EChange command syntax


Use the ISPF command you have setup with the following syntax:

1 EChange string1 string2
1?  col1 col2
3.1! CHARs
3.1 PREfix
3.1 SUFfix
3.1 WORD
2 FIRST(n)
3.1 ddname
2  /reference_member  RESULT ASIS SKIP PROCLIB
string1, string2
string1 is your search string. string2 is your replace string.

The search strings supported are those supported by the FCH function. So you can specify the string value in the form: X'hhhh' or C'ccccc' or P'pppp' , and so on.

Matches the search string anywhere in the data.
Matches the search string wherever it appears as a prefix in the data. To be a prefix, the matched text must be preceded by a non-alphanumeric character or be the start of a line or field, and must be followed by an alphanumeric character.
Matches the search string wherever it appears as a suffix in the data. To be a suffix, the matched text must be preceded by an alphanumeric character, and must be followed by a non-alphanumeric character or be the end of a line or field.
Matches the search string wherever it appears as a word in the data. To be a word, the matched text must be preceded by a non-alphanumeric character or be the start of a line or field, and must be followed by a non-alphanumeric character or be the end of a line or field.
Specifies the maximum number of total changes that can be performed within a single data set or PDS member.
Specifies the maximum number of records that can be changed within a single data set or PDS member.
Specifies the maximum number of changes that can be made within a single record.
This refers to a ddname that has been allocated to your TSO/ISPF session. You can specify one or more ddnames.
For example, EC abc def SYSPROC SYSEXEC will search SYSPROC and SYSEXEC DDs for the string abc and replace it with the string def.
This will search and change in the current PARMLIB data sets.
This will search and change the data sets specified in:
reference_dataset_name(reference_member) for the specified string.
Search and change will be restricted to the data sets and members or path names that matched the string on the previous search.
If the input data set is ISPF packed, it will be unpacked before any processing.
If the input data is ISPF packed, no processing will occur.
Search and change in the current system proclib data sets.
Restriction: This parameter is for JES2 users only. z/OS 2.2 SDSF is required on z/OS® systems earlier than V2.2.
Note: Enclose your search string in quotation marks if your string value conflicts with a keyword value.