File Manager messages


Function name unknown

An attempt was made to execute function name. name is not a valid File Manager function.
Check the spelling of the function name and retry with a valid function code.


Invalid command

This generic message is issued when an invalid command is detected.
Check the spelling of the command and check that the command is valid in the current context. Retry with a valid command.


Insufficient virtual storage available

File Manager does not have enough virtual storage to start or to continue the current function.

Run File Manager with a larger region size.


Function name is not supported in batch mode

You called a File Manager function that cannot be run in batch mode.

Use a different function, or invoke File Manager in a different mode.


Function name is not included in File Manager for z/OS®

You called a function that is not part of File Manager for z/OS®.


Function name is not supported in full-screen mode

You called a File Manager function that cannot be run in full-screen mode.

Use a different function, or invoke File Manager in a different mode.


Function name is not supported in command mode

You called a File Manager function that cannot be run in command mode.

Use a different function, or invoke File Manager in a different mode.


Function name is not supported in line mode

You called a File Manager function that cannot be run in line mode.

Use a different function, or invoke File Manager in a different mode.


Invalid command: command

This generic message is issued when an invalid command is detected. command is the invalid command.
Check the spelling of the command and check that the command is valid in the current context. Retry with a valid command.


The maximum limit of 255 Find and/or Change search strings has been exceeded

The maximum number of Find and Change search strings that can be specified is 255. The operation cannot be performed.
Specify 255 or fewer Find and Change search strings and then retry the operation.


Deselected segment name (Short). The segment name entered was recognized, but has been deselected by the current view (Long).

A valid segment name was specified, but the current view is not displaying that segment.
Change the view to examine the specified segment.


File Manager security setup failed - RACROUTE R15 X'nn', RC X'nn', RSCD X'nn',

File Manager is unable to get RACF® information via RACROUTE. For more information, refer to the RACROUTE return and reason codes.

Ensure that your RACF® environment is set up correctly. Refer to your RACF® documentation, the File Manager Program Directory, and the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


File Manager security setup failed - module 'FMNSECUR' not found in LPA

The security exit must exist in LPA.

Refer to the File Manager Program Directory and the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


Not authorized for function

Your user ID is not authorized to use the function that you specified.

If you need to use this function, contact your system support to enable your user ID for this function or function group. Refer to the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide .

To determine the resource permission required for the failing function, see Unprotected functions and profile names for protected functions in the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide .


Not authorized for fullpack access to VOLSER volser

Your user ID is not authorized to use the fullpack disk functions on the specified volser.

If you need to use fullpack disk functions, contact your system support to enable your user ID for fullpack access as described under “Customizing the Security Environment” in the File Manager Customization Guide.


Function name not supported in authorized mode

You invoked a function that cannot be run in authorized mode.

Invoke File Manager in unauthorized mode.


VOLSER xxxxxx too large for fullpack access

The volume xxxxxx is too large for fullpack disk functions. Fullpack disk functions are restricted to volumes with total capacity less than 65536 tracks.

Use a smaller disk


Panel display error rc for panel name

The panel cannot be displayed.

Save any system error information and contact your system support.


Not all stats available (Short). Some members were ignored because ISPF statistics were not available (Long).

This message is issued by the member selection code. ISPF statistics were not available for all members. This resulted in some members being ignored.


You cannot set this option with level field blank

The Set Offset option was selected, but no value was specified in the Level field. A Level value is required.
Specify a value for Level.


You cannot set this option with both level and field name blank

The Set Offset option was selected, but no value was specified in the Level or Field Name field. A value is required for both fields.
Specify a value for both the Level and Field Name fields.


WRITE(&dd) issued that would cause a re-open of a file with UNIT=AFF specified

The DD name referenced has been closed due to processing of another WRITE function that shares the same tape unit. This file cannot be re-opened once it has been closed.

Examine the logic in your procedure and correct the logic so that you are not writing to one file then the next file and then the previous file again.


VSAM Return code=rc Error code=error code

The requested CICS® I/O request failed against the selected CICS® resource. VSAM returned the listed return code and error code. Additional error messages may have been written to the CICS® or system log.

Look up the VSAM return and error codes in DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for further information.


File Manager profile save failed

File Manager was updating the profile and an error occurred.

Check the FMNPROF allocation or the FMNPROF specification in the installation profile. Refer to the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


File Manager profile not found or in error, defaults used

The File Manager installation or user profile was not found or is in error. The default values supplied by IBM® are used.

Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide.


File Manager profile parameter parameter=value unknown, defaults used

An invalid parameter was found in the File Manager installation profile. The default values supplied by IBM® are used.

Refer to the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


Profile error on or near 'parameter', File Manager defaults used

A syntax error was detected in the File Manager installation profile, in or near the indicated parameter. The job continues using the IBM®-supplied defaults.

Correct the user-supplied File Manager profile. Refer to the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


Required HOSTNAME parameter not specified.

A client on a system that supports IPv6 attempted to establish a connection with File Manager but did not pass the required HOSTNAME parameter.

Contact your system support.


IPV is not at the minimum required service level.

IPV is not at the minimum required service level to interface with your installed version of FM/CICS.

Upgrade IPV to the required service level and then rerun File Manager.


No User data associated with this section.

You have issued the load module I command against a control section that does not have any user data stored for it.



No text data associated with this section.

You have issued the load module S command against a control section that has no text data for this class.



RECLIMIT nnnnn start value exceeds nnnnn record length

The SET RECLIMIT processing option specifies a start position that is greater than the record length of the record you are trying to print.

Use the SET function and set the RECLIMIT start to a position within the record, then rerun the function.


REXX not available, printout routed to SYSPRINT

You specified SET PRINTOUT=REXX, but File Manager was not called from a REXX procedure. The print output is routed to SYSPRINT instead. (SET PRINTOUT=SYSPRINT).

Use SET PRINTOUT=REXX only when calling File Manager from a REXX procedure.


No Zap data associated with this section.

You have issued the load module Z command against a control section that has no ZAP data.



Missing or invalid control card

The message indicates an error in a control card. A subsequent message contains more information about the error.

Correct the control card and rerun the job.


Parameter parameter is missing

You omitted a required parameter.

Provide all required parameters.


Missing or invalid function code

You either omitted a function code or specified an invalid function code.

Provide the correct function code in the control statement.


Invalid syntax near card column nn

The syntax of the control statement is invalid. A scale is printed to help you find the error.

Correct the control statement.


Too many parameters

You might have specified excessive or duplicate parameters.

Remove excessive or duplicate parameters.


Parameters parameter1 and parameter2 are mutually exclusive

You specified two parameters that cannot be used together.

Provide the correct parameters.


Parameter parameter1 or parameter2 missing

You did not supply a required parameter.

Specify one of the indicated parameters.


Parameter parameter1 or parameter2 or parameter3 missing

You did not supply a required parameter.

Specify one of the indicated parameters.


Invalid continuation, syntax error near card column nn

An expected continuation of the control statement could not be found or contains invalid syntax.

Either remove the continuation indicator or correct the continuation card.


Unexpected end of parameter specification

The parameters for the File Manager invocation are terminated by a comma.

Correct the parameter specification for File Manager invocation.


IMS function requested and IMS component is not available

You have tried to use a File Manager/IMS function, but the FM/IMS load module, FMNMOD1, failed to load. This module might have been deleted or protected (for example, if the functions supported by this module are not needed at your installation).

If you need to use this function, contact your system support.


Db2® function requested and Db2® component is not available

You have tried to use a File Manager/Db2 function, but the FM/Db2 load module, FMNMOD2, failed to load. This module might have been deleted or protected (for example, if the functions supported by this module are not needed at your installation).

If you need to use this function, contact your system support.


Function funcname Return Code retcode

The execution of a File Manager external REXX function funcname returned retcode.

Check the return code and if necessary correct the File Manager function invocation.


Recall successful

A request to use DFSMShsm HRECALL to recall a data set was successful.



Recall failed, IKJEFTSR RC=ikjrc, RC=rc Reason=reason

A request to use DFSMShsm HRECALL to recall a data set failed. The attempt to run the command using IKJEFTSR gave return code ikjrc, and the command gave return code rc with reason code reason.

Refer to the IKJEFTSR return code in the z/OS TSO/E Programming Services collection and the return and reason code from the HRECALL command in the z/OS DFSMShsm Diagnosis collection in IBM® Knowledge Center.


Parameter parameter invalid or not applicable for this function

You specified an unknown parameter or a parameter that is not applicable for this function.

Correct the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Parameter parameter is ambiguous

File Manager cannot determine an abbreviated parameter that you specified.

Specify the full parameter name.


Value of parameter parameter missing

A value for the specified parameter could not be found.

Correct the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Extraneous parameter parameter ignored

You supplied a parameter that is not used by this function, or a duplicate parameter.

Remove the parameter from the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Invalid value for parameter parameter

You specified an incorrect value for a parameter.

Correct the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Value of parameter parameter too long

You specified an incorrect value for a parameter.

Correct the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Value out of range for parameter parameter

You specified an incorrect value for a parameter.

Correct the File Manager invocation or the control statement.


Invalid or inconsistent KEYLOC or KEYLEN value

The key length value and key location value that you specified would result in a key that does not fit into the record where it is to be used.

The key location, plus the key length, minus 1 must be less than or equal to the record length. (For example, if the key location is 50 and the key length is 10, the record length must be 59 or more.)

Change the key length, the key location, or both.


Increment value too high

The increment value does not fit within the key length specified.

Change increment or key length.


No print feature on SYSPUNCH device

You called a function that interprets punched cards, but your card punch cannot interpret cards.

Copy to cards without interpreting, or allocate SYSPUNCH to a card punch that has a print feature.


No Compiler options associated with this section

You have issued the load module O command against a control section where the compiler options cannot be determined.



ddname DD is allocated to a dummy device

There is no data set available for processing. File Manager cannot process dummy data sets.

Allocate a real data set, and rerun the function.


FMNIIPRT DD must be same unit as SYSPUNCH DD

The function you tried to use requires the FMNIIPRT DD to be allocated to the same device as SYSPUNCH.

Allocate FMNIIPRT with unit affinity to SYSPUNCH.


End of xxxxx tape sensed

The indicated tape is positioned at the end of the tape (that is, after the end-of-tape (EOT) mark). If the tape is a reel, it might be pulled off the feeding reel.

If the tape stops before its physical end, you can proceed with caution if required (for example to copy a broken tape to its physical end).


type="RDF" requires name="field name" attribute to be specified.

An XML template contains a <criteria type=”RDF”> element for REDEFINES criteria without the name=“field name” attribute to associate the criteria with a valid REDEFINES field name. The XML template cannot be processed, and the associated function will fail.
Add the attribute name=”field name” where field name is the name of a field with a REDEFINES clause or a field that is the target of a REDEFINES clause.


name="field name" attribute error. Level 1 field name invalid.

An XML template contains a <criteria type=“RDF” name=“field name”> element for redefines criteria. The field name specified is a level 1 field, which is not a valid redefines field.
Change the XML field name to a field that has a REDEFINES clause or a field that is the target of a REDEFINES clause.


name="field name" attribute error. Field must have or be the target of a REDEFINES clause.

An XML template contains a <criteria type=“RDF” name=“field name”> element for redefines criteria but the field name is not a valid redefines field.
Change the XML field name to a field that has a REDEFINES clause or a field that is the target of a REDEFINES clause.


End of xxxxx tape sensed, function terminated

The indicated tape is positioned at the end of the tape (that is, after the end-of-tape (EOT) mark). If the tape is a reel, it might be pulled off the feeding reel by subsequent forward processing of the tape.


Field must have or be the target of a REDEFINES clause

During a template edit session, the prefix commands CF and CR are only valid for redefines fields.
Issue the prefix command against fields that have a REDEFINES clause or are the target of a REDEFINES clause.


No redefines criteria for this field in the associated template

During an IMS view edit session, the prefix commands CF and CR are used for viewing redefines criteria that have been defined in the associated template. The field referenced by the prefix command does not have any redefines criteria.
Issue the prefix command against field references that are highlighted in red, indicating that redefines criteria exist in the associated template.


No "by field" expression for this field in the associated template

The prefix command CF or option 1 from a redefines criteria expression panel has been selected against a field in an IMS view. The expression in the associated template was entered in free format (CR command as opposed to CF command) so no by field display can be shown.
None. This expression cannot be viewed in by field format.


Unit unit does not support Erase Tape

You called the Erase Tape function, but the tape unit cannot perform the Erase Tape function.

Mount the tape on an IBM® 3400 tape unit (or its equivalent) to perform this function.


Error on xxxxx tape, ECB ecb, CSW csw, sense 0-6 sense

An error occurred on the indicated tape unit. If a read data check occurred, message FMNBA163 might follow.

Save the message text. Scan the console log for an I/O error message, and save it. If the error persists, give the message text to your system support.


Bypass record - B, ignore error - I, user correct - C

An error was found reading from an input tape.

Reply B to skip the record and read the next record. Reply I to use the record as it was read into the input buffer. Reply C to correct the record.


No EOD delimiter is set

You specified EOD as the number of files in a tape function, but you have not specified an EOD value with the SET function. There is no default EOD value for tapes.

Specify a different number of files or use the SET function to define an EOD delimiter.


Input record exceeds nnnnn byte buffer

File Manager could not allocate a buffer large enough for the record.

Rerun the function with more virtual storage.


nnnnn byte input block exceeds nnnnn byte buffer

File Manager could not allocate a buffer large enough for the block.

Rerun the function with more virtual storage.


No more data found on input tape

The end of data on an input tape has been reached. (If a data check occurs immediately after a tape mark, File Manager assumes that the end-of-data has been reached.)


