Specifying resource names in a reference member

A line can contain up to four resource names that can be used with the F4 key to populate the corresponding File Manager functions. Only the first resource name on each line is used in determining the list of resources to be searched. The resource name can be any of the following types:

  • A fully qualified data set name. TSO prefixing is not applied to names, and quotation marks should not be specified. Generic names are supported but be careful not to use ** because this will result in a long catalog search. You can also specify generic member names as part of the resource name.
  • An HFS file name or directory name
  • An FM/CICS resource name in the form: rt:applid:rname
    Is the resource type. Valid values are:
    For a CICS® File
    For Transient Data
    For a Temporary Storage Queue
    Is the VTAM® applid of the CICS® system. You can specify a generic name to search a list of CICS® systems if an FMNCICS DD describing CICS® applids has been allocated to the ISPF session. See File Manager Customization Guide for details.
    Is the name of the resource. You can specify a generic name to search a list of resources.
  • An MQ queue might be specified in the following notation:

    MQ: Queue_manager : Queue_name

    Is the name of a local queue manager. Generic names can be specified.
    Is the queue name and it is case-sensitive. Generic names are supported.
  • Remote resource definitions can be specified in the following form:

    RM:remote_id:resource name

    Is the 1-8 character remote connection definition. Generic names are not supported. The remote ID must be defined; otherwise, an error occurs. Use the F4 function key with the Select option to verify what you have entered.
    resource name
    Any data set, path, or CICS® resource name can be specified.
    Note: You can use the F4 function key (see Using the F4 function key) with the Select option to list and populate resource names.