Editing templates

Once a template has been created, you can edit it further to ensure that it suits your requirements. You can edit a template to:

  • View and print the segment layouts.
  • Specify expressions for layout identification.
  • Set the order of fields using a sequence number.
  • Modify the offset value for a layout.
Figure 1. Editing a template

│ Primary Option    │
│ menu              │
  ↓ Template (option 4.1)
│ Template Entry    │
│ panel             │
  ↓          ↑ Exit: template saved to PDS member
│ Template          │
│ Specification     │
│ panel             │
  │ ↑ Segment   │ ↑ Segment type with
  │ │ type      │ │ more than one
  │ │ with      ↓ │ layout
  │ │ one     ┌─┴─┴───────────────┐
  │ │ layout  │ Segment Layout    │
  │ │         │ Selection panel   │
  │ │         └─┬─┬───────────────┘
  ↓ │           ↓ ↑
│ Segment Layout    │
│ panel             │