Invalid element

The File Manager XML parser has detected one of the following:
  • Invalid XML where it was expecting to find an element definition.
  • An element definition that isn't valid for the current XML schema.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Invalid attribute for element <&ELEM>

The File Manager XML parser has detected one of the following:
  • Invalid XML where it was expecting to find an attribute definition.
  • An attribute definition that isn't valid for the current XML schema.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Duplicate attribute &ATTR specified for element &ELEM

The attribute &ATTR has been specified more than once for element &ELEM at the offset &nn.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


End tag missing for element &ELEM

Invalid XML - the expected end tag was not specified for element &ELEM.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


End tag invalid for element &ELEM

Invalid XML - an incorrect endtag for the specified element was found.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Invalid data beyond final end tag

Invalid XML - data found beyond final end tag.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Either the length of the XML or XML sent is in error. Correct the XML input and retry.


Severe internal error processing XML

This message is preceded by other messages that indicate what the severe error was. This is most likely to be an insufficient memory issue.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Analyze the preceding messages and action appropriately. You may need to contact IBM® Support.


Data around error: '&DATA'

This is an informational message to display the XML where the error was detected. Its is followed by FMNBA199 which has a vertical bar to the current position the parser was processing when the error occurred.


This message is followed by FMNBA199 which indicates where the error occurred. Analyze the preceding messages and action appropriately. You may need to contact IBM® Support.


Error occurred: '&DATA'

This informational message follows the FMNBA198 message to indicate the exact location of the error.


This message is preceded by FMNBA198, which displays data around where the error occurred. Analyze the preceding messages and action appropriately. You may need to contact IBM® Support.


Listing option changed to wide to support Text comparison

You have requested TEXT comparison without the wide listing option. This is an informational message to say the listing option has been changed to accommodate TEXT comparison.



&nn Control sections processed

This is an informational message produced by the view load module utility to document the number of control sections that were found.



Only the load module has been processed because the summary option is selected.

This is an informational message produced by the view load module utility. The message documents the summary information on the load module only and no details of CSECTs because the summary option has been selected.



No disk record found

The specified disk record does not exist on this track.

If appropriate, specify a lower disk record number.


No home address record

A home address record was not found at the specified disk location. This is probably a hardware error.

Rerun the function. If the problem recurs, contact your system support.


Should new EOF be written after this record? Y or N

The DRL function lets you change an end-of-file record into a record that has a KEY and DATA field (convert EOF to a data record).

If you want a new end-of-file record to follow this record, reply Y. Otherwise, enter N or U to exit the function.


Invalid element <&ELEM.> value: &VAL

Either an attribute value or the data value for the specified element are invalid.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. It may be preceded by messages giving more detail as to the specific problem. Correct the XML input and retry.


Invalid CDATA ']]>' missing <&ELEM.>

A CDATA tag has been provided but no end CDATA string was found.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Child element <&ELEM.> with wrong parent

The element specified is a child element, but has been specified with the wrong parent element.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


<&ELEM.> not specified

A required element has not been specified.


This message is followed by FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667, which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Library number &no exceeds number of <library> elements

A <member lib="&no" ...> value has been specified where the library number exceeds the number of <library>data set name </library> value provided previously.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Attribute &ATTR invalid value &VAL

The attribute value specified is invalid for the current element.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Template could not be updated - criteria would be lost

During template editing an update was requested by providing the <copybooks> ... </copybooks> tags. The copybooks provided deleted fields that were referenced previously in criteria in the template and the template cannot be updated without this criteria information being lost.


Change the template to remove the field references that have been deleted in the latest version of the copybooks or change the copybooks to include the required field references and retry the update. Alternatively you can specify the REPLACE=YES option to override the existing template.


id attribute not specified or invalid symbol number - &ID

The <layout> id attribute is either missing or the value specified is not a valid 01 symbol reference number in the template.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


related01="&ID." attribute specified invalid symbol number

The related01 attribute specifies a value that is not a valid 01 symbol reference number in the template for related ID. A related 01 must be a symbol reference of an 01 layout other than the current layout.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


type attribute not specified or invalid - &TYPE

The <criteria > tag has been specified without the required type attribute or the type attribute does not specify one of the following values: ID, RID or SEL.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


byfield="1" required for dynamic template

The <criteria > tag must specify byfield="1" attribute value for a dynamic template.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Only type="SEL" allowed for dynamic template.

The <criteria> tag must specify type="SEL". Any other type value is invalid.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Expression exceeds allowable length.

The specified expression causes the template segment block to exceed the maximum allowed 32760 bytes.


Reduce the expression length. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Expression error around offset &nn.

The specified expression is invalid. The offset provided is the byte location into the expression where the error was detected.


Check any preceding error message and correct the expression. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&REF is invalid for current layout - Should be in range &LOW to &HIGH.

The reference number specified on the <symbol> tag is invalid for the current layout. Must be a number in the range shown in the message.


Correct the reference number. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref out of order

When you are creating a dynamic template the symbols references must be provided in sequence starting from 2.


Correct the reference number. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref start valure required

When you are creating a dynamic template the start attribute must be specified.


Specify the start value. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref start value cannot be zero

When you are creating a dynamic template the start attribute value cannot be zero for non offset start values.


Provide a positive integer value for start or specify offset="1" on the <symbol > tag. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref Invalid type attribute.

When you are creating a dynamic template the type attribute must be one of these values:

Alphanumeric displayed in long hexadecimal
Varying character
Varying character null terminated
Packed decimal
Packed decimal
Zoned decimal
External floating point
Internal floating point
Bit string
Varying bit
Graphic string
Varying graphic


Specify a valid type attribute. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref Invalid length attribute.

When you are creating a dynamic template the length attribute must be one of these values:
Must be between 1 and 16.
Must be 1, 2, 4 or 8.
Must be between 1 and 32.
Must be 4 or 8.
Must be >6 and <24. The precision is the length minus 6. The scale is the precision minus 1.
DBCS strings
Must be an even number of bytes.


Specify a valid length attribute. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Output tape not positioned at load point or after EOF labels

The output tape is not positioned correctly to write a labeled data set. Valid positions are the load point and after another labeled file.

Ensure that the tape is positioned correctly and rerun the function, or rerun the function without label processing.


No xxxxxx label found on input tape

The tape indicated is not a standard label tape, or is not positioned correctly.

Mount a labeled tape. Position it at the data set you want to process and rerun the function, or rerun the function without label processing.


No xxxxxx label found on output tape

The output continuation volume is not a standard label tape.

Ensure that all output volumes are initialized with standard labels and rerun the function, or rerun the function without label processing.


Symbol ref=&ref heading too long.

The <heading> value cannot exceed 20 bytes in length.


Specify a shorter heading. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Symbol ref=&ref <createn> element invalid for non numeric symbol.

The <createn> value should not be specified for the current symbol because its not numeric.


Remove the <createn> element. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


element value too long

The value specified for the element exceeds the allowable length for this element.


Correct the length of the element data. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Element in conflict with previously specified elements or type

The element specified in the following FMNBA230 message cannot be specified here because it is dependant on specific attributes being set in a parent or it has exceeded the allowed occurrence number for this element. Here is a list of possible problems:

Template <scramble> specifications

  • <translate> has been specified without <scramble type="3"> being specified.
  • <range> has been specified and conflicts with <scramble> type or a dsn attribute.
  • <value> has been specified and conflicts with the <scramble> type or previous <range> specification.
  • <sval> has been specified when a value list is not expected. Normally indicates a <scramble> dsn attribute was specified.

Editor <hex> specification

  • <hex> tag has been specified more than once.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Required attributes not specified.

The element requires certain attributes to be specified as documented in the associated schema:

  • <translate> has been specified without incol, outcol or dsn attributes.
  • <range> has been specified without min or max attributes.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Scramble translate attribute requires translate element.

<scramble type="3"> has been specified and a <translate> element is then expected to specify the translate options. The <translate> element has not been specified.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


<criteria> must specify byfield="1" for <byline> to be valid

A <byline> element requires <criteria byfield="1"> and this has not been specified on the parent <criteria> element.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


<describe> exceeds maximum 5 elements.

Too many <describe> elements have been specified.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


template required - command cannot be processed.

A <describe> or <layout> element is being processed for a non-dynamic template and the TMPX session was invoked without a template.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


<copybooks> can only be specified for a copybook template

You have specified the <copybooks> element for a non-copybook or dynamic template.


Remove the <copybooks> element and children. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665, or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


related01="&ID." attribute specified without type="RID" attribute

A <criteria > element has been specified incorrectly. The type="RID" attribute must be specified if a related01 attribute has been specified.


Correct the XML to specify type="RID" attribute. This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Element has exceeded maximum occurrences

The element value as described in the following FMNBA230 message exceeds the maximum occurrences allowed for this element. See relevant schema.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Required element or child element not specified.

Either the element value or a required child element has not been specified. This is issued for the <replace> element when either <repfrom> or <repto> are missing, or when <repfrom> or <repto> element is specified without any data.


This message is followed by FMNBA230 to identify the element, and by messages FMNBA665 or FMNBA666 and FMNBA667 which display the line number and line text where the error occurred. Correct the XML input and retry.


Error on xxxxx tape, not a valid Exported Stacked Volume

The volume loaded for input to the EVC (copy) or EVL (list) function is not a valid Exported Stacked Volume. Either the volume has been corrupted or the wrong volume has been requested. Processing cannot continue.

Correct the input and retry the request.


Error on xxxxx tape, bad table of contents on input volume

The volume loaded for input to the EVC (copy) or EVL (list) function has a corrupted Table of Contents. Processing cannot continue.

Correct the input and retry the request.


Error logical volume xxxxx not found in TOC of volume vvvvvv

The volume loaded for input to the EVC (copy) or EVL (list) function does not contain the requested logical volume in its Table of Contents. Processing continues.

Correct the input and retry the request.


Error duplicate logical volume vvvvvv in request list

A duplicate logical volume name has been entered into the logical volume request list. Processing does not continue.

Correct the input and retry the request.


Output volume xxxxxx not long enough for logical volume vvvvvv

Output volume is not long enough to contain the logical volume being copied. This is a report line (not a message number) for the EVL list function.

Mount an output volume of suitable length.


Error code nn processing Exported Stacked Volume

An unexpected error occurred while processing the input Exported Stacked Volume. The error code nn gives an indication of the problem:
Initial input volume positioning error. Possible drive error.
Error processing header labels on input volume. Possible bad input volume.
Error during Exported Stacked Volume verification process. This is not a volume created by the VTS export function, or the volume has become corrupted.
Error reading the Table of Contents file from the Exported Stacked Volume. The Table of Contents file on the Exported Stacked Volume may be corrupted.
Logical volume could not be correctly located on the Exported Stacked Volume. The volume may be corrupted.
Logical volume could not be correctly located on the Exported Stacked Volume. The drive on which the input Exported Stacked Volume is mounted may not support the locate block CCW, or the volume may be corrupted.
Error during copy process. Possible drive error.
Error during listing process. Possible drive error.
Error positioning output volume. Possible drive error.
Internal VTS record format error. The volume may be corrupted.
Error writing to output volume. Possible drive error.
Unable to obtain storage for work areas. Error codes 90–92 indicate that the storage has been requested above the 16M line. Error code 93 indicates that the storage has been requested below the 16M line.
General copy error. See earlier message for more detailed error code.

Take corrective action according to the error code.


unit is invalid device for this function

The specified device has a type which cannot be used in the function you invoked. (For example, the input device for a disk function is a tape unit.)

Use a valid device for this function, or use a File Manager function appropriate for the device specified.


Data set dsname not found

No data set dsname was found on the unit specified, or in the VSAM catalog used.

Correct the data set name in the DD statement, in the File Manager invocation, or in the control statement.


No ddname DD statement supplied

ddname is a ddname referred by an INPUT or OUTPUT parameter, or any other ddname used by File Manager. Either the corresponding DD statement is missing, or the ddname was used and freed by a TLT function.

Correct the JCL or the INPUT or OUTPUT parameter, and rerun the job. To access a tape again after a TLT function, end the job step and continue with another step.


WARNING: dsname in use. function continues without exclusive control

You invoked a disk update function for a data set already in use by another task.

Ensure that your update request does not expose the data or the other task and continue, or run the function when the data set is available for exclusive control.


Data set request denied by SVC99 validation routine

A dynamic allocation request was rejected by your system's SVC99 validation routine. This is probably due to a restriction imposed by your system.

Contact your system support.


ddname DD open failed, ABEND code abend-reason

The data set or tape specified by ddname could not be opened.

Refer to the accompanying system message, and check the status of the data set or tape.


Invalid xxxxxx data set for function xxx

The function that you specified cannot be used with the data set that you specified. For example, a VSAM function cannot process a sequential data set.

Specify a function capable of processing the data. You can use basic disk functions to inspect data with unknown organization.


type data set ddname macro failed, ABEND code xxxx-xxx

The indicated operation failed for the indicated data set.

Check for any accompanying system messages, and refer to the appropriate system manual.


type data set ddname macro RC xxxx-xxxx

The indicated operation failed for the indicated data set.

Check for any accompanying system messages, and refer to the appropriate system manual.


No SYSPRINT DD statement supplied

By default, report output is written to SYSPRINT. Sections of the output can be directed instead to the following ddnames:

File Manager active options
$$FILEM command parameters and return codes
REXX procedure statements read from SYSIN
Command reports and return codes
TALLY summary report

If FMNPRINT is present in the JCL, it is used instead of SYSPRINT.

File Manager requires SYSPRINT to be allocated if alternate ddnames are not specified.

Specify either a SYSPRINT or FMNPRINT DD statement, then rerun the job.

Tip: If all of the special-purpose FMNRxxx ddnames are provided, SYSPRINT or FMNPRINT is not required. (This is the only case in which you do not need to specify SYSPRINT or FMNPRINT.)


EOV for xxxx failed, ABEND code xxxx-xxxx

An ABEND occurred during EOV processing for the indicated tape.

Check for any accompanying system messages, and refer to the appropriate system manual. If the problem persists, contact your system support.


SL and NON SL functions cannot be used in the same execution

The first function that was used on the tape volume required standard label processing, but the function you are trying to use requires non-standard label processing. The tape volume must be reallocated for non-standard label processing.

