Primary commands

PDSE Workbench supports the following primary commands for working with member lists.


The DELETE command allows for the deletion of multiple members within a PDS or PDSE, depending on the keyword specified.

For the standard member list primary commands, see Available commands in Member Selection panel.

1 DELete
2.1 ALL
2.1 Orphan
2.1  Trim nnnn
Delete all members that match the member name filter, and any related aliases. Aliases are not deleted unless the primary member name also matches the member name filter.
Delete all orphaned members that match the member name filter. Orphan members are member generations without a current member. A current member is generation 0.
Retain up to the number of generations specified by nnnn. All other member generations that match the member name filter are deleted. This also applies to orphaned member generations and member generations that are not displayed because they exceed the generation limit.

nnnn must be in the range 0 to 2000000000.

Enter the DELETE command without any keywords to select the required DELETE option from a pop-up panel.


The HIDE primary command toggles the display of the input fields on the PDSE Workbench. Hiding the input fields maximizes the size of the member list. When the input fields are hidden, enter HIDE to show them again.

1 Hide