
Figure 1. Syntax

1  RefresheXits ( + , 
2.1 END
1 (
1 exit name specification
1 ) )
exit name specification

1+ ,
2.1 exit_name
2.1  REXX ( + , exit_name )

The RefreshExits option specifies the types and names of user exits to be invoked during the first batch reanalysis of a dump registration fault entry. Any number of exit names can be specified for a given exit type, and all exits are attempted invoked.

Multiple specifications of the RefreshExits option are cumulative.

Exits can be either REXX EXECs or load modules:
  • REXX EXECs must be specified as
    REXX(exit_name_1exit_name_2, …)
    and be available via the IDIEXEC DDname.
  • Load module exits must be available via the standard system search path (LPA, LINKLIST, or JOBLIB/STEPLIB JCL statement).
The possible exit types are:
End Processing user exit. This exit can be used to request suppression of the Fault Analyzer minidump or the update of the entire history file entry. For details, see End Processing user exit (Fault entry refresh).
The exit name that is specified as exit_name can be any valid TSO/E REXX EXEC or load module name. However, certain names are reserved for special purposes:
The special name 'NONE' represents a 'null' exit that is not invoked and causes further attempts to invoke exits of the specified type to be terminated.
The special name '-DROPCNF-' is used to drop exit specifications from the IDICNFxx parmlib member. For details, see Dropping IDICNFxx parmlib member user exit specifications.

If one or more exits have been specified via the RefreshExits option, information about the exits is written to the Options in Effect section of the analysis report. In this section, all specified exits are listed, and those of each type that were invoked (if any) are identified.

An example of the information written to the Options in Effect section of the analysis report follows:

  The following user exits were specified via RefreshExits options.

  Type     Name     Type Invoked
  -------- -------- ---- ---------------------
  END      ABC1     LMOD Yes

This example indicates that a single End Processing user exit (ABC1) had been specified as a load module. This user exit was invoked.