Allocate the tape for non-standard label processing and retry the function.


SL and NEW requested for NON SL function

The tape volume was allocated for standard label output processing, but the function you tried to use requires non-standard label processing.

Allocate the tape for non-standard label processing and retry the function.


Permanent I/O error on input|output ECB hhhhhhhh

An unexpected return code was returned for a read or write operation (where hhhhhhhh is the ECB value for the associated operation).

Refer to the corresponding system message for more information.


Permanent data check on input|output, CSW csw, sense code

This is probably a hardware error.

Refer to the hardware device reference manual for an interpretation of the CSW and the sense bytes.


Read error, incorrect block length on input/output

A block of the input/output data set does not correspond to the data set's format description from the VTOC or DD statement.

Change the DCB parameter of the DD and rerun the job, or try using a tape or disk function instead of a QSAM function to process this data set.


Block size (xxxx) invalid for FIXED, recsize output

The block size of a fixed unblocked data set must be the same as the record size.

Specify a different block size or a different record size.


Input data length (length) not multiple of recsize (recsize)

An input block or record has a length that is not equal to, or a multiple of, the output record size.

Correct the input specification or use the SET PAD processing option to adjust the input records.


Block size (nnnnn) exceeds maximum (max)

For a QSAM output function, you specified a block size greater than the maximum supported value.

Specify a smaller block size.


Record size (recsize) exceeds maximum (max)

A record exceeds the maximum record size allowed for the output data set. This message might be issued if an output data set has inconsistent RECSIZE and BLKSIZE parameters. For example:
  • RECFMOUT=VB and BLKSIZE is less than RECSIZE + 8
  • RECFMOUT=V, B, or DB, and BLKSIZE is less than RECSIZE + 4

Specify a smaller record size, or change the output data set definition.


Block size (blksize) not multiple of record size (recsize)

A block consists of one or more records. The block size must be the same as the record size, or a multiple of the record size.

Specify a different block size or a different record size.


Record size (nnnnn) invalid for FIXED,nnnnn output

The record size encountered is not compatible with the output specifications.

Correct the input or output specification or use the SET PAD processing option to adjust the input records.


Inconsistent record size (nnnnn) for FIXED,nnnnn input

The record size encountered is not compatible with the input specifications.

Correct the input or output specification.


Inconsistent record length field X'nnnnn'

While reading variable-length (blocked) input, File Manager found a data block whose record-length field contains either zero or a number greater than the physical length of the data block.

Correct the input data, limit processing to stop before the incorrect block, or correct the input specifications.


REXX variable var is empty

The indicated REXX variable does not contain a string, or is not defined.

Initialize the REXX variable in your procedure with the desired value before invoking File Manager.


REXX Stem count var invalid

The indicated REXX variable does not contain a valid number, or is not defined.

Initialize the REXX variable in your procedure with the correct stem count before invoking File Manager.


Incorrect block length field X'xxxx', block nnnn, length nnnn

The indicated block does not contain variable format data, or the value in the block descriptor field is different from the physical length of the data block.

Correct the input data, limit processing to stop before the incorrect block, or correct the input specifications.


Incorrect record length field X'xxxx', block nnnn, offset nnnn

The indicated block does not contain variable format data, or the value in a record descriptor field is invalid for deblocking.

Correct the input data, limit processing to stop before the incorrect block, or correct the input specifications.


Incorrect spanned record segmentation, block nnnn, record nnnn

The indicated block contains a segment of a variable spanned record which cannot be assembled to an entire record.

Correct the input data, limit processing to stop before the incorrect block, or correct the input specifications.


Key positioning not possible

You cannot specify a key position with control interval access or a NONINDEXED VSAM input.

Remove the key position specification.


Output data set not ESDS

You are using the TV function with the nfiles parameter, to copy more than one tape data set to a single VSAM data set. The output VSAM data set must be an entry-sequenced data set.

Specify an ESDS as the output data set.


Inconsistent key length or key position

You have copied records from one VSAM key-sequenced data set to another VSAM key-sequenced data set. The output data set has a different key position or key length than the input data set.

Check that you really intended to change the key position or key length.


VSAM macro RC rc, Error Code X'xx' yyy

A VSAM macro returned with an unexpected code. The message includes the failing macro, the return and error codes, and, for some errors, an additional explanation. For more information, refer to the documentation of your current release of VSAM.

X'xx' is, in hexadecimal:
  • The error byte of the ACB if OPEN or CLOSE failed
  • The error byte of the RPL if POINT, GET, or PUT failed
  • The contents of Register 0 if SHOWCB or TESTCB failed

yyy might present additional information about the error.

Take corrective action as described in the documentation for your current release of VSAM.


VSAM catalog RC nn, RSCD IGG0CLxx - nnn...

Catalog management returned these return and reason codes as a result of a catalog error or exceptional condition. For an explanation of these codes, refer to the documentation of the system message IDC3009I. If the error is related to a single catalog entry, the defective entry is flagged in the SCS output and the function continues.

Take the appropriate action based on the explanation of the codes.


Sub system name must be 1-4 bytes long

The subsystem name specified for the resource is longer than 4 bytes.
Correct the subsystem name.


Sub system name required

When defining an IMS or Db2® resource the subsystem name must be provided as part of the resource name.
For IMS the resource name is in the form I1:subsys:dbdname. For Db2® the resource name is in the form Ensure that the subsys component is specified.


LOCATION.OWNER.NAME value required

When defining a Db2® resource the object name is required.
For Db2® the resource name is in the form Ensure that the object name is specified correctly.


DBD name required

For IMS the resource name is in the form I1:subsys:dbdname. The dbdname has not been specified.
Specify a valid DBD name.


DBD name too long.

For IMS the resource name is in the form I1:subsys:dbdname. The dbdname must be 1 - 8 characters. The specified value exceeds 8 characters.
Specify a valid DBD name.


Invalid template type

The template specified must be an IMS view for an IMS resource, a Db2® template for a Db2® resource, or a base template for a Base resource (such as a data set, MQ queue, or HFS file).
Specify a valid template for the resource being defined.


Only supported from ISPF

The view option for an IMS or Db2® resource is only supported when running under ISPF. This operation cannot be performed from FM/CICS.
Use the ISPF interface to view the resource.


Masking on

The TESTMASK command or the editor MASK command has been issued, and this resulted in masking being turned on for the current edit or view session.
None. Information only.


Masking off

The TESTMASK command or the editor MASK command has been issued, and this resulted in masking being turned off for the current edit or view session.
None. Information only.


OPEN warning code X'xx' yyy. Continue ? Y or N

VSAM OPEN returned a warning code indicated in the message. File Manager lets you decide whether to ignore the condition or to exit from the function. For more information, refer to the documentation of your current release of VSAM.

Take corrective action as described in the documentation for your current release of VSAM. Enter Y to continue, or N to exit from the function.


OPEN warning code X'nn'(condition). Processing continues.

VSAM OPEN returned a warning condition. The reason code is documented in manual DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. File Manager attempts to continue processing.

Condition is a terse form of the explanation for some reason codes, as given by DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets as follows:
X'4C' previously interrupted
X'60' data set flagged unusable
X'64' Alternate index not built
X'68' time stamp mismatch
X'6C' time stamp mismatch
X'74' not properly closed

Consider the terse description and consult the DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for the OPEN reason code listed to determine if this condition is expected.


Recovery from invalid RBA (nnnnn) failed

VSAM rejected the RBA you entered. An attempt to locate the first record with a higher RBA also failed.

Enter an RBA matching the beginning of a record.


SHOWCAT for input|output data set failed, RC rc

A VSAM SHOWCAT macro failed (giving return code rc) while searching for information about the specified data set. For an explanation of these codes, refer to the documentation for your current release of VSAM. If the SHOWCAT macro failed for a VSAM alternate index operation, it might show incorrect return codes because of VSAM recovery action.

Take the appropriate action based on the explanation of the codes.


DIV req request error, RC nn, Reason Code rsn

A data-in-virtual macro has failed. The message includes the type of macro request and the reason code. For an explanation of the return code and reason code, refer to the documentation for your current release of your z/OS® system.

Take the appropriate action based on the explanation of the codes.


Input|Output tape on unit is vol1, not volser.

The tape that the operator mounted is not the volume requested.

Ensure that you are using the correct volumes, check for incorrectly specified volume serial numbers, and rerun the function.


Tape volume to be labeled on unit. Enter 'volser', Cancel - U

Standard label output was specified, but the named tape volume is not labeled. The system waits for a reply.

Enter a serial identification to be used for the volume, or enter U to cancel.


Unexpired file name date on tape unit,vol1. Ignore - I, Cancel - U

The expiration date on the volume mounted as the output tape was not reached. The system waits for a reply.

Ensure that the tape can be used for output and enter I to continue, or enter U to cancel.


Ready unit, then press ENTER

The unit unit is not ready. The system waits for a reply.

Ensure that the correct device is attached and assigned. Ready the device and press Enter. Enter QUIT, CANCEL, EXIT, or EOJ to terminate.


Manual unload/rewind detected on unit, press ENTER to rewind and continue

A manual operator intervention occurred on the indicated unit. The system waits for a reply.

Press Enter to rewind and continue, or enter QUIT, CANCEL, EXIT, or EOJ to terminate.


Line &NO Syntax error detected at column &COL in the following statement.

You are running a procedure with *FASTREXX ON specified and the procedure has failed FASTREXX syntax checking for the statement beginning at the line number specified. For continued statements the line number represents the first line for the statement. The column position is the position into the continued statement as printed. This message will be preceded by more detailed messages.


Check the preceding messages and correct the procedure. If this message is produced and a template expression is being run then an internal error has occurred and you need to contact IBM® Support.


Keyword being processed: &KWD

You are running a procedure with *FASTREXX ON specified and the procedure has failed FASTREXX syntax checking when processing the keyword referenced.


Check the preceding messages and correct the procedure.



This message is used to print the procedure statement (including continuations) that was being processed when the syntax error occurred, or to list the expected keywords when a keyword is processed that is not expected.


Check the preceding messages and correct the procedure.


Error - one of the following keyword expected.

This message indicates the keyword being processed is not expected and is followed by a list of expected keywords.


Check the following messages and correct the procedure.


The function is incomplete - no closing parenthesis found

A FASTREXX function has been coded incorrectly - a right parenthesis is missing.


Provide the missing parenthesis and rerun.


The condition is incomplete

A FASTREXX condition is incomplete - either the left hand side is expected or the right hand side has not been specified.


Correct the condition and rerun.


Incomplete DO levels in procedure - END statements required

A DO or SELECT statement does not have a matching END statement.


Provide the missing end statements and rerun.


Incomplete quoted string - closing quote/apostrophe required

A literal value has been coded that begins with a quotation mark or apostrophe and no ending quotation mark or apostrophe has been coded.


Provide the closing quotation mark or apostrophe and rerun.


Incomplete comment - closing */ required

A REXX comment is incomplete.


Provide the closing */ and rerun.


Invalid continuation comma on last statement in procedure

A comma has been coded as the last non blank character in the procedure.


Correct by either removing the comma or providing the continued statement and rerun.


Right parenthesis missing

A conditional statement has unbalanced left and right parenthesis.


Provide the same number of right and left parenthesis in the conditional statement referenced and rerun.


Invalid operator found in condition

The specified operator is not an operator that has is supported for FASTREXX processing.


Correct the operator to be valid REXX operator and rerun.


Keyword not supported for FASTREXX processing

The keyword is either a REXX keyword or external function that is not supported for FASTREXX processing.


Either change the keyword to an equivalent FASTREXX supported keyword or remove the *FASTREXX ON card to allow REXX to process.


Internal error - Format template ptr for & record type is zero.

The runtime control blocks for a Template have been corrupted and an expression that relies on them cannot be run.


Contact IBM® Support.


Internal error - FASTREXX Function &FUN not found in File Manager REXX function load module FMNRXFUN

FMNRXFUN load module is not the same level or version as the FMNMAIN load module.


Installation problem. Check where these load modules are being run from and ensure your job is loading the correct modules. Contact your systems programmer and check your installation.


Internal error - File Manager load modules FMNMAIN and FMNRXFUN are not at the same version/level

FMNRXFUN load module is not the same level or version as the FMNMAIN load module.


Installation problem. Check where these load modules are being run from and ensure your job is loading the correct modules. Contact your systems programmer and check your installation.


Function &FUN function call failed rc = &RC.

The specified function failed with the specified return code. This is normally a problem with the parameters passed to the function.


Check the preceding messages which should indicate the problem with the function parameters - correct and rerun.


SIGNAL statement has no label

A SIGNAL statement has been coded without a label value.


Provide the correct label value for the statement and rerun.


Internal function coded incorrectly.

This is an internal error that occurs running with a template. The internal function generated for the template expression is incorrect.


Contact IBM® Support.


Line &nn Expression always true at column &col in the following statement

Informational message to say the indicated condition is always true.


Correct the logic if required.


Line &nn Expression always false at column &col in the following statement

Informational message to say the indicated condition is always false.


Correct the logic if required.


logical value not 0 or 1

You have specified a constant for a condition and only a 0 or 1 maybe specified..


Correct the condition and rerun.


Field reference

This message may be produced when listing the expected keywords for message FMNBA423. It indicates that a field reference (#nn) is an allowed keyword.


Examine all related messages and correct the procedure accordingly.


SIGNAL &label statement unresolvable

A signal statement has referenced a label name that has not been coded in the procedure.


Either provide the label or correct the SIGNAL statement to refer to a valid label name and rerun.


No executable logic in procedure

The procedure is made up of non executable instructions and therefore cannot be run.


A procedure must have at least one statement that can be run to be a valid procedure.


SIGNAL &lab causes infinite loop

The SIGNAL &label causes an infinite loop because the specified label is the label for the SIGNAL instruction.


Correct the logic flow and rerun.


