Setting up the message and abend code explanation repository

To enable Fault Analyzer message and abend code explanations, a VSAM cluster must be defined and initialized. This definition and initialization is done by submitting the sample job IDISVENU in the IDI.SIDISAM1 data set. If a name, other than the default name of IDISVENU is used, then it is necessary to specify the DataSets option with the IDIVSENU suboption containing the name to be used. For details, see Detail.

In installations that run different versions of both z/OS® and Fault Analyzer, consider using the &SYSR1 substitution symbol to specify the IDISVENU data set. For example:

Then allocate these VSAM data sets with the SYSRES VOLSER on the respective SYSRES volumes. That way, the IDICNFxx parmlib member DataSets specification of IDIVSENU is always correct, no matter which SYSRES volume is being IPL'ed from.

Ensure that all users have READ access to the data sets defaulted to, or specified using, the IDIDOC and IDIVSENU DDnames. Additionally, due to the occasional automatic updating of this file by the IDIS subsystem with corrections or new explanations, the IDIS subsystem should be granted UPDATE access to the IDISVENU VSAM KSDS data set.

For the Japanese feature of Fault Analyzer, an extra repository must be set up using sample job IDISVJPN in theIDI.SIDIXJPN data set. If a name, other than the default name of IDI.IDIVSJPN is used, then it is necessary to use the IDIVSJPN suboption of the DataSets option to specify the name to be used. For details, see Detail.

Ensure that all users have READ access to the data set defaulted to, or specified using, the IDIVSJPN DDname. Additionally, due to the occasional automatic updating of this file by the IDIS subsystem with corrections or new explanations, the IDIS subsystem should be granted UPDATE access to the IDIVSJPN VSAM KSDS data set.