2.1! FMN0
2.1 xxxxx
Specifies the first 1 - 5 characters of the dynamic PSB names used by FM/IMS functions.

This parameter is used by functions that run in BMP mode and also by functions that run in DLI mode.

For BMP mode, the dynamic PSB names are obtained by appending a 3-digit number to the value you specify in this parameter. The number can be in the range 001 to the number specified in the DYNPRFN parameter. For example, if you specify DYNPRFX=FMN and DYNPRFN=3, FM/IMS uses FMN001, FMN002, and FMN003 for the dynamic PSB names.

Note: If you want to run functions that use dynamic PSBs in BMP mode, you need to specify APPLCTN macro statements for each dynamic PSB name that FM/IMS is to use. (See Customizing IMS to support the use of dynamic PSBs in BMP mode.)

For DLI mode, the dynamic PSB names are obtained by appending '000' to the value you specify in this parameter. For example, if you specify DYNPRFX=FMN, FM/IMS uses FMN000 for the dynamic PSB name.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified on the FMN1POPI macro statement, FM/IMS uses either the value specified on the FMN1POPD macro statement (if specified on that statement), or FMN0 (otherwise).

The user cannot override the value you specify for this parameter.