Constant - numeric or character

This message may be produced when listing the expected keywords for message FMNBA423. It indicates that a numeric or character literal is an allowed keyword.


Examine all related messages and correct the procedure accordingly.


File Manager external function

This message may be produced when listing the expected keywords for message FMNBA423. It indicates that a File Manager external function is an allowed keyword.


Examine all related messages and correct the procedure accordingly.


External CICS® interface program DFHXCIS cannot be loaded

DFHXCIS module cannot be loaded via an OS load service. Generally this means the cicshlq.SDFHEXCI has not been included in the TASKLIB, STEPLIB, or LINKLIST for the current File Manager function.


Check the File Manager setup. Make sure the cicshlq.SDFHEXCI load library is defined in the following ways depending on how you are using File Manager:
  • to the STEPLIB or the LINKLIST (for a TSO or batch session)
  • to the FMNLIB or LINKLIST for the ADFzCC server (when using the File Manager Eclipse plug-in or FM/CICS)
See Setting up CICS® access for File Manager Base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide.


External CICS® interface &FUNC failed Resp=&RESP, Reason=&REAS

File Manager has attempted to access a CICS® region using the external CICS® interface and has failed to perform the function &FUNC with the response code and reason codes shown in the message. This is normally indicative of a setup problem


Ensure that the steps documented in Setting up CICS® access for File Manager base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide have been performed. If they have been completed successfully then refer to the manual CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS® CICS External Interface Guide and search for the function documented in the message. The response and reason codes are documented. Check them and action accordingly or contact IBM® Support.


External CICS® interface - DPL CICS® LINK failed RESP=&RESP, RESP2=&RESP2, Abend=&ABCODE

File Manager has attempted to access a CICS® region using the external CICS® interface and has failed to perform the a DPL CICS® Link to the FMN3CICS program with the responses documented in the message. This would normally be a setup problem.


Ensure that the steps documented in Setting up CICS® access for File Manager base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide have been performed. If they have been completed successfully then refer to the CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS® CICS® External Interface Guide and search for the function documented in the message. The response and reason codes are documented. Check them and action accordingly or contact IBM® Support.


Failed to start server CICS® applid &CICS failed RC=&RC RESP=&RESP, RESP2=&RESP2

File Manager has attempted been unable to start a server task in the CICS® region requested.


This message precedes FMNBA462 messages which can be used to determine why the server task failed. Contact IBM® Support for more assistance.


Socket create failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1SOC to create a TCPIP socket has failed with the reason codes specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


Socket connect failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1CON to connect a socket to the CICS® region server task has failed with the reason codes specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


Send to CICS® applid &CICS failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1SND has failed to send data to the CICS® region for the reason code specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


Receive from CICS® applid &CICS failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1RCV has failed to receive data to the CICS® region for the reason code specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


Send failed for logoff command CICS® applid &CICS failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1SND has failed to send the logoff command to the CICS® region for the reason code specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


Socket close failed for CICS® applid &CICS failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1CLO has failed to close a socket that had been established with the CICS® region for the reason code specified.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual then contact IBM® Support.


CICS® server task failed to obtain port for CICS® applid &CICS®

File Manager has tried to initiate the FM transaction as a background server task in the specified CICS® system and the started task has either failed to respond within 25 seconds or has not been able to obtain a TCPIP PORT number to be used for the communications that follow.


Check the status of the CICS® region to ensure a task can be started and ensure the CICS® region has been set up for TCPIP communications. If the problem persists contact IBM® Support.



This message is preceded by FMNBA454 and contains the error message encountered by the server task during initialization processing.


Address the error described by the message text or contact IBM® Support.


Socket getaddrinfo failed Rc=&RC,Reason=&RSN

A UNIX System Service BPX1GAI has failed to get the address information using the PORT and host name provided by the CICS® region. A connection to the CICS® region cannot be performed.


Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes for the reason code in the message. If you cannot determine the problem from the manual, then contact IBM® Support.


No FMNCICS DD to produce CICS® Applid list

A generic or blank CICS® APPLID has been entered in the data set name field for a function that will attempt to produce a selection list of CICS® APPLIDs from the FMNCICS DD and the FMNCICS DD has not been allocated to the session.


Perform the step to set up the FMNCICS DD as documented in Setting up CICS® access for File Manager Base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide.


Invalid attributes for FMNCICS file must be fixed 80

The data set identified by the FMNCICS DD statement does not have a logical record length of 80 or is not fixed blocked.


Perform the step to set up the FMNCICS DD as documented in the Setting up CICS® access for File Manager Base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide.


Member name required in FMNCICS DD

FMNCICS DD refers to a PDS or PDSE and a member name has not been specified.


Specify the member name on the DD statement and rerun the function.


The FMNCICS DD has no records - no applid list can be produced

FMNCICS DD refers to an empty data set or member, so no generic selection list can be produced.


Edit the data set or member and provide a list of CICS® applids and descriptions as specified in Setting up CICS® access for File Manager Base component and Eclipse plug-in in the File Manager Customization Guide.


Authentication DD FMNAUTH not found and required for remote system access.

You are running a File Manager function in batch or keyword mode and it references a remote resource. File Manager requires the authentication data set that contains the remote definition allocated to the DD name FMNAUTH.


Provide a //FMNAUTH DD card for batch JCL or allocate the FMNAUTH DD if running under TSO to the appropriate authentication file.


Invalid attributes for FMNAUTH - required RECFM VB with LRECL >= &recl

A File Manager function is being processed that references a remote resource and the authentication file (DD FMNAUTH) points to a data set with invalid attributes. &recl is the minimum logical record length allowed.


Delete and allocate the authentication file with record format VB, and a LRECL greater than or equal to the value specified in the message. The data set organization can be physical sequential or partitioned. If a partitioned data set is specified then the allocation or JCL DD card must specify a member name.


Member name required in FMNAUTH DD.

A File Manager function is being processed that references a remote resource and the authentication file (DD FMNAUTH) points to a partitioned data set and a member name has not been provided with the data set name.


Provide a JCL DD or allocation for the DD FMAUTH that includes the appropriate member name.


FMNAUTH dataset - record &recno length &RECL too long

The authentication file contains invalid information. This may have been caused by editing the authentication file outside of File Manager or an internal error during File Manager processing.


If the file has not been changed outside of File Manager then report the problem to IBM® Support. File Manager will present you with a list of valid credentials if other records are valid. By making a change to the credentials presented File Manager should correct the authentication data set.


FMNAUTH dataset - record &RECNO contains corrupted data.

The authentication file contains invalid information. This may have been caused by editing the authentication file outside of File Manager or an internal error during File Manager processing.


If the file has not been changed outside of File Manager then report the problem to IBM® Support. File Manager will present you with a list of valid credentials if other records are valid. By making a change to the credentials presented File Manager should correct the authentication data set.


No selection was made for a remote system.

A list of remote system has been presented and no selection has been made.


Select an remote system or remove the remote identifier in the resource name.


Messages from remote system

The remote system processing produced messages which will be displayed after this message.


View the proceeding messages and take the appropriate action.


Messages from remote system

The remote system processing produced messages which will be displayed after this message.


View the proceeding messages and take the appropriate action.


Cannot connect to remote systems for this session.

This indicates that another task in the address space has a signal handler and File Manager will not be able to initialize a Language Environment® with POSIX(ON) which is required for the session to perform communications with a remote system.


Normally this applies to ISPF where another session has a language environment that has been initialized with POSIX(ON). You may have to exit that session and depending on whether the address space still appears to be in a dubbed state you may need to logoff and logon again.


No socket

You are running a File Manager function that references a remote resource. An error occurred when creating a socket to connect to a remote File Manager, which may be one of:

  • Permission to create a socket of the specified type or protocol is denied.
  • Resource temporarily unavailable.
  • There has been a network or transport failure.
  • Insufficient system resources are available to complete the call.
  • There was no NETWORK statement in the parmlib member to match the AF_INET domain.


This is primarily a TCPIP socket environmental error. Check that TCPIP is configured and operating normally in your environment. Check that the region size is large enough to support some buffer allocations for sockets.


Peer unresolvable

The named peer could not be resolved to an IP address.

Check the peer name is as intended.

Once confirmed that the peer name is correct, consult your TCPIP administrator to determine why the z/OS® resolver could not translate the name to an IP. One possibility is that name resolution from the z/OS® system being used may require a network suffix to be added to the name.


Peer connect fail.

When attempting to connect to a remote File Manager, the intended peer would not connect.

Check the peer name and port number correctly reflect a running common server on the remote system.

This error occurs when the name of the peer has been resolved, but the connect to the common server at the specified port did not succeed. Presuming that the TCPIP stack is working ok on your current system, then the most likely cause is that the common server is not running on the remote system, or there is a firewall blocking the port connection.


Check server

This message indicates that the remote address and port were contactable, however the response was not recognized. This can occur if the port specified is not that of a common server, or if the common server was stopping while attempting to connect to it.


Confirm that the port is the port of the remote common server. Also confirm that the remote common server is running. Lastly, check that no firewall is creating unexpected traffic on the intended port (e.g an unexpected firewall redirect or authorisation)


TLS Handshake failed

This message indicates the handshake between this machine and the target remote system did not complete.


Programmer Response: Most likely cause is that a setup step has been missed. The certificate of the remote system must be known to the local system for the handshake to complete. Consult the File Manager Customization Guide for the required steps to achieve this.


No signon message

The remote system server did not respond to the attempt to signon. This indicates an error with the remote system.


Investigate the remote system server.


Server does not have FM

The remote system server is not configured with an FM entry.


Check that the server name and port is correct. Otherwise complete the configuration of the server on the remote server to include a File Manager configuration.


Invalid password

The password given is not valid for the given user ID on the remote system.

Correct the password.



Invalid parameter

The remote server did not recognize a parameter while signing on. This indicates a configuration or level problem in the remote server.


Investigate the remote server configuration. Tracing may need to be activated on the remote server in order to identify and resolve the problem.


Server environment error

The remote server encountered a setup issue when attempting to process the user signon. Most likely the remote server is not running from a program controlled library.


Investigate the remote server configuration. Tracing may need to be activated on the remote server in order to identify and resolve the problem.


Expired password

The password for the specified user ID on the remote server is expired.

Reset or renew the password for the remote system.



New password no good

Check the password rules for the target system and respecify the new password.

Reset or renew the password for the remote system.



Server setup error

The target server has an authorisation problem and is not permitted to process the request.

Report to remote server administrator.

Check the SYSLOG of the target server. The most likely cause is that the user ID of the server is not permitted to the BPX.SERVER resource.


Unknown userid

The user ID specified is not known by the target system.

Check the user ID and remote server details and enter the correct details.



Unusable userid

The user ID was refused. Most likely it is revoked on the target system.

Check the user ID access on the remote system. Most likely a request to have the user ID resumed will be needed.



Unusable userid

The user ID was refused.

Check the user ID access on the remote system. Most likely a request to have the user ID resumed will be needed.

If the user ID can logon through other means, this indicates a setup problem with the remote server. Server tracing may need to be activated to help identify the problem.


Common client error

An error occurred invoking client.

If the available virtual storage in the region was low, release or increase the region size and retry.

If the problem persists, check the load libraries for FMNCL.


SSSARSN reason code &RC returned from IEFSSREQ Service request

A nonzero reason code has been returned from the IEFSSREQ service function SSOBSSMS. The reason code is documented in the IBM-supplied IEFSSSA macro.

Contact your systems programmer.


Cannot connect to Db2®, CAF request RC xx, Reason Code xx

File Manager failed to connect to Db2®. The indicated Call Attach Facility request did not complete successfully.

Contact your Db2® administrator.


Unexpected RC xx returned from IEFSSREQ request, token nnnnnn

A subsystem request to retrieve OAM storage group information from SMS failed with an unexpected return code.

Contact your system support.


Function terminated by OAM environment error

File Manager failed to establish connection with OAM.

Contact system support.


OAM req failed, RC rc, Reason Code rsn

The requested OAM function failed.

For an explanation of the return code and reason code, refer to the documentation for your current release of z/OS®.


Directory request failed, Db2® not accessible

The requested OAM function failed. File Manager could not access Db2®.

Contact your Db2® administrator.


Directory request failed, Db2® privilege not granted

Your user ID is not authorized to access the object directory tables as required.

Contact your Db2® administrator. For a list of tables, refer to the File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide.


Directory request failed, unexpected SQL RC rc

The requested OAM function failed. An unexpected return code was received from SQL.

Contact your Db2® administrator.


OAM STORE failed, collection not found or definition denied

An OSREQ STORE request failed because the target collection could not be found, or the user is not authorized to define a new one.

Check your installation SMS specifications for correct class values if necessary.


Directory request failed with RC rc, trying again...

The requested OAM function failed with an SQL return code indicating a locked Db2® resource. This is an information message only. File Manager continues and reissues the SQL request.


Directory request failed with SQL RC rc, Db2® resource locked

The requested OAM function failed with an SQL return code indicating a locked Db2® resource.

Rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your Db2® administrator.


Skip count exceeds bytes byte object size

You asked to skip more bytes than the object contains. You have effectively asked File Manager not to print any data.

Specify a lower skip count value.


No object header found on input, specify collection and object name

The input data did not contain object header records, thus no defaults for collection and object name are available.

Specify the collection and object name and rerun the function. To create input data with header records, use functions OS or OV with the HEADER option.


STOR/MGMT class value overridden by defaults

An OSREQ STORE has completed, but it could not use the Storage Class or Management Class that you specified. Default values for the collection were used instead.

Check your installation SMS specifications for correct class values if necessary.


Input data not in object dump format

An input record was found with unexpected contents, or end of input occurred before the end of an object.

Correct the input data and rerun the function.


nnn object(s) could not be dumped

Backup of one or more objects failed. File Manager issues this message at the end of the function. Message FMNBA200 shows the OAM error information for each failing object.

Check the File Manager output for message FMNBA200 and take appropriate actions.


