Using File Manager functions in REXX procedures or TSO clists

To call a File Manager function from a REXX procedure, use the following syntax:
FILEMGR "$function-name-parameters"
To call a File Manager function from a CLIST, use the following syntax:
FILEMGR $function-name-parameters
Join the parameter names and values with an equal sign or a blank. Separate these pairs with a comma or blank. For example:

Within a REXX procedure, all profile settings are taken from the installation defaults. For details on changing File Manager default profile settings, see File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide .


The following example shows a REXX procedure that uses File Manager functions.
Figure 1. Example REXX procedure using File Manager functions
/* REXX */
/* ***************************************************/
/* Example: Execute File Manager functions from REXX */
/* ***************************************************/
parse upper source environment.
/* List the catalog entries on the printout                        */
FILEMGR "$SCS FUNCTION=PRINT"   /* call SCS for the master catalog */
say "SCS return code:" RC
/* Provided the installation default for PRINTOUT is PRINTOUT=REXX */
/* then commands from this platform will be directed to the stem   */
/* variable FILEM.                                                 */
filem.0=0                       /* discard any previous output     */
                                /* call SCS for a user catalog     */
say "SCS return code:" RC
/* Display the FILEM.n variable contents                           */
SAY ">>> SCS output:"
DO i=1 to filem.0               /* process all printed lines       */
  SAY filem.i                   /* display the printline           */