ENV - Common exit environment information
Offsets | Type | Access | Len | Name and description | Note | |
Dec | Hex | |||||
0 | (0) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | VERSION
Parameter list version (currently 0005). Summary of changes:
4 | (4) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | EXIT_CALL_TYPE User exit call type
that indicates the type of exit being invoked as one of the following:
5 | (5) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | FAULT_ID Fault ID. For an End Processing user exit, and for a Notification user exit when a fault is a duplicate (NFY.NFYTYPE='N' or 'F'), this field contains the duplicate fault ID. For a Notification user exit when a fault is not a duplicate (NFY.NFYTYPE='C' or 'R'), this field contains the assigned fault ID. For all other exits, this field is not initialized. |
13 | (D) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | ABEND_DATE Date of abend in the format YYYY/MM/DD. |
23 | (17) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | ABEND_TIME Time of abend in the format HH:MM:SS (24-hour clock value). |
31 | (1F) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | REALTIME Real-time execution (Y/N). |
32 | (20) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | SYSTEM_NAME System name:
40 | (28) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | JOB_NAME Job/started task name. |
48 | (30) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | EXEC_PGM_NAME EXEC program name. |
See note 2 |
56 | (38) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | USER_ID User ID. |
See note 2 |
64 | (40) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | (Reserved) | |
68 | (44) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | ABEND_MODULE_NAME ABEND module name. This value identifies the module name where the initial (if more than one) abend occurred. |
76 | (4C) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | CICS_TRANSACTION_ID CICS® transaction ID. |
80 | (50) | CHAR | R/O | 5 | CICS_TASK_NUMBER CICS® task number. |
85 | (55) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | JOB_TYPE The type of job being analyzed
as one of the following:
86 | (56) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | JOB_CLASS Job execution class. |
See note 2 |
87 | (57) | CHAR | R/O | 3 | ACCOUNTING_FIELDS Number of job accounting fields (nnn) (from JCT ACTJNFLD). |
See note 2 |
90 | (5A) | CHAR | R/O | 144 | ACCOUNTING_INFO Job accounting information (from JCT ACTACCNT). For job accounting, this field contains a one-byte length field, followed by the content of the field (repeated as many times as the number of fields shown in ENV.ACCOUNTING_FIELDS). For
step accounting, this field contains these items (in order) for each
Any non-printable characters (such as the binary field length value) are shown as periods. |
See note 2 |
234 | (EA) | CHAR | R/W | 4 | USER_1
User field 1. This field can be used to pass information from one user exit to another. Fault Analyzer does not reinitialize this field between calls to user exits and no upper case translation is performed. Truncation by null character (X'00') of this field is not permitted. |
238 | (EE) | CHAR | R/W | 4 | USER_2 User field 2. Same as USER_1. |
242 | (F2) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | (Reserved) | |
243 | (F3) | CHAR | R/W | 1 | LOOPPROTECTION_OPT
LoopProtection option (Y/N).
