1 TMPDDLN=tm_name
Specifies the DDNAME to be used in JCL to reference the site-specific template library. tm_name can be up to eight characters, and must conform to standard job control conventions. This library contains the template statements that establish the default site policy.

Specify a value for this keyword if you want to implement a site-specific policy for templates.

The TMPDDLN keyword is optional. If no value is specified for TMPDDLN then no installation value will be used as a default. The FM/Db2 default (SYSTEMPL) will be used.

If you specify a value for TMPDDLN, also specify a value for at least STMJCL1. Using the STMJCL1 - STMJCL4 keywords, you can build a DDNAME concatenation that comprises up to four libraries. See STMJCL1, STMJCL2,STMJCL3, and STMJCL4.

For an example, see Examples of FMN2SSDM macros.