Migrate successful

A request to use DFSMShsm HMIGRATE to migrate a data set was successful.



Migrate failed, IKJEFTSR RC=ikjrc, RC=rc Reason=reason

A request to use DFSMShsm HMIGRATE to migrate a data set failed. The attempt to run the command using IKJEFTSR gave return code ikjrc, and the command gave return code rc with reason code reason.

Refer to the IKJEFTSR return code in the z/OS TSO/E Programming Services collection and the return and reason code from the HMIGRATE command in the z/OS DFSMShsm Diagnosis collection in IBM® Knowledge Center.


Format of DB field incorrect at offset nnnnn

The format of the indicated double-byte character set field is incorrect. File Manager found a double-byte field that has an odd length.

File Manager issues this message for only the first incorrect field it finds. It prints this message at the end of the record, and replaces the last character with an EBCDIC blank (X'40'). The function continues.


Mixed field ends before end of DB subfield at offset nnnnn

The double-byte character set (DBCS) subfield, at the offset shown, was not reset at the end of a mixed DBCS and EBCDIC field. For example, there might be no shift in (X'0F') character marking the end of a double-byte field in mixed DBCS and EBCDIC data.

File Manager issues this message for only the first incorrect field it finds. It prints this message at the end of the record. The function continues.

Correct the field definition in the FMT command. Rerun the function.


One or more records with incorrect DB fields found

File Manager has detected incorrect double-byte character set fields in one or more records.

File Manager prints this message at the end of the listing. It indicates that File Manager issued one or more error messages. The function continues.

Check the listing for message FMNBA590 or FMNBA591 to find the incorrect record.


Minimum requirement to run this level of File Manager is z/OS®

To run File Manager for z/OS® V16R1, you need z/OS®.

You cannot run File Manager on your system.


Minimum requirement to run File Manager is DFP 3.3

To run File Manager for z/OS® , you need MVS/DFP Version 3 Release 3 or later.

You cannot run File Manager on your system.


Load of module 'name' failed, module not found

File Manager cannot find a module which is required for your File Manager invocation. This module might have been deleted or protected (for example, if the functions supported by this module are not needed at your installation).

If you need to use this function, contact your system support.


Successfully recovered from ABEND

An ABEND occurred while File Manager was running. Depending on the circumstances, a dump might be produced.

Check for any system error or File Manager message and take corrective actions. If the problem persists, contact your system support.



File Manager encountered an internal problem. The error is identified by the File Manager error code.

Contact your system support.



An abend occurred while File Manager was running. code is the z/OS® abend code; reason contains additional information that is available for some cancel codes and abend codes.

Refer to the documentation for your current release of the z/OS® system.


Load of module xxxxxxxx failed, ABEND code nnnn-nnn

An attempt to load the specified module failed with an unexpected error. nnnn-nnn is the z/OS® ABEND and REASON code.

Refer to the accompanying system message or the system code, and take appropriate action.


Access to REXX variable pool failed, xxx R15 nn

During an attempt to establish connection with the REXX variable pool system services failed.

Contact your system support.


Unexpected code returned from REXX variable interface, RC nn

During an attempt to read from or write to the REXX variable pool the REXX system interface returned an unexpected result.

Contact your system support.


I/O error on unit, ECB ecb, CSW csw, sense 0-3 sense

An unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the indicated device.

Ensure that you are using the correct device, and that it is set online correctly. Scan the console log for an I/O error message, and save it. If the error persists, give the message text to your system support.


XML input data set must be sequential.

This is issued when the XML input is not on a sequential data set or not a member in PDS or PDSE. The data set organization is not supported.


Change the XML input so it is coming from a sequential data set or a member of a PDS or PDSE and rerun the job.


name=&NAM attribute error. Invalid 01 name

Either the <layout name='value'> or the <criteria rname='value'> have referred to a field name that cannot be matched to an 01 layout name in the current template.


Change the name or rname value to be a valid 01 name for the current template.


copybook=&CPY attribute error. Name cannot be matched or previously processed

The copybook attribute of the <layout> element refers to a 1 - 8 byte copybook member name. This member must be a valid copybook that was used to build the template. The <layout copybook='&CPY'> can only be repeated for the number of 01s in the referenced copybook. You have either specified a copybook name that isn't referenced in this template or you have repeated the definition more times than the number of 01 layouts referenced in this copybook.


If you are updating an old template (REPLACE=NO) and you haven't specified <copybooks> then you may need to rebuild this template so the copybook names can be used for the <layout>. Do this by specifying the relevant <copybook> elements. Otherwise correct the copybook name or remove the excessive <layout> elements and rerun the process.


name=&NAM attribute error. Field name cannot be matched

The name attribute value specifies a field name that cannot be located in the current template.


Correct the field name and rerun the process.


A fully qualified member name is required

You have specified either an output member mask or not specified an output member name when the input data set is sequential or you have specified an output sequential file without a blank or generic input member name.


Specify a valid member name and rerun the process.


Template exported to XML successfully

Successful completion of an export function.




&MEMCNT members read &UPCNT Exported &REPCNT Not replaced &ERRCNT Errors

Statistical summary message for export template function




&MEMCNT members read &UPCNT Exported &REPCNT Export replaced &ERRCNT Errors

Statistical summary message for export template function




&MEMCNT members read &UPCNT Imported &REPCNT Import Updated &ERRCNT Errors

Statistical summary message for import template function




&MEMCNT members read &UPCNT Imported &REPCNT Import replaced &ERRCNT Errors

Statistical summary message for import template function




SVC99 type failed, RC rc, ERR ec, SMS RSCD ic ddname

The indicated SVC99 (allocation) operation failed. The failure occurred during SMS processing.

For explanations of rc, ec, and ic, refer to the documentation for your current release of z/OS®.


SVC99 type failed, RC rc, ERR ec, INFO ic ddname

The indicated SVC99 (allocation) operation failed.

For explanations of rc, ec, and ic, refer to the documentation for your current release of z/OS®.


Locate macro failed, RC rc, REG0 X'xxxxxxxx'

Unexpected return code from the LOCATE macro.

For an explanation of the return code and register contents, refer to the documentation for your current release of z/OS®.


TIOT scan error, ddname not found

An error occurred while scanning the z/OS® control block TIOT. This is probably a File Manager error.

Exit File Manager and rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your system support.


DSCB/JFCB read for xxxxxxx failed, RC rc

Unexpected return code when reading the DSCB or JFCB.

For an explanation of the return code, refer to the descriptions of the macros OBTAIN and RDJFCB in the documentation for your current release of z/OS®.


UCB scan error, RC rc, Reason Code rsn

A UCB scan operation (to determine the device) failed with an unexpected return code.

For an explanation of the return code, refer to the description of the UCBSCAN macro in the documentation of your current release of z/OS®.


TSO Service Facility call error - RC rc, Reason Code rsn

An unexpected return code was received from the TSO Service Facility. The TSO command was not executed.

For an explanation of the return code and reason code, refer to the z/OS TSO/E Programming Services.


Template imported from XML successfully

Successful completion of an import function.




XML error occurred on line &LINE at offset &OFFSET

This message provides the line number and line offset where the XML error occurred.


Look at the previous messages to determine the type of error, correct the XML line referenced and rerun the process.


XML error occurred on line &LINE

This message provides the line number where the XML error occurred.


Look at the previous messages to determine the type of error, correct the XML line referenced and rerun the process.


Line:&line value

This message displays the line where the XML error occurred.


Look at the previous messages to determine the type of error, then correct the XML line referenced and rerun the process.


Function must be run with File Manager for IMS to process IMS template, views or criteria sets.

You cannot create or update an IMS template view or criteria set when running the import function under the base product. It must be run from the FM/IMS template options if running in full screen mode or using the program FMNIMS for batch processing.


Rerun the function in a File Manager/IMS environment.


Function must be run with File Manager for Db2® to process Db2® templates.

You cannot create or update a Db2® template when running the import function under the base product. It must be run from the FM/Db2 template options if running in full screen mode or using the program FMNDB2 for batch processing.


Rerun the function in a File Manager/Db2 environment.


XML template type does not match the existing target template to be updated.

You are trying to import a template from XML with REPLACE=NO meaning the XML is used to update the existing template. The existing template is as different type to the XML template being imported.


Either change the type on the <template type='value'> element to match the template to be updated or change the import to specify REPLACE=YES.


Element <&ELEM.> exceeds the maximum occurrence of &NO.

The XML element is repeated more than the allowed number of occurrences for that element.


Correct the XML to remove the unnecessary element definitions and rerun the process.


Element <&ELEM.> invalid for &TYPE template.

The element is not valid for the type of template being processed.


Remove the element definition or correct the <template type='value'> to reflect the correct template type for the element.


Copybook <member> element has not been found for segment=&seg.

You are trying to import a IMS template from XML and you have not provided copybook definitions to describe all the segments defined to the corresponding data base.


Provide <member name='name' segname='segment'> values for all segments in the referenced DBD.


One of the IMS template libraries is not a PDS or PDS/E data set.

The associated template data set for a view or criteria set import is not a PDS or PDSE. This could have been specified using the <imstp>data set name</imstp> element. The data set name may also be obtained from the existing view or criteria set for REPLACE=NO, or the existing template definitions for FM/IMS found either on the panels or in the options module definition.


Correct the IMS template library definitions and rerun the process.


Template &TP for View or Criteria set was not found.

The associated template member for a view or criteria set cannot be found in the current template libraries. The template member name is obtained from the <dbd>name</dbd> definition or for REPLACE=NO can be obtained from the existing view or criteria set definition.


Ensure the associated template member can be found. This may require providing <imstp>data set name</imstp> elements to identify the location of the template member.


Template &TP for View or Criteria set is corrupted.

The associated template member for a view or criteria set cannot be loaded because it contains invalid data for a File Manager/IMS template.


Recreate the template member or correct the template data sets (<imstp> definitions) and ensure the associated template member being loaded is a valid FM/IMS template.


Cannot create a template of type: &type

The import routine cannot create the template for one of the following reasons.

  • The template is a BASE or IMS template and <copybook> elements have not been supplied to create the template.
  • The template is a Db2® template and <db2object> element has not been provided.
  • The template is an IMS view or criteria and <imstp> and <dbd> elements have not been provided.
  • The template you are trying to import is an IMS extract template - this type of template can only be updated. REPLACE=NO must be specified and the template must exist.


Provide the <copybooks> elements so the template can be created.


Attribute &ATTR invalid for &TYPE template.

The attribute specified is not allowed for the type of template being processed.


Either remove the attribute or change the template type to a type that supports the attribute referenced in the message.


<dbd> element is require for &TYPE template.

You are trying to create a FM/IMS view or criteria set and you have not specified <dbd>name</dbd> which is required to create a view or criteria set.


Provide the associated DBD name via the <dbd>name</dbd> elements and rerun the process.


Change failed

The File Manager Find/Change utility could not change one or more strings because:

  • The change string is longer than the find string and there is insufficient space in the record to accommodate the change string.
  • An attempt is being made to change a VSAM KSDS key field, The key field will be identified with a 'K' next to the record number in the report.

Change the find or change string to avoid the problem.


Repository could not be allocated

The template repository could not be allocated for one of the following reasons:
  • The data set name could not be determined because there is no FMN4POPT REPOS definition or SYS1.PARMLIB definition or TPREPOS DD statement allocated.
  • The data set name defined in the FMN4POPT REPOS keyword does not exist.
  • You exited the VSAM Define dialog without saving the template repository data set.
If the template data set name was set to ? to locate the repository template, customize a TPREPOS DD statement or use the REPOS keyword in either the FMN4POPT macro or SYS1.PARMLIB to point to a valid repository file.

If the message was issued from an ISPF dialog then reenter the data set name in the Template Repository Edit dialog and then use the VSAM Define dialog to create the repository before continuing.


Repository must be for a KSDS file

The current template repository data set is not a valid VSAM KSDS.
Confirm that the template repository data set is a VSAM KSDS with LRECL≥32756. If editing, import, or export repository functions are being run, change the repository data set name to a valid template repository KSDS file.


Repository is a KSDS file with incorrect key attribute - must be offset 0 and length 255

The template repository file should have a key length of 255 starting at offset 0.
Use the repository edit function (ISPF option 7.7.1) to recreate the repository with the correct key attributes.


Repository is a KSDS file with incorrect maximum record length attribute - should be 32756

The template repository file should have a maximum record length (RECORDSIZE) of 32756.
Use the repository edit function (ISPF option 7.7.1) to recreate the repository with the correct maximum record length attribute.


The repository entry entry_resource_name has been deleted from the file

A delete command has successfully been completed for entry_resource_name.
None. Informational only.


A repository has been either added or changed successfully.

An insert or edit of a repository entry has successfully completed.
None. Informational only.


The resource name you have entered exists in the repository and the field values have been refreshed to reflect the current entry

While editing or inserting a new repository entry you changed the resource name to the name of an existing entry. The other fields were changed to reflect this existing entry.
None. Informational only.


nnn entries exported successfully

Informational message to indicate the number of records that were exported.


Invalid entry element. Must have name or default attribute

The XML element used for the repository import <entry> must specify either a name="resource_name" or base="1" attribute. The element specified is invalid.
Correct the XML in the import.


Invalid entry element. "base=" must be the only attribute when specified

If the base attribute is specified, no other attributes are valid for the <entry> element. It should be coded <entry base="1">.
Correct the XML in the import.


Repository file could not be initialized

During the creation process of a new repository file the write for the initial record failed with a VSAM error.
Check the corresponding VSAM errors. You might need to delete and recreate the repository file.


The repository file contains no entries - insert new entry

This occurs when editing a repository with no entries. This message is informational and is issued along with the repository update panel where the first entry can be defined.


Entries pp processed uu Import updated aa Import added ee Errors

This completion message is issued for the repository import function when the Update entries option is selected. The message shows the number of entries that were processed, added, or updated, and the number of processing errors that occurred.
None. Informational only.


Entries pp processed uu Import not updated aa Import added ee Errors

This completion message is issued for the repository import function when the Update entries option is not selected. The message shows the number of entries that were processed, added, or not updated, and the number of processing errors that occurred.
None. Informational only.


No profile data sets selected

This message is issued when exporting the template history and no ISPF profile data sets are selected from the displayed lists.
Reenter and make selections for the ISPF profile data sets that contain history information to be exported and subsequently imported into the repository.


No repository entry for the specified resource

A template or copybook name has been specified with a ? and the associated data set name cannot be found in the current template repository.
A template repository entry must be created before the ? value can be used for the template. If no repository entry can be created then the template name must be specified in full.


Repository entry - template data set not found

File Manager failed to allocate the template data sets associated with the repository entry and therefore could not load the repository template. A likely cause is that the template data set was deleted after the repository entry was created.
Update the repository to reflect current template data sets and then retry the function.


Repository entry - template load failed

File Manager was unable to load the associated template. Check for any accompanying messages that might indicate why.
Edit the repository entry and attempt to edit the associated template which should produce the primary errors associated with the load failure.


MKDIR (BPX1MKD) service failed to create a new directory Rc=&RC, Reason=&RSN

File Manager tried to create a new directory and the MKDIR command failed with the indicated return code and reason code.
Refer to z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes to determine why the MKDIR command failed and action appropriately.


Key area not mapped

The layout specified does not map the key area of the record. Therefore a formatted key cannot be displayed.

Either select a layout that can map the key field or position on a record mapped by a layout and enter FKEY with no layout.


Layout not found

The name you entered as a filter did not match any of the layouts in the current template.

Use the "S" or "/" prefix commands to select a layout from the current listed layouts.


No layout selected

The user has exited the 01 Layout List Panel without selecting a layout. The FKEY command processing is terminated.



Template required

Formatted key processing requires a copybook or template to be provided to the edit, view or browse function.

Specify the template or copybook that you require to map the key area.


Picture string invalid

You cannot use a picture string with numeric, bit, or Unicode fields.

This message is only produced if only numeric bit or Unicode fields are the target of the search or change command. Either remove the picture clause, or change the scope so character fields can be searched.


lang Additional SYSLIB data set dsn was not found in the catalog

File Manager is performing a compile of a copybook and the additional SYSLIB data set dsn associated with the language lang does not exist.

Check the corresponding lang Compiler specifications options to verify that all the additional SYSLIB data sets exist, and correct as directed.

Additional actions depending on the function:
  • Template update: Check the Compiler Language Selection options. Select the Override compiler options for template update if not already selected, and retry the template update.
  • XML template: Edit the XML template and remove or correct the references to the data set name specified in the message.


FASTPROC OUTFIL statement is not supported for this type of output data set

You ran a DSC function containing FASTPROC OUTFIL statements, and one of the following is true:
  • The input data set has fixed length records, the output data set has variable length or undefined format records, and one of the following conditions is true:
    • The output record length is undefined
    • There is a user procedure or a template being used
    • The data is packed
    • The output is a PDS(E)
  • The input data set has variable length or undefined format records, the output data set has fixed length records, and one of the following conditions is true:
    • There is a user procedure or a template being used
    • The output data set has longer records
  • The input data set is a QSAM data set with spanned records with length exceeding 32747 and the output is a VSAM data set
  • the output data set is a VSAM VRDS data set and the user requested a MOD disposition (instead of OLD)

Recode the DSC function to avoid using FASTPROC OUTFIL statements. For example, you might need to recode it to use REXX statements in a REXXPROC.


Error accessing CICS® resource func=function Cond=condition Resp2=resp2

CICS® returned a non-zero condition after attempting to perform the listed function against the selected CICS® resource.

Look up the listed condition and resp2 values in the CICS Application Programming Reference or CICS System Programming Reference for further information about why the request failed.

In most cases (but not all) the listed function is the CICS® command that returned the non-zero condition. Below is a list of possible values for function and the CICS® command they relate to:
Function value       CICS command
INQNEXT              INQUIRE
INQUIRE              INQUIRE
STARTBR              STARTBR
READ                 READ
ENDBR                ENDBR
WRITE                WRITE
REWRITE              REWRITE
DELETE               DELETE
OPEN                 SET (OPEN)
CLOSE                SET (CLOSE)
SET                  SET
SYNCPT               SYNCPOINT
DELETEQ              DELETEQ
ENQ                  ENQ
DEQ                  DEQ
INQGEN               INQUIRE
SET TASK             SET (TASK)
READUPD              READ (UPDATE)
DELQ                 DELETEQ
READQ TD             READQ (TD)


Function terminated. The user canceled the function, or the function could not be performed

Errors were encountered that caused File Manager to terminate.

Review the errors before this message to determine why File Manager was terminated.


Fields referenced in the TO template don't exist in the FROM template.

The To template has existing mapping and at least one of the fields it has been previously mapped to cannot be found in the from template. This indicates that the TO template has been either mapped to a different from template, or the from template has changed so that fields previously mapped cannot be found.

If you are running under ISPF you should be given an option to regenerate the mapping fields and continue. For batch jobs, DSM, and DSC functions, the keyword CORRESP=YES can be used to regenerate a corresponding mapping. This way you can rerun the job with that keyword specified to override the existing mapping.


Not running from APF Authorized libraries. Check STEPLIB/LINKLIST.

File Manager, after being launched from the ADFzCC server , detected that it is not running APF authorized, which is required.

Check that the steplib or linklist libraries have been correctly authorized. See also the File Manager Customization Guide.


Terminating, not APF Authorized.

File Manager is shutting down. This message is issued after FMNBB537.

As for FMNBB537, check that the steplib or linklist libraries have been correctly authorized. See also the File Manager Customization Guide.


Value data set record boundary exceeded for field FLD.

The template does not correctly describe the data for field FLD. Processing is terminated. This occurs when the template describes a record with length LEN1 but a record read from a data set (described by the template) has a record length LEN2, LEN2 < LEN1.

Determine why the template does not correctly describe the data, resolve the problem, and then retry the operation.


You can only append to CICS® files - &CMD cannot be performed.

A CREATE, REPLACE, SAVEAS command has been attempted to a CICS® file resource These commands are not supported.




JCL option is not supported for CICS® resources.

Option 3.6 or FCH batch with the JCL option is being run against a CICS® resource. The option is not supported.


Rerun the function with the option unspecified.


The Websphere MQ feature has been disabled.

A FACILITY class profile FMNMQ.DISABLE.system_name has been defined, and the current user ID has at least READ access. The result is that all File Manager MQ processing is disabled for this user ID.

Consult with the security administrator to assess whether you should be allowed to run File Manager MQ processing on the system.



Global leading zeros ON. Leading zeros default to YES for all applicable numeric fields in the template.

The template default for leading zeros is set to YES, so all applicable numeric fields are formatted with leading zeros when printing or viewing data with this template.

None. This is an informational message to indicate the template leading zeros default is YES.



Global leading zeros OFF. Leading zeros default to NO for all applicable numeric fields in the template.

The template default for leading zeros is set to NO, so all applicable numeric fields are formatted without leading zeros when printing or viewing data with this template.

None. This is an informational message to indicate the template leading zeros default is NO.



Template locked. Template &MEMBER locked.

The template with the name &MEMBER has been locked.

None. This is an informational message to indicate the template is locked.



Template unlocked. Template &MEMBER unlocked.

The template with the name &MEMBER has been unlocked.

None. This is an informational message to indicate the template is unlocked.



UNIX service &serv failed

A z/OS® UNIX service was called, but returned a failure. Message FMNBC251 will follow. The &serv may be one of:

Examine the following message (FMNBC251)


Unix Return value &rv, Return code &rc, reason code &RSN

After the failure of a z/OS® UNIX System Services call, this lists the return value, return code, and reason code.

Check the meaning of the reason code by either using BPXMTEXT (if it is available on your system, you can cut and paste the &RSN code and issue, from TSO, the command BPXMTEXT reasoncode, for an explanation of the z/OS® UNIX reason code) or by consulting the manual z/OS® UNIX System Services Messages and Codes.


Date/time output format xxxxxxxx is not valid

The output format specified for the date/time field is not a valid picture string for the z/OS® Language Environment® date and time services.

Refer to z/OS® Language Environment® Programming Services, Appendix B, "Date and time services tables" for valid picture strings supported by z/OS® Language Environment®.



Invalid internal data type xx specified

The data type specified to override the field data type for date/time processing is not valid. The following are the valid data type values:
External floating point
Internal floating point
Packed decimal
Packed decimal
Zoned decimal

Specify one of the data types listed above.



Date/time internal format is required

The format used to store the date/time value in the field is required.

Specify the internal format value.



Invalid data type for a date/time field

The data type for a date/time field must be binary, floating point, packed decimal, zoned decimal, or alphanumeric.

Specify one of the appropriate data types for the date/time field.



Internal format mask is too long

The length of the user defined internal date/time format cannot be longer than the length of the alphanumeric field.

Change the length of the internal date/time format.



Invalid internal date/time format

The user defined internal date/time format specified is not a valid picture string for the z/OS® Language Environment® date and time services.

Refer to z/OS® Language Environment® Programming Services, Appendix B, "Date and time services tables" for valid picture strings supported by z/OS® Language Environment®.



Data type must be character or binary for STCK/STCKE

STCK or STCKE was specified as the internal format for the date and time field but the data type for the field is not character or binary.

Specify AN or BI as the internal data type for the date and time field containing STCK/STCKE values.



Field length must be 8 bytes for STCK or 16 bytes for STCKE

Date and time fields with an internal format of STCK or STCKE must have a length of either 8 or 16 bytes respectively in order to store TOD clock or extended TOD clock values.

If possible change the size of the field to the required length or change the internal format specified for the date/time field.



Internal format mask is required

The internal format mask parameter must be specified on the call to the CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME functions when there is no internal date/time format defined for the field in the template.


Specify the internal format mask parameter on the call to CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME.


Output format mask is required

The output format mask parameter must be specified on the call to the CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME functions when there is no date/time output format defined for the field in the template.


Specify the output format mask parameter on the call to CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME.


Unique field name too long to generate CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME function.

While attempting to build a qualified, unique field name to pass to the CMP_DATE or CMP_TIME functions, File Manager found the name would be greater than 255 bytes.


If possible try to change the data structure so that qualification will not result in such a long name.


Conversion of date/time value to lilian seconds failed.

z/OS® Language Environment® date and time services were unable to convert the field value to a Lilian seconds value.


Check that the field value is valid for the internal date/time format specified.


Conversion from lilian seconds to lilian days failed.

z/OS® Language Environment® date and time services were unable to convert the field value from Lilian seconds to Lilian days.


Check that the field value is valid for the internal date/time format specified.


Conversion from lilian days to lilian seconds failed.

z/OS® Language Environment® date and time services were unable to convert the field value from Lilian days to Lilian seconds.


Check that the field value is valid for the internal date/time format specified.


Base date is required

A base date must be provided if day, month, or year adjustment values have been specified.

Specify a base date value.



Date/time output format is required

The format used to display the date/time value is required.

Specify an output format for the date/time field.



Start value for scrambling range is required

If scrambling is required for the date/time field then a start value for the scrambling range must be provided.

Specify a start value for the scrambling range.



End value for scrambling range is required

If scrambling is required for the date/time field then an end value for the scrambling range must be provided.

Specify an end value for the scrambling range.



Invalid date/time value specified

The create base date, scrambling range start date, and scrambling range end date must be valid dates specified in the output format defined for the date/time field.

Specify a valid date in the output format defined for the date/time field.



Error converting and storing a date/time value in the output field.

During copy processing, creation or scrambling of a date/time value failed.

Check that there is a valid date/time value in the input field.



Range start date/time must be before the range end date/time.

When specifying scrambling options for a date/time field, the range start date/time must be before the range end value.

Ensure the range start date/time is before the range end.



Scrambling type must be RANDOM or REPEAT.

For XML for a date/time field, the scrtype (scrambling type) value must be RANDOM or REPEAT.


Specify either RANDOM or REPEAT as the value for the scrtype tag.


The specified field does not contain numeric data.

The field specified on a call to the STATS function is not defined as a numeric field in the template.


Specify a numeric field on the call to the STATS function or update the template to indicate the field is numeric.


The ODPP API is unavailable to scramble field &FIELD.

File Manager could not initialize the ODPP framework so the ODPP API is unavailable for scrambling the field name referenced.

Ensure that the FMNODPP DD has been allocated, ensure that it is a single session, and check for any preceding messages that might explain why the environment could not be initialized.



Corrupt template - ODPP segment 45 not found for field &FIELD.

This should not occur and indicates the template is corrupt.

To repair the template you can attempt to export and import it.



The ODPP API is unavailable

File Manager could not initialize the ODPP framework so the ODPP API is unavailable.

Ensure that the FMNODPP DD has been allocated, ensure that it is a single session, and check for any preceding messages that might explain why the environment could not be initialized.



Date mask &MASK is invalid for field &FIELD attributes.

If the date mask is the internal data mask then the field name specified is not able to support that mask. The most common cause would be its length isn't sufficient to contain the mask. If the date mask is the output date mask then it may be incompatible with the internal date mask.


Change the date masks or the field length to be compatible with each other.


For DB2 the only valid DATE formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'MM/DD/YYYY' and 'DD.MM.YYYY'

An XML template has specified an invalid iform attribute value in the <datetime iform="date_mask"> element. The only valid masks in FM/Db2 are specified in this message.
Correct the iform attribute value and rerun the job.


For DB2 the only valid Timestamp format is 'YYYY-DD-MM-HH.MI.SS'

An XML template has specified an invalid iform attribute value in the <datetime iform="date_mask"> element. The only valid mask for a timestamp field in FM/Db2 is 'YYYY-DD-MM-HH.MI.SS'
Correct the iform attribute value and rerun the job.


attribute invalid for a DB2 Date or timestamp field

The attribute value specified by attribute is invalid for a Db2® datetime field.
Correct or remove the attribute value in the <datetime> element in the XML template. Rerun the job.


scrstart and scrend attributes are required for a DB2 date or timestamp field

Both scrstart and scrend attribute values must be provided for a Db2® timestamp field when specifying the <datetime> element for timestamp scrambling.
Correct the XML template to specify both scrstart and scrend values and rerun the job.


The member specified is not a template

A attempt to load a template that is defined as being defined in the template repository refers to a member that is not a template.
Change the repository definition to refer to a valid template member.


Format SNGL or TABL required when a mandatory template is being used

Only formatted modes of viewing the data are available when a mandatory template is used.


This command is not supported when using a mandatory template

An attempt was made to issue an editor command that could expose data that is protected by a mandatory template.


Find/Change commands cannot be applied to a field protected by a mandatory template

A field that is protected by a mandatory template cannot be the subject of a find or change command.


Mandatory repository users are not authorized to issue the MASK command

The editor MASK command is not available when a mandatory template is being used.


Not authorized to access the resource or data set specified

The current repository definition restricts the user ID to accessing resources specified in the repository. The resource being accessed is not in the template repository that is assigned to the current user ID.
Contact your system administrator.


FMNOPTS allocated to name.

File Manager has detected that the FMNOPTS DD statement is allocated to name, where name is either the name of the data set allocated to FMNOPTS, or "SYSIN" indicating that the FMNOPTS statements have been provided instream. A listing of the options read from FMNOPTS follows.



Error processing FMNOPTS options file.

File Manager has encountered one or more errors while processing the options file allocated to the FMNOPTS DD statement. This message is preceded on one more error messages describing the error(s) encountered.

Refer to the previous error messages related to the FMNOPTS options file. Correct the errors, and then rerun File Manager.


IOQ1196 Failed to lock global mutex. Is POSIX on ?

File Manager has been unable initialize the ODPP framework. The ODPP API returned the message above.

The File Manager Language Environment® always runs with POSIX on for ODPP, so refer to the ODPP documentation for further explanation.



IOQ1094 Data Privacy Component License has expired.

File Manager has been unable to initialize the ODPP framework. The ODPP API returned the message above.

Renew you ODPP license.



IOQ1086 Failed to open ODPP license key file for reading

There was a problem opening or reading data from the ODPP license key file.

Ensure you have read access for the license file.



IOQ1043 Failed to create trace file. Check path settings and write authority, etc.

File Manager has been unable to initialize the ODPP framework. The ODPP API returned the message above.

Check for write access to the trace file path, disk space/quota available etc.



Data Privacy component failed. Unable to format error message, rc = &RC

File Manager has been unable to initialize the ODPP framework. The ODPP API return code is not known to File Manager.

Check your ODPP documentation for the return code and follow the explanation and response given.



Member &member_name Deleted.

This is an informational message produced after the delete line command has been processed on an enhanced search index member.



Member &member_name Renamed.

This is an informational message produced after the rename line command has been processed on an enhanced search index member.



Hit Enter on a member name to select the member for the enhanced search command.

This is an informational message produced after a find command has been issued from the enhanced search index list. If you place your cursor on a member name, it will be selected to become the target index member for the enhanced search operation. Press Enter on a hit line to navigate to the member in a view session positioned at that line.



History command deleted.

This is an informational message produced after the delete line command has been processed on a history command list.



Delete failed – ReadOnly

The deletion failed because the command history table is used by another session.

Check for other ISPF sessions that might be using your user profile data set for an enhanced search session. The enhanced search session might open the table and exit the conflicting session before attempting to retry the deletion process.


Member name exists.

The member name that you try to insert already exists as an index member.

Choose another unique name.


Replace string required.

You have specified a search string but not a replace string with the enhanced change panel.

Specify a replace string.


History command deleted.

This is an informational message produced after the delete line command has been processed on an history command list.



Strings required.

The enhanced change requires both search and replace strings.

Provide both search and replace strings.


&line_count line(s) in &member_count of &member_total Member(s) and &file_count of &file_total File(s)

This is an informational statistical message for the enhanced search to summarize the results.



&change_count changes made in &member_count Members &file_count Files.

This is an informational statistical message produced after enhanced change command is successfully issued.



Changes failed RC=&rc.

The enhanced change command failed with the return code &rc.

Refer to the associated messages that detail why the change couldn’t be performed is displayed.


Invalid value for data set, prefix or suffix name: &dsn

The current cursor positioned field has an invalid data set name, qualifier, or name.

Correct the name so it represents a valid z/OS® data set name. Each qualifier must be a maximum of 8 characters, and the overall length must not exceed 44.


Invalid value for member name: &member_name

An invalid partitioned member name has been specified.

Correct the member name and retry the operation.


Invalid generic output data set name with non generic input: &dsn

The name of the output data set can only have generic characters where there is a corresponding input qualifier to derive the generic value from.

Remove the generic characters in the name of the output data set that cannot be derived from the input data set name.


Input and output data set names are the same: &dsn

The input data set prefix or name and output data set name or prefix result in the same input and output data set – which is invalid for the copy process.

Correct the output prefix or name so a different name is generated to the input data set.


Duplicate input or output data set name specified or generated: &dsn

The clone process has generated a duplicate output data set name for different input data set names.

Check your input and output prefixes or data set specifications and remove the specifications that would result in the same output data set.


Output mask invalid. Input data set:&dsn Output Prefix:&prefix. Invalid mask:&mask

The output prefix value &mask is invalid because it does not have a corresponding input qualifier.

Remove the generic characters from the &mask value.


Resultant output data set name &odsn invalid. Input data set: &idsn

The output data set name exceeded 44 characters. This occurs if the output prefix or a suffix to the input data set is too long.

Review the input and output prefix and suffix values based on the output data set name that is shown in the message, and correct them so a valid output data set name is generated.


No data sets matched the qualifier: &prefix.

The prefix that is provided does not match any cataloged data sets on the system.

Add a .** to the end of the &prefix value that is provided. Or correct the qualifier to match existing data sets.


FMNSREF - Required parameter not specified FUNC=&function, FCODE=&code RNAME=&reference_name

The FMNSREF exec was called with an invalid parameter value.

One of the references has not been specified by the calling EXEC. Check the parameters. If the values are missing, provide the values. If the calling EXEC is an IBM® exec, report this to IBM® Support.


FMNSREF - Function value invalid FUNC=&function must be GREF or SREF

The FMNSREF exec was called with an invalid function value &function.

The valid values are GETREF, GREF, GR, SAVEREF, SREF, SR. Correct the calling exec and rerun. If the calling EXEC is an IBM® exec, report this to IBM® Support.


The GETREF command was entered and no matching reference value can be found for the value or no references have been saved for the current function.

The FMNSREF exec was called with an invalid function value &function.

Issue the command with a valid reference. Or ensure you have used the SAVEREF command to save references for this function before a GETREF is attempted.


This is not a valid enhanced search report.

You tried to convert a report to an enhanced search report format, but the report being edited is not a valid enhanced search report. This happens when you edit or view a data set or spool file and the REPORT command is entered with the enhanced search function key.

None. The command only works in search reports that are produced by the File Manager enhanced search process.


Invalid enhanced search parameter value &parm_value

The enhanced search command detected an invalid parameter in the command string &parm_value.

Examine the command by comparing with the syntax that is described in the user's guide for the enhanced search command. Correct the invalid parameter value.


Report Converted

This is an informational message. This message is issued when a report produced with the File Manager enhanced search batch option was successfully converted to the format required for enhanced search navigation.



String required after the operator

An AND (&) or an OR (|) operator is put at the end of a search command string. This is an invalid command syntax. The operator must be followed by a search string.

Correct the syntax and retry.


To Column value cannot be less than the From Column value.

When you enter a column range, the TO value must be greater than or equal to the FROM value.

Correct the range values and retry.


DD name &DD invalid

The DD name that you entered is invalid. The ddname is 1 - 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters or generic characters (*, %). The first character must be alphabetic or national ($, #, @) or generic characters (*,%).

Correct the syntax and retry.


Member & MEMBER Locked. Save to another location.

This message is produced with a template save panel where an alternate data set and member name can be provided to save the changes made during template edit.

This is an informational message


Member & MEMBER Locked. Cannot be saved.

The template member &MEMBER is a locked template and therefore cannot be changed unless it is unlocked.

To change this template, it must be unlocked. Use the L prefix command with the Template Member List panel to unlock the template.


The SAVEREF command is not available for this function.

The SAVEREF command was issued for a function or panel where it is not supported. For a list of the supported functions, see the File Manager User's Guide.

If the function that you are working on is a common function and it needs to be supported, contact IBM® Support to raise a new requirement to support the function.


The GETREF command is not available for this function.

The GETREF command was issued for a function or panel where it is not supported. For a list of the supported functions, see the File Manager User's Guide.

If the function that you are working on is a common function and it needs to be supported, contact IBM® Support to raise a new requirement to support the function.


No function input field values have been previously saved.

A GETREF command is being issued an the SAVEREF command was not issued for the current function or panel with the current profile or FMNREFTB allocation.

You must issue the SAVEREF command before you issue a GETREF command for any function or panel where it is supported.


No saved input field values for this reference name

The GETREF command was issued with a reference name that does not exist.

Issue a GETREF command without a name that lists the current references. Select a name from a list of saved references.


&name saved.

The SAVEREF command was issued successfully for the &name value.



Save cancelled.

The SAVEREF command was cancelled after the replace warning was issued.



&name Retrieved.

The GETREF command was successfully issued to retrieve all the field values that are saved with the reference &name.



&name Replaced.

The SAVEREF command replaced the reference &name with the current values.



New name same as the old name.

The rename panel for a function or panel reference has the same name for the old and new name values.

Correct the new name so it is different from the old name.


New name exists.

The new name field on the rename reference name panel has the name of an existing reference.

Enter a new name that does not exist.


Invalid attributes for FMNREFTB file must be fixed 80.

The data set that is allocated to the FMNREFTB for saving the function and panel reference table has invalid attributes. It must be partitioned and fixed blocked with a logical record length of 80.

Enter a new name that does not exist.


Command &CMD is not valid for generation &GEN

The line command you have entered is not valid against the selected member generation. Some commands are not valid for the current member (generation 0).
Enter the line command for a different member generation.


Command &CMD is only supported for generation &GEN

The line command you have entered is not valid against the selected member generation. Some commands are only valid for current member (generation 0).
Enter the line command for the member generation as indicated.


No previous generation found for compare

The CP (Compare Previous) line command specifies a generation for which no previous member generation can be found. This can occur when CP is entered for the current member.
Enter the CP line command for a different generation, or use another compare command: CN (Compare Next), CC (Compare Current), or CS (Compare Selected).


No next generation found for compare

The CN (Compare Next) line command specifies a generation for which no next member generation can be found, This can occur when CN is entered for the last member generation.
Enter the CN line command for a different generation, or use another compare command: CP (Compare Previous), CC (Compare Current), or CS (Compare Selected).


Member &MEM generation &GEN recovered to current member. Display refreshed

The specified generation has been recovered and is now the current member. The previous current member is retained as the newest member generation, being generation (-1). The display has been refreshed to reflect the updates to the relative generation numbers.


No matching member name. No match found for member &MEM generation &GEN

No matching member was found for the specified member name and generation.
Specify another member name or generation.


Member &MEM generation &GEN deleted. Display refreshed

The specified member generation has been deleted. The display has been refreshed to reflect the updates to the relative generation numbers.


Invalid option. The selected compare option is not one of the listed values

An invalid comparison option has been specified.
Enter a valid comparison option:
  1. ISPF Edit compare, using the ISPF VIEW service. This is the default option.
  2. SuperC compare.
  3. File Manager Compare function (DSM).


Primary member: &MEM. The primary member &MEM displayed for the selected alias &ALIAS

The user selected an alias to display member history (generation) information. The generations are maintained against the primary member name.


Member &MEM deleted. Generation &GEN promoted to current member. Display refreshed

The specified current member has been deleted and replaced by the most recent generation. The previous current member is permanently deleted. The display has been refreshed to reflect the updates to the relative generation numbers.


Files are different. The file &NEWSRC was compared to &OLDSRC

Comparison of member generations found that the files are different.


Files are the same. The file &NEWSRC was compared to &OLDSRC

Comparison of member generations found that the files are the same.


No generation found to promote for member &MEM. Member deleted

The current member of a version 2 PDSE that supports member generations was deleted, but no other generations were found to promote to the current member.


Promote for member &MEM generation &GEN failed. &FUNC error code . &RC-&RSN. Member deleted.

The current member of a version 2 PDSE that supports member generations was deleted. When promoting the most recent generation (-1) to be the current member an error occurred. As indicated by &FUNC, the error occurred in either the FIND macro or the STOW macro.
Refer to the completion codes in DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for either the FIND macro or the RECOVERG action on the STOW macro.


No members deleted. No members selected for delete from data set &DSN.

No members were selected to be deleted from the data set.


No members deleted. No member generations selected to be trimmed from data set &DSN.

For a version 2 PDSE that supports member generations, no member generations were found to be trimmed from the data set.


No members deleted. No orphaned member generations selected for delete from data set &DSN.

For a version 2 PDSE that supports member generations, no orphan members were found that matched the member name or member name pattern. No members were deleted.


No members to delete. Delete processing terminated. The displayed member list is empty.

The current member list for the selected member name or member name pattern is empty. Processing of the DELETE primary command is terminated without further checking of the data set.
If applicable, refresh the display to confirm no members exist for the member name or member name pattern before re-entering the DELETE command.


Data set not partitioned. Data set &DSN not defined as a PDS or PDSE.

PDSE Workbench only supports partitioned data sets.
Specify a valid PDS or PDSE for PDSE Workbench.


History unavailable. Data set &DSN does not support member generations.

A HISTORY command was issued for a data set that is not defined to support member generations. Processing continues to invoke the PDSE Workbench.


