Stubbing settings for MQ transport
Specify the required stubbing mode and configure the queue settings for a transport for IBM® WebSphere® MQ.
By using the Stubbing tab, you can specify the stubbing settings.
Field/Check box | Description | ||||||||
Stubbing Mode |
Select one of the available modes for routing messages.
Note: There are no other configuration parameters to specify for the
Direct stub mode in this page.
Note: Stubbing takes priority over recording. If a stub is intercepting messages
for a queue, and if a recording session is also active for the queue, the stub processes the
message, and the message is not captured by the recording session. To specify a default stub mode for each
new WebSphere® MQ transport, do the following actions:
To enable sift-and-pass-through stubbing, create a diverted queue rules namelist for any Rational® Integration Tester API exits deployed on the queue manager. For more information, see Configuring a queue manager to support sift-and-pass-through stubbing. |
Stub Queue, Diverted Queue areas |
Sift-and-pass-through for
WebSphere® MQ requires two queues: a stub and a diverted queue. Both of these
queues are created automatically in dynamic mode but needs to be created in fixed mode.
If Use Sift &
Pass-through is clicked in the Stubbing Mode list, you can:
Pass-through queue |
If any of the Use Sift & Pass-through options are
selected as the stubbing mode, the transport is set to MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT option for opening the pass-through queue. |
Model Queue for Dynamic mode (Stub, Diverted queues) |
In Dynamic mode, the stub queue should be created from a model queue that creates a temporary dynamic queue. This is because only the stub needs to be able to read from this temporary queue, which must be deleted when the connection is closed. The diverted queue should be created as a permanent dynamic queue because multiple connections need to be able to read from, and write to, it. When a queue manager is created, suitable model queues are
Rational® Integration Tester uses temporary queues for recording. Select the Use Default Model Queue check box (by default, it is selected) if you want to specify SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE or SYSTEM.DURABLE.MODEL.QUEUE (as applicable) as the object from which to copy attributes. If you want to specify a different model queue, clear the Use Default Model Queue check box and enter a queue name in the Model Queue field. If you are using Rational® Integration Tester or later, the prefixes used by Rational® Integration Tester when creating WebSphere® MQ model queues for the sift-and-pass-through capability have been changed to be more consistent.
Suffix for Fixed mode (Stub, Diverted queues) | You must manually create the stub and the divert
queues with appropriate suffix before running the stub. By default, .STUB and .DIVERT suffix is
used by Rational®
Integration Tester for identifying these queues, which can be changed, if required. For example: To run a stub using queue |
Open Options (Stub, Diverted, Pass-through queues) |
You can override default
options when opening the queues. To specify a different open options:
Pass-through unhandled messages on stub completion |
To pass the queue messages that were not handled by the stub to the "real" queue, select this check box. Clear this check box to discard the queue messages that were not handled by the stub. |