Creating test engines

You can configure additional test engines on a single agent to run multiple tests simultaneously.

About this task

To create a test engine:


  1. Double-click an existing agent in Architecture School Physical View. Agent configuration dialog
  2. Click Add (to add another test engine).

    Alternatively, click Rename to rename the selected engine or click Delete to delete the selected engine.

    Note: The rename check is case-insensitive. If you only change the capitalization of the resource name, the OK button in the Rename dialog is not enabled.
  3. Enter a name for the new test engine when prompted.
    Note: When you create a new test engine, the default instance is disabled.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.
    Note: The Agent.config file (which is located in Rational® Integration Tester Agent installation directory>\config) must be modified to include the engine names listed in the GUI.