Delete cancelled. Delete command was cancelled, no members deleted.

Processing for the DELETE primary command was canceled. No members were deleted.


Delete error. Workbench &FUNC error for data set &DSN. Return code &RC.

An error occurred while processing the DELETE primary command.


&DELCNT members deleted. &DELCNT members deleted from data set &DSN. Display refreshed.

The DELETE ALL primary command completed successfully. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.


&DELCNT members deleted. &DELCNT member generations trimmed from data set &DSN. Display refreshed.

The DELETE TRIM primary command completed successfully. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.


&DELCNT members deleted.&DELCNT orphaned member generations deleted from data set &DSN. Display refreshed.

The DELETE ORPHAN primary command completed successfully. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.


&DELCNT members deleted, &ERRCNT members not deleted from data set &DSN. Display refreshed.

The DELETE primary command has completed. Some members were deleted, but some members were not deleted. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.
Review the member list to see whether any action needs to be taken for the members that were not deleted.


No members deleted, &ERRCNT members not deleted from data set &DSN.

The DELETE request failed. No members have been deleted from the data set.
The contents of the data set may have changed. Refresh the member list display and try the request again.


Delete option &DELOPT not supported for data set &DSN.

The selected DELETE option is not supported for the data set.
Select a valid option for the DELETE command.


&DELOPT keyword for Delete command not supported for data set &DSN.

The specified DELETE option is not supported for the data set.
Specify a valid keyword for the DELETE command.


Member &OLDMEM and &GENCNT member generations renamed to &NEWMEM. Display refreshed.

The member and any of its generations were successfully renamed. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.


Member &OLDMEM renamed to &NEWMEM. Display refreshed.

The member has been successfully renamed. The display has been refreshed to reflect the changes to the member list.


DESERV request set return code=&RC, reason code=&RSN.

The DESERV request returned an unexpected error when processing the partitioned data set directory.
Refer to the DESERV completion codes in DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Set for details of the error.


Concatenated data sets not supported for PDSE Workbench DD &DDNAME.

PDSE Workbench does not support a concatenation of data sets allocated to the ddname specified on the INPUT keyword.


Browse substituted. &CMD is not supported for program objects.

Edit and View are not supported for program objects. The request has been changed to Browse.


View substituted &CMD is not supported for member generations.

Editing of member generations is not supported by File Manager. The request has been changed to View.


Expressions requiring REXX cannot be used for redefines criteria

Redefines criteria expressions are restricted to FASTREXX. Expressions requiring REXX (expressions that have arithmetic or REXX functions, such as SUBSTR, WORD) or FMN external functions that are not supported for FASTREXX cannot be used in the criteria.
Enter an expression that is supported by FASTREXX.
  • See External REXX functions for a list of the external functions that are available. Look for Can be used in FASTREXX to determine whether the function can be used.
  • REXX arithmetic is not supported in FASTREXX.


CR,CF commands are not valid for a level 1 field.

The prefix commands CF and CR during a template edit session are not valid for the level 1 field.
Issue the prefix command against fields that have a REDEFINES clause or fields that are the target of a REDEFINES clause.


Copybook Compilation Errors Occurred RC=nn

The File Manager function has invoked a compiler which has detected errors.

A compiler listing might be required.

To determine the cause of the error, add //FMNCLERR DD SYSOUT=x to the batch job and rerun to produce a compiler listing.


Template data invalid for load Rsn=nnn

The File Manager template is invalid. It may have been corrupted by editing it outside of File Manager.

If this is not the case, then please report the problem to your Support Representative, stating the Reason Code.


COBOL compile failed with Language Environment® RC &RC and RSN &RSN

When File Manager invokes COBOL compiler V5 or later, it may terminate with a Language Environment® abend code. If the abend code is 4093 and reason code X'1C' or 28, there is insufficient storage to run the compiler.

COBOL V5 requires at least 100MB of storage.

Language Environment® abend and reason codes can be found in z/OS® Language Environment® Run-Time Messages.


Keyword verification discontinued for any subsequent command

While processing the $$FILEM parameters, File Manager encountered errors that caused keyword verification to stop.

Review the errors before this message to determine what caused File Manager to stop processing the $$FILE parameters.


Volume not available. Device is offline.

File Manager tried to allocate a z/OS® data set. The volume was not available because the associated device was offline.

Resolve the problems with the volume and try again to access the data set.


PDSE data set is not supported for this function.

PDSE data sets are not supported for the Disk Browse, Disk Edit, Disk Print, or Disk Record Scan Utilities.

Use a non PDSE data set for this function.


User I/O exit &NAME terminated because of a Language Environment problem, RC=&CODE.

The z/OS® Language Environment® CEEPIPI failed to load the specified User Exit.

Refer to z/OS® Language Environment® Programming Guide Using Preinitialization Services - (add_entry) Return codes.

Ensure the library containing the User Exit is made available to the File Manager function.


Start position beyond end of file.

A function specified a starting position whose value is higher than that of the last record on the file. The starting position type might be KEY, RBA, or record number.

To process records, you must specify a starting position whose value is lower than that of the KEY, RBA, or record number of the last record.



No Db2® TABLE matches the value entered. It is possible a Db2® object (eg view) that matches the name entered exists - however the selected Db2® utility supports Db2® tables ONLY.

This message is issued when a Db2® object name - other than a table - is entered when preparing a Db2® LOAD or UNLOAD utility job. The Db2® LOAD and UNLOAD utilities support only table objects - not views, aliases, synonyms etc.

Ensure that the Db2® object name specified is a Db2® table.


Change failed

The Find/Change utility has terminated with a nonzero return code.

The explanation of the associated return code can be found in FCH (Find/Change).


SMF logging error. Value returned by BPX1SMF: RC=&rc Reason Code=&RSN(Dec)

File Manager is set up to write audit records to SMF for the current function. A failure occurred while attempting to write an audit record to SMF. The BPX1SMF call resulted in return code &rc and reason code &RSN, both expressed in decimal. The current function may be terminated.

This error usually indicates a setup problem. Possible reasons for an auditing failure to SMF are:
  1. The user ID does have READ access to the SAF FACILITY class profile BPX.SMF.
  2. The FMN0POPT module does not have a valid number specified for the SMFNO parameter.
Consult the systems programmer for assistance in resolving the cause of the error.


CCSID not valid

The specified CCSID is not known by this z/OS® system.

Change the CCSID to one that is known by this z/OS system.


CCSID display off

The CCSID column is not displayed in single formatting.



CCSID display on

The CCSID column is displayed in single formatting.



Not selected record

When the FMAP command has been entered the cursor is not positioned on a selected record or the record at the top of screen is not a selected record.

Identify the record containing the field to be mapped by positioning the record at the top of the screen or position the cursor on the record when the FMAP command is entered.


No field selected

The field to be mapped has not been selected on the Field Selection List panel.

Reissue the FMAP command and select a field from the list supplied in the Field Selection List panel.


No template provided

The template to be used to map the field has not been provided.

Supply Template or Copybook details on the FMAP Copybook or Template panel


Data may be truncated

The template being used to map the field is larger than the field and data may be truncated.



No column selected

The column to be mapped has not been selected on the Field Selection List panel.

Enter the FMAP command and select the column to be mapped on the Field Selection List panel.


Field reference invalid

The field reference specified in the FMAP command cannot be found in the current template.

Specify the correct field reference in the FMAP command.


Not enough space.

The data is displayed in the CCSID of the terminal, but is stored internally in Unicode. After conversion to Unicode there are not enough characters to pad the field with Unicode spaces.

Remove one or more characters using HEX ON to see the characters in Unicode.


Converted UNICODE data too big for receiving field. Field name length lllll.

The receiving field name is not large enough to hold the converted Unicode field of length lllll.

Increase the size of the receiving field in the template by either changing the copybook and regenerating the template or editing the dynamic template and changing the field size.


Return code rc, reason code rsn from CUNLCNV routine. Field name.

The routine CNVLCNV could not convert the field name.

For an explanation of the return code and reason code refer to the z/OS® V1R11.0 Support for Unicode Using Unicode Services.


Not valid for migrated

The command is not able to be used for a migrated data set.

RECALL the data set and reissue the command if required.


Incompatible field (short). The LOCATE command with a character position can only be used on character fields with lengths > 50 bytes. (long).

The user entered a LOCATE command with a field number and character position. The command is invalid because either the specified field is not a character field, or the length of the specified field is 50 bytes or less.

Issue the LOCATE command without the character position. When the display has scrolled to show the field of interest, use the scale line to locate the character position.


Invalid char posn (short). The character position is invalid for the specified field. (long).

The user entered a LOCATE command with a field number and character position. The command is invalid because the specified character position is greater than the maximum number of characters in the field.

Reduce the value for the character position.


Only in SNGL (short). The CHARPOS command is only available in SNGL display format. (long).

The user entered the CHARPOS editor primary command when the display mode was not SINGLE (SNGL). The CHARPOS command is only valid in SNGL display format. The command cannot be processed.

Change the editor display mode to SINGLE and re-issue the command.


CHARPOS off (short). Character position information is off. (long).

The user entered the CHARPOS editor primary command. The character position information has been turned off.

Informational message - none required.


CHARPOS on (short). Character position information is on. (long).

The user entered the CHARPOS editor primary command. The character position information has been turned on.

Informational message - none required.


FUN not active (short). FUN command is only available in TABL display format (long).

A HIDE or FREE editor primary command was issued while in SNGL display mode. This is not supported.
Switch to TABL display mode and reissue the command.


Command not supported (short). Insert, repeat and copy commands are not supported when the Db2® object contains large binary object (BLOB) columns. (long)

The user entered either an insert, copy or repeat prefix command in a File Manager/Db2 editor session of an object that contains a binary large object column. Insert, repeat and copy are not supported when the object being processed contains a binary large object column. The operation cannot be performed.

None - informational message.


Program Binder does not recognize member as a Load Module / Program Object. Function=&fc RC=&rc reason=&rsn.

The File Manager View Load Module utility encountered an Binder API error when accessing the module member. The &fc is an internal code to represent the IEWBIND function being executed. The Binder API returned return code &rc and reason code &rsn.

Refer to z/OS® MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities (SA23-1392) for an explanation of Binder API return codes and reason codes.


The module member does not contain any CSECT names.

The File Manager View Load Module utility found no CSECT names in the module member and therefore cannot provide any information.



Sort not supported. Sorting of the files is only supported when a keyed synchronization option is used

Sorting of records is only valid when the synchronization option is either keyed or read-ahead keyed.
Set synchronization to either keyed or read-ahead keyed.


Sort request ignored. The files were not eligible for sort prior to the compare

The request to sort the old and new data sets was ignored because the data sets did not fulfill the criteria needed to allow records to be sorted.
A sort request is ignored if the old or new data set has any of the following characteristics:
  • VSAM linear file
  • VSAM file with maximum record length greater than 32K
  • QSAM spanned file with a record length greater than 32K
  • The template indicates that the file has segmented records
  • PDS or PDSE file
A sort request is also ignored when any of the following conditions is true:
  • I/O exits are used to process the data sets
  • The comparison involves MQ queues
  • The comparison involves remote files
  • The comparison involves HFS files
Remove the sort option or, for PDS/PDSE files, specify the data sets using old or new DD names.


Sort failed. The sort of the old file failed

The call to the SORT product to request a sort of the old data set failed.
Check SYSPRINT or the File Manager print data set for any error messages issued by the SORT product.


Sort failed. The sort of the new file failed

The call to the SORT product to request a sort of the new data set failed.
Check SYSPRINT or the File Manager print data set for any error messages issued by the SORT product.


No sort fields specified. No key segments have been specified to use to sort the file

Sort before compare could not be done because no key fields or key locations, lengths, and type values were specified for either the old or new data set.
Ensure that either key fields or key locations, lengths and type values are specified for both the old or new data sets using the keyed synchronization options.


Sort requested, PACK option set to NONE

When sort before compare is requested the ISPF PACK option is forced to a setting of NONE. This is because the SORT product will not recognize data in ISPF packed format.


Pack option restricted. When sort is requested, the ISPF packing option is restricted to NONE

When sort before compare is requested the only acceptable ISPF PACK option is NONE.
Change the specified ISPF PACK option setting to NONE.


SORT error RC=rc - please check the related SORT messages

The SORT product failed and set the return code to rc.
Check SYSPRINT or the File Manager print data set for any error messages issued by the SORT product.


SORT abended. User abend code:cc Reason code:rsn

The SORT product abended with the indicated user abend code and reason code.
Check SYSPRINT or the File Manager print data set for any error messages issued by the SORT product.


SORT abended. System abend code:cc Reason code:rsn

The SORT product abended with the indicated system abend code and reason code.
Check SYSPRINT or the File Manager print data set for any error messages issued by the SORT product.


Output to same data set. Inserted and new changed records are written to the same output data set

File Manager detected that the same output data set was used to collect the inserted and new changed records that were found during compare processing.


Output to same data set. Deleted and old changed records are written to the same output data set



Invalid file status value status specified

The file status value specified by the SETCICS function STATUS parameter is not a valid value.
Change the file status to one of the valid values OPE, CLO, ENA, DIS, REA, NOR, UPD, NOU, ADD, NOA, BRO, NOB, DEL, or NOD.


Conflicting file status values status_1 and status_2 specified

The STATUS parameter for the SETCICS function includes conflicting status values. For example, it is not valid to specify both OPE (open) and CLO (close) in the same invocation of the SETCICS function.
Correct the conflicting file status values.


Duplicate file status value status specified

The STATUS parameter for the SETCICS function includes duplicate status values.
Remove one of the duplicated file status values.


No matching CICS files found

The FILE parameter for the SETCICS function specified file name values that did not match any files for the specified CICS region.
Check that the correct file name values were specified in the FILE parameter.


File Manager problem - message nnnn not found in table

File Manager cannot find the message number nnnn in the message table. This is probably a File Manager error.

Contact your system support.