Creating data verification points

You can create data verification points to test the data in your application. When you record the verification point, a baseline of the data is created. Every time you play back the script, the data is compared to check if any changes have occurred. This helps in identifying any mismatch in data.


  1. In the Insert Verification Point Data Command window, specify the verification point data.
  2. Select a value to create a verification point to verify properties of the fields as well as the screen. The following values are available:
    • All field properties: Checks host field attributes, such as text, highlight, underline, blink, start or end of row or column.
    • Non-static field values: Checks the text values on the current host screen by fields that cannot be modified.
  3. Check the text values in the current host window by fields that cannot be modified. Select one of the following choices:
    • Select One Property Verification Point: Enables checking only one property of the window.
    • Data Verification Point: Provides a quick and easy way of creating a verification point for often tested data such as OIA information and field text.
  4. Use the text recognition property with regular expressions to increase the flexibility of your script when defining a screen. The recognition properties are located as children of a specific window. For more information about the text recognition property, see the related topics.
  5. Playback the script.
    Note: While playing back the script, if any of the verification points fail, then edit the script or object map.

What to do next

When creating verification points for fields, you might encounter fields that are marked as hidden (the hidden attribute is set to true) that contain text. This text might be hidden on the host window (emulator) based on the login authority. If you create a field data verification point for a hidden field, even though the field is hidden and is not displayed on the host window, you will see the text that is in the field in field properties.