Displaying field help information
To display the field help information:
- Place your cursor on the field entry line.
- Press the Help function key (F1). The field help information is
displayed in a pop-up window.
If further information is needed, press the Extended Help function key (F5), to access the Tutorial Help page for the current panel.
Pressing Help while the field information window is displayed takes you to the Help Tutorial page within the Tutorial Help system (that is, the page that describes how to use Tutorial Help).
- When you have finished reading the message or the relevant Tutorial Help page, press the Exit function key (F3) to return to your starting panel.
For example, Field help information for the RECLIMIT field shows the message seen when F1 is pressed from the RECLIMIT field in the Set Print Processing Options panel.
Process Options Help ───────── ┌───────── Set Record Limit ──────────┐ ──────────────────────────── File Mana │ │ ons │ Range: 1-end of record │ Set proce │ Default: (1,*), unless changed in │ F3) to save your changes. Enter RES │ your File Manager │ │ installation. │ Print Opt │ │ PRINTO │ Bytes to be listed from each │ , TERMINAL or REXX PRINTD │ record. The first parameter │ PRINTL │ specifies the start column, the │ PAGESI │ second the last column. An asterisk │ a printed page PRTTRA │ * indicates the end of the record. │ HEADER │ │ PAGESK │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit │ DUMP . │ F4=Resize F5=Ex-help │ DATAHD └─────────────────────────────────────┘ RECLIMIT (1,*) (n,m) n=begin column, m=end column Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F6=Reset F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel