Allocate (Two) panel

This is the second Allocate panel, in which you can define the attributes of a non-VSAM data set.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Allocate (Two) panel
  Process   Options   Help

 Specify a model data set, SMS class names, or leave blank for defaults:
    Like data set . .                                               
    Volume serial . .       
    Device type . . .              generic unit or device address
    Data class  . . .              leave blank for default
    Storage class . .              leave blank for default
    Management class               leave blank for default

 Space Requirements:
    Space unit  . . . TRK          BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, or MB
    Primary units . . 5            quantity of above units
    Secondary units . 5            quantity of above units
    Directory blocks               leave blank for SMS default
    Record format . . FB           if new format: U,F,V, or D, with B,S,A,M
    Record length . . 50     
    Block size  . . .              physical output block size
    Data set type . . LIBRARY      LIBRARY, PDS, BASIC, EXTR, EXTP or LARGE 
    Data set version               for data set name type 
    Max. generations               maximum member generations for PDS/E V2  
    Allocate EAS  . . OPT          blank, NO or OPT 
    Release unused  . NO           enter YES to free unused space, else NO
    Expiration date .              yyyy.ddd, blank for default 
 Encryption Data:
   Key Label . DATASET.ENCRYPTION                                              

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                           
Like data set
The name of an existing data set, to be used as a model for your new data set.
Volume serial
The volser of an existing data set, to be used as a model for your new data set.
Device type
Generic unit (EDT Esoteric Device Type) or device address. This field is mutually exclusive with the Volume serial field.
Data class
The name of a data class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
Storage class
The name of a storage class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
Management class
The name of a management class defined in your Storage Management System (SMS) installation. Do not enter a value on a system without SMS.
Space unit
Defines the unit of primary and secondary space to be allocated. A unit type is required, when a quantity is specified. Can be one of:
Block of average size.
Kilobyte (1024 bytes).
Megabyte (1048576 bytes).
Track of a direct access storage device (DASD).
Cylinder of a DASD.
Primary units
Amount of DASD space to be used for primary space allocation. The range depends on the space unit specified and the DASD device type.
Secondary units
Amount of DASD space to be used for secondary space allocations. The range depends on the space unit specified and the DASD device type.
Directory blocks
Number of blocks for the directory. You must specify a value when on a system without SMS, or when your SMS installation does not provide a default.

Range: 0-999999

Record format
Enter the record format, optionally followed by one or more attribute characters in the sequence shown.
ASCII variable (tape only)

Attribute characters:

Spanned, V and D format only
with ANSI control characters
with machine code control characters.

If omitted, the record format of an old data set is not changed. For a new data set, the input record format (if any), or U is used.

Note: To create data with a record format not shown here, allocate the data set with the TSO ALLOCATE command to ddname QSAMOUT.
Record length
The length of the records to be created. Range is dependent upon the record format.

If the record format is VBS, the record length may be specified as 32768, meaning that you are defining an LRECL=X data set.

Block size
The average size of the physical blocks to be written.

Range: 0-32760

Data set type
Leave blank to request the system default data set type.
Requests a PDSE. An active SMS is required.
Requests a PDS.
Requests a basic sequential data set, which has a limit of 65535 tracks per volume.
Requests a large format data set.
Requests a extended format data set as required. An active SMS is required.
Requests a extended format data set as preferred. An active SMS is required.
Data set version
The version number for a PDSE (data set type LIBRARY) or an extended format sequential data set (data set type EXTR or EXTP).

If zero is specified or the value is omitted the system default for the version is assigned.

Range: 0-2

Max. generations
The maximum number of generations maintained by the system for the members in a version 2 PDSE. The upper value might be limited by MAXGENS_LIMIT in the IGDSMSxx member of PARMLIB.

Range: 0-2000

Allocate EAS
Defines if a data set should be allocated in the Extended Addressing Space of an Extended Address Volume. Blanks indicate EATTR has not been specified.
Cannot reside in an EAS.
Can optionally reside in an EAS.
Release unused
Specify YES to release any unused space when the data set is closed. The default is to keep the space allocated.
Expiration date
Use this field to protect valuable data by specifying a date from which the data set can be deleted. If you try to delete an unexpired data set, ISPF first displays a Confirm Delete panel followed by a Confirm Purge panel.

An expiration date is not required, but if you enter one it should be in one of these formats:

Date shown in year, month, and day. The maximum expiration date allowed is 2155/12/31.
Date shown in Julian format, such as 2026.066 for March 7, 2026. The maximum expiration date allowed is 2155.365. You can specify a DDD value of up to 366 if the YYYY value represents a leap year.
The number of days, starting with the creation date, after which the data set can be deleted. DDDD has a range of 1 to 9999.
Any one of these values is translated to a value of 1999.365. This is treated as permanent retention.
Key Label
The label is a name up to 64 bytes long to be used to encrypt the new dataset.

Parent panels

Child panels

  • None.

Equivalent functions

  • None.

Related tasks and examples

Allocating a new data set