ a b fmn.f2data.ksds _ ABCDEF WEBINAR1 _ abc def dtorney.cntl / / _ ABCDEF fmn.f2data _ FMN.SCLMV1 FMN.SCLMV1 fmn16svc.projdef _ '@@FLMETP, '@@FLMETP, V16PROJ ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
From this panel, you can select (S) a previous command to populate the command panel or delete (D) a previous command from the history. If you select a previous command and run it unchanged, that command is moved to the top of the history search commands.
- Replace
- See the string2 description for the EChange command. This field is scrollable so you can use the F10, F11 (Left/Right), and F4 (Expand) keys to enter more than the displayed width.
- String Options
- The default string matching option is character, but you can select Prefix, Suffix, or Word options. The details of the options are described in the field help. These options are the same options as available with the ISPF and File Manager editor FIND commands.
- Columns
- Use the from and to column numbers to limit the search area on a record as described for the ISPF editor and File Manager editor FIND commands.
- Limits
- Each field specifies a number. For a description of these fields refer to the MAXINREC(n), MAXRECS(n) and FIRST(n) parameters for the EChange command or press F1 with the cursor on the field.
- Change
- Use ISPF and Memory as follows:
- Enter / to enable the ISPF change behavior of compressing intermediate blanks in unquoted strings.
- Memory
- Enter / to perform a change in memory. The following changes occur:
- Opens the data set or member for input and reads all the records into memory.
- Supports record length changes when the search and replace strings are different lengths and the resultant length is less than or equal to the maximum logical record length of a variable length data set.
- Opens for output and writes all the records loaded back to the data set when a change is made.
Note:- This option is ignored for VSAM files.
- This option can be used to avoid the restrictions associated with opening the data set in UPDATE mode.
- The function is terminated if there is insufficient memory to load the entire member or data set into memory. A larger region size may be required.
- For compressed data sets, the change is always performed in memory.
- Memory processing performs slower than update in place.
- Member
- The change command member is found in the change command data set and contains one or more
change commands. You can list the members on your change command data set by placing the cursor on
this field and entering a blank or generic name. For a detailed description of the commands
available on the member list, see Enhanced Reference List panel.
To edit a non-generic or the selected member, select the Edit option. The change command data set will be created the first time you enter a member name in this field or attempt to list members on your change command data set. The member list will allow you to describe your change member for future reference. Each member should contain one change command per line.
- Scope
- The scope fields are the same as for enhanced search.Note: MQ and HFS resource names are not supported by the enhanced change facility.
- Options
- Immediate
- Enter / to perform the updates immediately. If you select this option, the enhanced change report will show the changes that have already been made. If the option is not selected the enhanced change report will show changes that will be made if you confirm the changes when exiting the report.
- Result
- Enter / to limit the search to the result of a previous search.
- Parmlib
- Enter / to include the current parmlib data sets in the search.
- Proclib
- Enter / to include the current system proclib data sets in the search. This parameter is for JES2 SDSF users only.
- Batch
- Enter / to generate JCL to run the enhanced search in a batch job.
- Jobcard
- Enter / to customize the File Manager job card that will be used for generating the JCL.
- Edit
- Enter / to change the default behavior of the Enter key from View to Edit on the resulting report.
- ISPF Pack
- This option controls the behavior when processing ISPF packed data. Select one of the following
options if your data sets contain packed data.
- 1. Asis
- If the input data set is packed, it will be unpacked before any processing.
- 2. Skip
- If the input data is packed, no processing will occur.
Leave this option blank when you do not want File Manager to check for packed records or unpack records for processing.
Note: This is recommended for improved performance.