Example 2. Using the DIR DRILL and RESULT with HFS

To display the enhanced search panel, enter the EF command. Search for member names that contain ODPP. Use a new reference member HFS to specify the directory to be searched.
   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
 ─ ┌──────────────────────── Enhanced Search Command ────────────────────────┐ ─────────── 
   │ Command ===>                                                            │
 O │                                                                         │
   │ String:                                                                 │
 0 │ ODPP                                                                 +  │ ONED
 1 │ String options         Columns                                          │ 06
 2 │   1 Prefix             From                                             │ 8
 3 │   2 Suffix             To                                               │
 4 │   3 Word                                                                │ LISH
 5 │                                                                         │
 6 │ Scope:                                                                  │ F
 7 │ Member. HFS          / Edit                                             │ ONED
 9 │ DDnames                                                              +  │ 2
 1 │ DSNs .                                                               +  │ GSA
 1 │                                                                         │ F 7.1
 1 │ Options:                                                                │
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                             ISPF Pack        │
 1 │   Directory    Drill     Result    Parmlib    Proclib    1. Asis        │
 S │   Batch        Jobcard   Edit    _ List     _ First      2. Skip        │
   │  F1=Help       F2=Split      F3=Exit       F4=Expand       F7=Backward  │
   │  F8=Forward    F9=Swap       F10=Left      F11=Right       F12=Cancel   │
   └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ p
 F10=Actions  F12=retrieve 
If you enter "/", the following panel is displayed:
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
 EDIT       DTORNEY.FMNSRCH.INDEX(HFS) - 01.00              Columns 00001 00072
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 =NOTE= Specify 1 to 4 data set names in the following format:
 =NOTE= Input_dsn Input_template Output_dsn Output_template
 =NOTE= Where
 =NOTE=   Input_dsn      : Input data set or path name
 =NOTE=   Input_template : Input template (specify - to bypass)
 =NOTE=   Output_dsn     : Output data set or path name
 =NOTE=   Output_template: Output template
 =NOTE= Note: Search only applies to the first data set name on the line.
 '''''' /
  F1=Help      F2=cruise    F3=Exit      F4=EFind     F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=retrieve  
If you place the cursor on "/" and press F4, the following panel is displayed:
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
 ─ ┌─────────────────── / ───────────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 E │  File Manager                           │ 0            Columns 00001 00072 
 C │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ ─────────────────────────────────────   │ ta ******************************
 = │ Command ===>                            │ able until you change
 = │                                         │ ommand RECOVERY ON.
 0 │ 1  View     View resource               │
 * │ 2  Edit     Edit resource               │ Data ****************************
   │ 3  Select   Select resource list        │ 
   │ 4  Dslist   ISPF data set list          │ 
   │ 5  Search   Nested search               │ 
   │ 6  All      Show all occurrences        │ 
   │ 7  First    Find first occurrence       │ 
   │ 8  Prev     Find previous occurrence    │ 
   │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │ 
   │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │ 
 0 │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │
 0 │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │ 
 0 │ 13 Create   Allocate data set           │ 
   │                                         │ 
If you select option 3 Select, the following panel is displayed:
  Process   Options   Help                                                      
  File Manager                            File Selection     Row 00001 of 00016 
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE 
 PATH   /                                                                       
        Name                 Prompt   Typ  Size     Created  Changed           _
        *                    *        *    *        *        *                      
        .                             Dir     8192  14/01/06 14/01/07 09:32:45  
        ..                            Dir     8192  14/01/06 14/01/07 09:32:45  
        ...                           Dir     8192  14/01/06 13/05/25 13:56:14  
        apc                           Dir     8192  06/08/06 15/09/04 12:07:17  
        bin                           Dir    16384  14/01/06 15/08/11 15:29:44  
        dev                           Dir     8192  02/06/21 14/08/20 12:24:40  
        etc                           Dir     8192  02/11/21 13/12/10 17:14:50  
        lib                           Dir     8192  14/01/06 13/12/18 10:26:53  
        opt                           Dir     8192  14/01/06 13/05/25 13:56:17  
        samples                       Dir     8192  14/01/06 14/11/18 09:49:16  
        service                       Dir     8192  14/01/07 14/01/07 09:32:45  
        tmp                           Dir   266240  02/06/21 15/10/04 11:42:18  
 /      u                             Dir    40960  09/05/01 15/09/18 11:55:00  
        usr                           Dir     8192  14/01/06 13/05/25 13:56:14  
        var                           Dir     8192  02/11/20 13/12/10 17:14:50  
        SYSTEM                        Dir     8192  14/01/06 13/05/25 13:56:14  
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

Use S to select a directory to be inserted in the HFS reference member. Use / as illustrated above to display the nested directory list. Repeat the process until you find the directory to be searched. Select the directory to populate the reference member with an S.

