Starting File Manager

For information about running File Manager in non-ISPF mode (batch processing), see Functions.

How you start File Manager in ISPF depends on how it has been installed on your system. Typically, File Manager is installed as an option on your z/OS® Primary Option Menu:

Figure 1. z/OS® Primary Option Menu panel showing File Manager option
   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
                            z/OS Primary Option Menu

 0  Settings      Terminal and user parameters
 1  View          View data
 2  Edit          Create or change source data
 3  Utilities     Perform utility functions
 4  Foreground    Interactive language processing
 5  Batch         Submit job for language processing
 6  Command       Enter TSO or Workstation commands
 7  Dialog Test   Perform dialog testing
 9  IBM Products  IBM program development products
 10 SCLM          SW Configuration Library Manager
 11 Workplace     ISPF Object/Action Workplace
 S  SDSF          Spool Display and Search Facility
 F  File Manager  File Manager for z/OS

      Enter X to Terminate using log/list defaults
 Option ===> F________________________________________________________________

To start File Manager:

  1. Select the File Manager option from the z/OS® Primary Option Menu.
    Note: If File Manager is not an option on your menu, ask your system administrator to explain the startup process used at your site.

    When you start File Manager, the File Manager Primary Option Menu is shown, with the current version information displayed in a pop-up message box.

    Figure 2. File Manager Primary Option Menu panel with version information
      Process   Options   Help
     File Manager                 Primary Option Menu
     0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : USERID
     1  View          View data                              System ID : FMD2
     2  Edit          Edit data                              Appl ID . : FMN
     3  Utilities     Perform utility functions              Version . : 16.1.0
     4  Tapes         Tape specific functions                Terminal. : 3278
     5  Disk/VSAM     Disk track and VSAM CI functions       Screen. . : 1
     6  OAM           Work with OAM objects                  Date. . . : 2024/01/01
     7  Templates     Create, edit, or update templates      Time. . . : 11:02
     8  HFS           Access Hierarchical File System
     9  WebSphere MQ  List, view and edit MQ data
     X  Exit          Terminate File Manager
    │ IBM* File Manager for z/OS Version 16 Release 1 Modification
                      0             │
    │ 5755-AB3 Base Component                                                   │
    │ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL**                           │
    │ (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1986, 2017 - All Rights Reserved.                 │
    │ (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2019, 2024 - All Rights Reserved.     │
    │ * Trademark of International Business Machines                            │
    │ ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited                                  │
     Command ===>
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
  2. Press Enter to close the version window.

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