The following example shows how you can use the DSEB (Data Set Edit Batch) function to edit a
data set from a batch job (this example performs the editing “on itself”):
bot() /* Go to the last record */
rc = findprev('/+') /* Find the input sentinel */
If rc ¬= 0 then do /* We found it ok */
say 'We found it at' rc
up(1) /* backup a record */
outrec = change(inrec,'fred','john') /* change fred to john */
say 'inp-'inrec
say 'out-'outrec
update() /* and do the update */
rc = findprev('sentinel',40)
If rc ¬= 0 then do
outrec = change(inrec,'sentinel','marker ')
/* this is a comment with fred in it */
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