Using CFA from a CICS® terminal
To use the CFA transaction from a CICS® terminal, simply enter CFA. You can optionally pass a command parameter as described in Using CFA from an MVS console. The initial display is similar to the following:
Fault Analyzer Control Transaction
Options: I=Install U=Uninstall
Current Status/Error Message
_ XPCABND Installed
_ XDUREQ Installed
_ LE Exit Installed
_ SDUMP Screening Installed
_ XEIIN Uninstalled
Current HWM Setting MWS
Active 0000 0000 0002
Waiting 0000 0000 0020 0123
IDITRACE OFF DeferredReport ON
PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Opts PF5=Clear FND Area PF9=IVP PF11=TRACE ENTER=Update
Initially, the display shows the current status of the CICS® Fault Analyzer exit points, plus details of any active and waiting Fault Analyzer tasks. By entering an I or U (for Install or Uninstall) next to a specific exit point, its status can be changed accordingly. If there is an active analysis task (as shown in the example above), then a CICS® TASK FORCEPURGE can be issued for that task by entering an F in the input field next to the active task details. This function is only possible if CICS® transaction isolation is INACTIVE, or if ACTIVE, that the IDIXFA program is defined to have an EXECKEY of CICS®.
PF9 can be used to display a list of IVP tests. For details, see Verifying Fault Analyzer customization under CICS.
The PF11 function is described in IDITRACE under CICS.
For help information about a specific CICS® exit, press PF1 on the main panel with the cursor on an exit selection field.
Fault Analyzer Exit Options
Description Option Setting
Debug trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZZDEBUG . . . . . . OFF
Suppress Msg: IDI0034I . . . . . . . QUIET(IDI0034I) . . OFF
IDI0066I . . . . . . . QUIET(IDI0066I) . . OFF
IDI0118W . . . . . . . QUIET(IDI0118W) . . OFF
Transaction Dump Table Check . . . . CICSDUMPTABLEEXCLUDE OFF
Check MAX and Current values. . . . CheckMaxCurr OFF
Retain CICS dumps . . . . . . . . . . RETAINCICSDUMP . . . AUTO
Suppress dumps from EXEC CICS DUMP. IncludeExecCicsDump NO
Fast duplicate minutes . . . . . . . NODUP . . . . . . . 00000
Include EXEC CICS DUMP. . . . . . . IECD . . . . . . . . ON
Use signed-on user for analysis . . . CICSTRANANALYSISUSER NO
These options are updated each time a new fault entry is created to reflect the values that are in effect via the IDIOPTS DD statement or IDICNFxx parmlib member.