Note: You can select more than one directory to be inserted into your reference member.
  Process   Options   Help                                                      
  File Manager                            File Selection     Row 00001 of 00008 
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE 
 PATH   /u/fmn/odpp                                                              
        Name                 Prompt   Typ  Size     Created  Changed           _
        *                    *        *    *        *        *                  
        .                             Dir     8192  14/03/11 14/11/18 07:16:04  
        ..                            Dir     8192  09/05/01 15/09/30 10:32:36  
        licensefiles                  Dir     8192  14/03/11 14/03/11 11:08:33  
        licensev11                    Dir     8192  14/11/18 14/11/18 08:14:24  
        odpp                          Dir     8192  14/03/11 14/03/11 11:05:51  
        odppbin                       Dir     8192  14/03/11 13/09/10 06:57:52  
        tracefiles                    Dir    98304  14/10/23 15/10/01 15:15:59  
 s      Samples                       Dir     8192  14/03/11 14/04/29 13:45:48  
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

Press F3 and enter the following command to search for the file names that contain string ODPP in the specified directory and any nested directories.

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 EDIT       DTORNEY.FMNSRCH.INDEX(HFS) - 01.00              Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===> EF ODPP DIR DRILL                                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 /u/fmn/odpp/Samples                                                     
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Press F3 to produce the following report.

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 VIEW       Enhanced Search Report      Index HFS               Col 00001 00072 
 Command ===> ef ccn result                                    Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 >Path    : /u/fmn/odpp/Samples/binincl                                  
 000002  >Name   : ODPPCmnAPI.h                                                 
 000003  >       : ODPPCmnErrCodes.h                                            
 000004  >       : ODPPCmnOprH.h                                                
 000005  >       : ODPPCommonH.h                                                
 000006  >       : ODPPDataTypesH.h                                             
 000007  >       : ODPPErrorHandlerCmnIncludesH.h                               
 000008  >       : ODPPHashErrs.h                                               
 000009  >       : ODPPTokIdsH.h                                                
 000010 >Path    : /u/fmn/odpp/Samples/include                                  
 000011  >Name   : ODPPCmnAPI.h                                                 
 000012  >       : ODPPCmnErrCodes.h                                            
 000013  >       : ODPPCmnOprH.h                                                
 000014  >       : ODPPCommonH.h                                                
 000015  >       : ODPPCOLN.cbl                                                 
 000016  > ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐             
 000017  > │ 23 line(s) in 0 of 0 Member(s) and 23 of 25 File(s). │             
 000018  > └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘             
 000019  >       : ODPP HashErrs.h                                               

To perform a nested search for the string CCN in only the file names that contain the string ODPP, enter the EF CCN RESULT nested command.

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 VIEW       Enhanced Search Report      Index RESULT            Col 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000002 >Path    : /u/fmn/odpp/Samples/include                                  
 000003  >Name   : ODPPCmnErrCodes.h                                            
 000004        55  #define CCNMAX                      (CNNBASE + 51)           
 000005       287     CCN error codes                                           
 000006       290  #define CCNBASE                                    0x00001000
 000007       291  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_DATATYPE_NOTSUPPORTED         CCNBASE + 
 000008       292  #define ODPP_CCN__ERR_CCN CTRLBLK_MALLOC_FAILED    CCNBASE + 
 000009       293  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_ROWSET_EMPTY                  CCNBASE + 
 000010       294  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_NO_SOURCE_DATA                CCNBASE + 
 000011       295  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_NO_CCN CTRLBLK                CCNBASE + 
 000012       296  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_INVALID_METHOD                CCNBASE + 
 000013       297  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_PREFIXTBL_MALLOC_FAILED       CCNBASE + 
 000014       298  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_INVALID_SRCCOL_INDEX          CCNBASE + 
 000015       299  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_INVALID_COLLENGTH_FOR_DEC370  CCNBASE + 
 000016     ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐      CCNBASE + 
 000017     │ 53 line(s) in 0 of 0 Member(s) and 5 of 23 File(s). │             
 000018     └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘     CCNBASE + 
 000019       305  #define ODPP_CCN_ERR_INVALID_IN_LENGTH             CCNBASE + 
Note: The Index value in the header has changed from HFS to RESULT.

On the Enhanced Search Report, you can see the current data sets or path names that were used to produce the search results by placing your cursor on the Index value and press Enter.

   ┌────────────── Search Data Set List ───────────────┐  Test  Help            
 ─ │          ==>                      Row 1 to 2 of 2 │ ───────────────────────
 F │ Data set list                                     │        Col 00001 00072 
 C │ /u/fmn/odpp/Samples/include                       │       Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ /u/fmn/odpp/Samples                               │ ***********************
 0 │ **************** Bottom of data ***************** │ -----------------------
 0 │                                                   │                        
 0 │                                                   │                        
 0 │                                                   │ CNBASE + 51)           
 0 │                                                   │                        
 0 │                                                   │              0x00001000
 0 │                                                   │ RTED         CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │ _FAILED      CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │ FAILED       CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │ DEX          CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │ _FOR_DEC370  CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 │                                                   │                        
 0 │                                                   │              CCNBASE + 
 0 └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘              CCNBASE +