Refer to LoopProtection for more information about this option. This option can be modified by any user exit. |
244 | (F4) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | (Reserved) | |
248 | (F8) | ADDRESS | R/O | 4 | WRITE_ROUTINE_EP Write routine entry-point address. |
252 | (FC) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | (Reserved. Always contains X'00000000') | |
256 | (100) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | INVOCATION_EXIT
The type of invocation exit used to invoke Fault Analyzer implicitly for real-time abend analysis, or explicitly using IDISNAP:
257 | (101) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | STEP_NAME Job/started task step name. |
See note 2 |
265 | (109) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | JOB_ID JES job ID. |
See note 2 |
273 | (111) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | IMS_PROGRAM_NAME IMS™ program name. This name is available if the environment has a DFSPRPX0 module loaded. |
See note 2 |
281 | (119) | CHAR | R/W | 8 | USER_NAME User name field. |
See note 5 |
289 | (121) | CHAR | R/W | 40 | USER_TITLE User title field. |
See note 5 |
329 | (149) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | APPLID Application ID. Only applicable to CICS® transaction faults (ENV.JOB_TYPE = C) and when ENV.VERSION is greater than 1, in which case it contains the associated CICS® APPLID. |
337 | (151) | CHAR | R/O | 4 | TERMID CICS® terminal ID. |
341 | (155) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | NETNAME CICS® terminal netname. |
349 | (15D) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | TCB_ADDRESS Analyzed TCB address. Note: The
TCB address for CICS® transaction
abends points to the QR TCB, which is no longer running the abending
transaction. |
357 | (165) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | CSA_ADDRESS CICS® CSA address. This field is only available for CICS® transaction abend or CICS® system dump analysis. |
365 | (16D) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | TCA_ADDRESS CICS® TCA address. This field is only available for CICS® transaction abend analysis. |
373 | (175) | CHAR | R/W | 44 | IDIHIST
Fault history file name. This field is not used for any IDIUTIL batch utility user exits. For all other user exit types, this field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to the history file name provided via the IDIHIST DDname (either preallocated or via the DataSets option). During real-time processing, an Analysis Control or End Processing user exit might choose to change this data set name to that of another history file, which is subsequently used instead. For all other user exit types or processing modes, this field is read-only. For a Notification user exit invoked for a duplicate fault (NFY.NFYTYPE='N' or 'F'), this name is the name of the history file in which the duplicate fault identified by ENV.FAULT_ID was found. |
417 | (1A1) | CHAR | R/O | 6 | ABEND_CODE The initial (or only) abend
423 | (1A7) | CHAR | R/O | 6 | CPU_HSECONDS Total CPU time used by Fault Analyzer in 1/100s of a second at the end of generating the analysis report. Note: This field is available for use with IDIUTIL batch utility user exits only, and data
is only provided for PDSE history files that are managed by the IDIS subsystem using the
PARM='UPDINDEX' option (see Caching of history file $$INDEX data). |
429 | (1AD) | CHAR | R/O | 9 | CICS_VRM CICS® release level in VnnRnnMnn format |
See note 3 |
438 | (1B6) | CHAR | R/O | 9 | DB2_VRM DB2® release level in VnnRnnMnn format |
See note 3 |
447 | (1BF) | CHAR | R/O | 9 | IMS_VRM IMS™ release level in VnnRnnMnn format |
See note 3 |
456 | (1C8) | CHAR | R/O | 9 | ZOS_VRM z/OS® release level in VnnRnnMnn format |
See note 3 |
465 | (1D1) | CHAR | R/W | 2 | LOCK_FLAG
Fault entry lock flag. The purpose of this flag is to provide a mechanism that prevents accidental deletion of the current fault entry. For more information about this flag, including specification of fault entry expiration control, see Viewing fault entry information. Changes to this field are only reflected in the history file fault entry when an Analysis Control user exit is invoked during real-time analysis processing, or when creating a new fault entry from interactive reanalysis of an MVS dump data set. By default, the lock flag is set to a blank, which does not prevent deletion of the fault entry. Any printable character can be specified for this field:
The final value of the lock flag is subject to any changes made by the IDIXLOCK lock flag control exit. See Controlling fault entry lock flag values. |
See note 5 |
