Migrating from V14.1 to V15.1

This section provides information about changes to Fault Analyzer version 15.1 that you should be aware of if migrating from version 14.1.
  • Installation of the IDIXDCAP pre-dump exit is no longer supported via the IEAVTABX CSECT exit list. The IDIXDCAP must be installed as an IEAVTABX_EXIT dynamic exit. For details, see Installing the MVS change options/suppress dump exit IDIXDCAP.
  • XDUMPs are enabled by default. For details, see Extended minidump data set (XDUMP).
  • Previously deprecated options have been removed:
    • HistCols
    • InteractiveExitPromptSeconds
    • RDZClient
    • UseIDISTime
  • The IDIOPT1 SMP/E USERMOD (using a nonstandard LE parameter list separator character) has been deprecated. There is currently no replacement.
  • The IDIOPT2 SMP/E USERMOD (suppressing IDIXDCAP real-time analysis if prior exit RC=8) has been deprecated. The replacement is to use the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module PREVEXIT options field. For details, see Suppressing IDIXDCAP real-time analysis if prior exit RC=8 (PREVEXIT).