Available columns

The following lists the information displayed for each of the available columns:

Table 1. Fault entry list columns
Column label Data type Description
Fault_ID Character The ID assigned to the fault.
Abend Character The initial (if more than one) abend code.

For a fault entry created using IDISNAP, the abend code is shown as "SNAP".

Appl_ID Character The CICS application ID.
CICS_Trn Character The failing CICS transaction ID. This column is only applicable to CICS.
Class Character The job class in which the job was executing.
CPU_sec CPU seconds used at end of report processing during fault entry creation.
Date Date The date when the fault occurred in LOCALE-option dependent format.
Date_Time Date & Time This column is a combined Date and Time column with date and time values separated by a blank.
DTFJ_Status Character If applicable, the Java analysis DTFJ processing status:
  • Dump error
  • Pending
  • Started
  • Finished
  • Failed
Dups Integer The number of duplicate faults detected. See NoDup for details about duplicate determination.
Dup_Count Integer Deprecated. Use Dups instead.
Dup_Date Date The date when the most recent duplicate fault occurred in LOCALE-option dependent format. If no duplicates have occurred, then this date is set to the initial abend date (see Date).
Dup_Date_Time Date & Time This column is a combined Dup_Date and Dup_Time column with date and time values separated by a blank.
Dup_Time Character The time when the most recent duplicate fault occurred in LOCALE-option dependent format. If no duplicates have occurred, then this time is set to the initial abend time (see Time).
EXEC_Pgm Character The abending job step program name from the JCL EXEC PGM= parameter.
Group_ID Character The security server default group ID.
History_File_DSN Character The history file data set name containing the displayed fault entry.
I_Abend Character The abend code for which Fault Analyzer was invoked.

For a fault entry created using IDISNAP, the abend code is shown as "SNAP".

IMS_Pgm Character The IMS application program name for faults involving IMS.
Job/Tran Character For a CICS® transaction abend, this value is the CICS® transaction ID. Otherwise,it is the name of the job that abended. This column combines information from the Jobname and CICS_Trn columns.
Job_ID Character The JES job ID of the abending job.
Job_Type Character The abending job type as one of the following:
Batch job
CICS® transaction
CICS® system
Dump registration
Started task
TSO user
Jobname Character The name of the abending job.
Lock Character The fault entry lock flag. For information about the purpose of this flag. See Viewing fault entry information.
Locked Character Indicates the lock status of the current fault entry:
The fault entry is locked.
The fault entry is not locked.
Lock_Usr Character The user ID who last changed the Lock flag.
Minidump Character Indication of minidump availability as follows:
Minidump is available
Minidump is not available
Module Character The point-of-failure module name.

For dump registration fault entries, this value is the name of the module identified in the SVC dump header SDWA as the load module involved in the error. Following initial reanalysis and fault entry refresh, this value is updated to become the point-of-failure module name, which might be different.

MD_Pages Integer The number of minidump pages saved for the fault.
MVS_Dump Character Indication of MVS dump availability as follows:
MVS dump is available
MVS dump is not available
Note: This column indicates if an MVS dump data set was available at the time of abend. The associated MVS dump data might now be deleted or not exist on the system on which the fault entry is being displayed.
MVS_Dump_DSN Character The name of any associated MVS dump data set written at the same time as when the fault occurred.
Note: This column indicates if an MVS dump data set was available at the time of abend. The associated MVS dump data might now be deleted or not exist on the system on which the fault entry is being displayed.
Netname Character CICS® transaction netname.
Offset Hex The point-of-failure offset.
Program Character The point-of-failure program name. This column allows up to 8 character program names to be displayed. Program names longer than 8 characters will be truncated.
Stepname Character The job step name of the abending job.
Sys/Job Character For a CICS® transaction abend, this name is the CICS® job name. Otherwise, it is the ID of the system on which the job abended. This column combines information from the System and Jobname columns.
System Character The system ID on which the abend occurred.
Task Character The failing CICS® transaction task number. This column is only applicable to CICS® faults.
Term_ID Character CICS® transaction terminal ID.
Time Time The time when the fault occurred in LOCALE-option dependent format.
Tran_ID Character Deprecated. Use CICS_Trn instead.
User_ID Character For CICS® and for IMS message processing regions (MPP), the user ID that is associated with the abending transaction. Otherwise, the user ID that is associated with the abending job.
User_Title Character User-maintained title information. See Viewing fault entry information for details.
Username Character User-maintained name information. See Viewing fault entry information for details.