2.2.1! ,PROFILE
2.2.1 ,OFF
2.1 NONE
2.1  ( REQUIRED? ,SMF )
2.1  ( DEMAND? ,SMF )
Specifies the audit logging requirements for the Db2® subsystem defined by SSID. Note that this option is ignored when SAF-rule controlled auditing is active.
Disregards the setting of Create an audit trail in the editor options and no audit trail is produced.
If Create an audit trail in the editor options is selected, an audit trail is produced. If Create an audit trail is not selected, no audit trail is produced. The default is OPTIONAL.
If the suboperand SMF is specified, then if an audit trail is to be produced, it will be written to SMF. You can also optionally specify the suboperands PROFILE or OFF. In this case, the default is PROFILE.

When PROFILE is specified, FM/Db2 stores the current value of the Create an audit trail setting from the global options in the ISPF profile at the end of every FM/Db2 session.

When OFF is specified, FM/Db2 ignores any value for the Create an audit trail setting stored in the user's ISPF profile. At the start of every FM/Db2 session the Create an Audit trail option is reset to OFF. Changes made to the option using either the global options, or local edit options last for the life of the current FM/Db2 session only. This option may be useful when audit data is written to data sets, rather than SMF, and taking an audit trail is an exceptional, rather than normal activity, as it will minimize the number of audit data sets produced.

An audit trail is produced, regardless of the setting of Create an audit trail in the editor options. If AUDIT=(REQUIRED,SMF) is specified, then the audit trail is written to SMF.
An audit trail is produced, regardless of the setting of Create an audit trail in the editor options. An audit report job will be submitted at the conclusion of an edit function. If AUDIT=(DEMAND,SMF) is specified, then the audit trail is also written to SMF.
  1. If you specify SMF, you must also specify a value for the SMFNO option in FMN2POPT.
  2. The AUDIT option is active only when data is modified via the editor (view, browse or edit) or copy utility. The setting of this option will be ignored for any other File Manager function that allows data to be modified, and for data modified by the ISPF editor, even though this is from within File Manager.

    Auditing can be selectively disabled when using FM/Db2 view or browse by specifying AUDITBROWSE=N in the FMN2SSDM macro definition for a Db2® system. Specifying this option does not affect the audit records produced when using FM/Db2 edit. See AUDITBROWSE for information about AUDITBROWSE.