You can define a new catalog entry, using an existing entry as
a model, or you can define a new entry without a model and specify
all of the required fields yourself. If you define a new non-VSAM
catalog entry, you must choose to either only define the catalog entry
or define the entry and allocate the data set.
define a new catalog entry using an existing catalog entry as a model:
In the Catalog Services panel:
Type the data set name (and optionally the catalog name) for the existing entry.
To run the define function in batch, select the Batch execution option.
Enter DEF on the Command line.
Press Enter.
If you are defining an alternate index for a VSAM file (AIX), you can also request that the newly defined AIX is built
following the define, or that an existing AIX is deleted, redefined and rebuilt. The define, build and redefine
functions are available for online and batch processing.
When you define an alternate index for a VSAM file (AIX),
File Manager displays a pop-up panel as shown in Catalog Services panel.
Figure 1. Catalog Services panel
Process Options Help
File Manager Catalog Services
More: +
blank List catalog entries A Alter catalog entry
DEF Define catalog entry DEL Delete catalog entry
I Display entry information P Print catalog entries
Data Set:
Data set name . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS4.AIX1'
Catalog ID . . ┌──────────── AIX Processing ─────────────┐
│ │
Processing Options: │ Select the type of AIX processing: │
Entry Type │ │
4 1. Any 6. │ 1. AIX define only │
2. Non-VSAM 7. │ 2. AIX define and build │ date
3. VSAM 8. │ 3. AIX redefine and rebuild │ e
4. AIX 9. │ │ space
5. Alias 10. │ Command ===> │
│ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit │
│ F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap │
Command ===> └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
Select the type of AIX® processing you want:
To define an AIX, select 1. AIX define only.
To define and build an AIX, select 2. AIX define and build.
To delete, recreate, and then rebuild an existing AIX, select 3. AIX redefine and rebuild.
A Define panel for the entry type
of your existing data set is displayed, containing the information
copied from your model. For example, if your existing data set was
a VSAM KSDS file, the VSAM Define panel is displayed.
Alter the contents of the Data set name field to specify
a new, unique data set name.
For the Catalog ID field:
If SMS is active on the system, the new value for the catalog
ID is copied from the model data set but prefixed with an asterisk
(*) to indicate a comment value. this value is ignored unless
you remove the asterisk.
If SMS is not active on the system, the catalog name is copied
from the model data set.
Do one of the following:
Blank the field out, to allow the system to assign your data set
using the catalog selection order for IDCAMS DEFINE.
Remove the asterisk (*) from the existing entry, to assign your data set to the same catalog.
If the specified catalog is
not the same as the related user catalog for this Entry type, a warning message is issued. You can Exit from the message
(F3) and change or blank out the catalog name, or you can press Enter to continue using the
initial catalog name. If you choose to continue, you need to supply the catalog name in all future searches for the
Specify an alternative Catalog ID.
For VSAM data sets, alter the component name or names, listed
under the Basic Information heading, to unique names suited to your
data set.
Blank out the component name or names listed
under the Basic Information heading. File Manager generates new component
names based upon the following AMS rules:
IF the last qualifier of the Entry data set name is CLUSTER, it
replaces the last qualifier with DATA for the data component and INDEX
for the index component. For example:
Generated data name = SALES.REGION2.DATA
Generated index name = SALES.REGION2.INDEX
ELSE if the cluster name is less than or equal to 38 characters,
then append .DATA to the end of the cluster name for the data component
and .INDEX for the index component. For example:
Cluster name: DEPT64.ASSET.INFO
Generated data name = DEPT64.ASSET.INFO.DATA
Generated index name = DEPT64.ASSET.INFO.INDEX
ELSE if the cluster name is between 39 and 42 characters inclusive,
then append .D to the end of the cluster name for the data component
and .I for the index component.
Generated index name = DEPTABCD.RESOURCE.REGION66.DATA1234.STUFF.I
ELSE if the name is longer than 42 characters, and
the last qualifier is not CLUSTER, use the first (N-1) qualifiers
of the cluster, alternate index, or user catalog name up to the first
four qualifiers, and append as many 8-character qualifiers as necessary
to produce a 5-qualifier name. For example:
Cluster name: DIV012.GROUP16.DEPT98.DAILYLOG.DEC1988.BACK
Generated data name = DIV012.GROUP16.DEPT98.DAILYLOG.TY7RESNO
Generated index name = DIV012.GROUP16.DEPT98.DAILYLOG.YIIQHNTR
After a
name is generated, AMS searches the catalog to ensure that the name
is unique. If a duplicate name is found, AMS continues generating
new names using the format outlined in 4.d until
a unique one is produced.
Alter any of the remaining parameters (copied from the existing
entry) to suit your new entry.
Press Enter to process your define request.
To define a new catalog entry without an existing catalog
entry as a model:
In the Catalog Services panel:
Type a new, unique data set name (and optionally a Catalog ID).
Select your Entry Type option.
To run the define function in batch, select the Batch execution option.
Enter DEF on the Command line.
If you are defining an alternate index for a VSAM file (AIX), you can also request that the newly defined AIX is built
following the define, or that an existing AIX is deleted, redefined and rebuilt. The define, build and redefine
functions are available for online and batch processing.
When you define an alternate index for a VSAM file (AIX),
File Manager displays a pop-up panel as shown in Catalog Services panel. Select the type of AIX processing you want:
To define an AIX, select 1. AIX define only.
To define and build an AIX, select 2. AIX define and build.
To delete, recreate, and then rebuild an existing AIX, select 3. AIX redefine and rebuild.
Press Enter.
You might be prompted to further
refine your entry type, depending on which Entry Type you selected.
Define panel for the entry type that you selected is displayed. If
this is the first catalog entry you have defined in your current session,
the fields in this panel are empty. If you have previously defined
a catalog entry with the same type, the field information is pre-filled
with the values last used in the panel.
Supply the required values and press Enter to process the define request. (File Manager prompts you to complete all of the required fields).