467 | (1D3) | CHAR | R/O | 5 | DUPLICATE_COUNT Total number of duplicates, not including the current fault. This total is determined by accumulating all instances of duplicate recorded faults, in the same history file, going back as far as the NoDup(Normal(…)) time period in effect. Any recorded faults encountered whose duplicate criteria match the current fault account for one instance, and if duplicates have been recorded against the fault, the duplicate count of that fault are also added. |
472 | (1D8) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | POF_MODULE_NAME Point-of-failure module name. |
480 | (1E0) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | POF_MODULE_LKED_DATE Point-of-failure module link-edit date in the format YYYY/MM/DD. |
490 | (1EA) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | POF_MODULE_LKED_TIME Point-of-failure module link-edit time in the format HH:MM:SS. |
498 | (1F2) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | POF_CSECT_NAME
Point-of-failure program or CSECT name. If the program name length exceeds 8 characters, then this field will only contain the first 8 characters of the name. In this case, use the POF_LONG_PGM_NAME field instead. |
506 | (1FA) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | POF_CSECT_OFFSET Point-of-failure entry-point, program/CSECT or load module offset (decimal). |
516 | (204) | CHAR | R/O | 44 | POF_LOADED_FROM Data set name from where the point-of-failure program was loaded. |
560 | (230) | CHAR | R/O | 44 | EXEC_LOADED_FROM Data set name from where the EXEC program was loaded. |
604 | (25C) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | DUP_DATE Date of most recent duplicate fault in the format YYYY/MM/DD. |
614 | (266) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | DUP_TIME Time of most recent duplicate fault in the format HH:MM:SS (24-hour clock value). |
622 | (26E) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | GROUP_ID Security server default group ID. |
See note 2 |
630 | (276) | CHAR | R/O | 6 | INVOCATION_ABEND_CODE
The final (or only) abend code, which is the abend code for which Fault Analyzer was invoked:
636 | (27C) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | MINIDUMP_PAGES
Number of minidump pages (nnnnnnnnnn). Note: For real-time processing, more minidump pages resulting from storage
that is referenced during execution of a Formatting user exit are not included
in this value. |
646 | (286) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | IDIRLOAD_DD
The IDIRLOAD DDname. During initial RFR fault entry reanalysis initiated by an I or B line command on the Fault Entry List display, if the STEPLIB or JOBLIB data set concatenation was saved, then Fault Analyzer allocates the STEPLIB or JOBLIB concatenation to a system-generated DDname (SYSnnnnn) and initializes this field with that DDname. The purpose of this is to automatically facilitate the Binder CSECT mapping that could not be performed during the real-time analysis. In all other cases, this field is initialized by default to IDIRLOAD. An Analysis Control user exit may choose one of the following actions:
Upon return from the Analysis Control user exit, Fault Analyzer will use any data sets that are allocated to the DDname specified in this field as the IDIRLOAD allocation. For more information, see Using the IDIRLOAD DDname for CSECT mapping. Changes made to this field by user exit types other than Analysis Control are ignored. The specified DDname is not case sensitive. |
See note 1 |
654 | (28E) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | ABEND_REASON_CODE Hexadecimal reason code that is associated with ENV.ABEND_CODE. Available to all user exits that run following "Analysis" processing as per Fault Analyzer analysis exit points (IDIDA). |
662 | (296) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | LOCK_USERID The user ID who last changed the ENV.LOCK_FLAG field. |
670 | (29E) | CHAR | R/O | 10 | ORIGINAL_DATE Date of original fault in the format YYYY/MM/DD. |
See note 4 |
680 | (2A8) | CHAR | R/O | 8 | ORIGINAL_TIME Time of original fault in the format HH:MM:SS (24-hour clock value). |
See note 4 |
688 | (280) | CHAR | R/O | 1 | ASSOCIATED_DUMP_TYPE The type of dump data set associated with this fault entry, as one of the following:
689 | (281) | CHAR | R/O | 44 | ASSOCIATED_DUMP_DSN The name of the dump data set associated with this fault entry. |
733 | (2DD) | CHAR | R/O | 32 | POF_LONG_PGM_NAME
Point-of-failure long (up to 32 characters) program name. This field is only initialized if the program name length exceeds 8 characters. Otherwise, use the POF_CSECT_NAME field instead. |
765 | (2FD) | CHAR | R/O | 775 | (Reserved) |
- 1
- Not applicable to real-time processing.
- 2
- Not available to dump registration user exits.
- 3
- Not available at the time of calling the Analysis Control user exit.
- 4
- Only available if the fault is a duplicate.
- 5
- Updates are only saved in the fault entry during real-time processing when using exits that are invoked before report generation.