Displaying "suppressed" records

When you are viewing a data set using a template with multiple record types, you can instruct File Manager to include all record types in actions of commands, or only the record type that is current. Only one record type can be "current" at any one time. The inclusion of all record types, or limiting to one record type, is controlled by the SHOW SUP command setting. Once your records can be identified by type (either by the record length or by record identification criteria) and the current SHOW SUP setting is OFF, File Manager suppresses the display of all but one record type and groups the other record types into a single display line. By default, the first record type identified is displayed.

You can choose to hide suppressed record groups from display, or represent them by shadow lines:
- - - - - record type - - - - - - - - - - - n Line(s) suppressed

In TABL display format, you can only show fields from one record type on the screen at a time. Records belonging to other record types are either grouped and re-displayed as suppressed record lines or, if SHOW SUP ON is in effect or the Expose option Suppressed on the Editor Options panel is selected, represented by a line containing the name of their respective record type. In other display formats, there is no display limitation and the contents of records belonging to other record types are displayed.

Note: Suppressed records are only hidden from display. They are still selected and are still included in any print, copy or create data functions.
You can control whether the suppressed record groups are completely hidden or are represented by shadow lines.
  • To hide the shadow line for suppressed record groups, enter SHADOW SUP OFF on the Command line The shadow lines disappear, and SHAD appears at the top left of the screen, indicating that there are records that are hidden because shadow lines have been turned off.

    You can also hide the shadow line for suppressed records by deselecting the See shadow lines option, Suppressed, on the Editor Options panel.

  • To turn on shadow lines for suppressed record groups, enter SHADOW SUP ON on the Command line.

    You can also turn on shadow lines for suppressed records by selecting the See shadow lines option, Suppressed, on the Editor Options panel.

Figure 1. View panel displaying suppressed records
  Process   Options   Help
 View             FMN.V16R1M0.SFMNSAM1(FMNCDATA)                Rec 13 of 40
                                                    Record 13______ Format TABL
 REC-TYPE NAME                 EMPLOYEE-NO     AGE   SALARY   MONTH(1)
 #2       #3                            #4      #5       #6         #7
 AN 1:2   AN 3:20                  BI 23:2 BI 25:2  PD 27:4    BI 31:4
 <>       <---+----1----+---->     <---+-> <---+-> <---+--> <---+---->
 01       Bill McCork                 4565      40    76200         10
 01       Keith Sampson               2329      40    71550         26
 01       John Neptune                3486      40    69000         30
 01       Brian Van Der Velde         4574      30    84500         34
 01       Ann Norwich                 7838      33    67000          2
 01       Michael Bevan               5455      46    83250         10
 01       Mary Sands                  7790      36    58000         18
 01       Antony Burke                7732      46   102000          6
 - - - - - - REC-TYPE02  - - - - - - - - - - 20 Line(s) suppressed
 ****  End of data  ****

 Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Up
  F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel                 

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