In an editor session, when you are in CHAR, HEX, or LHEX display
format, you can enter the COLS prefix command to display a column
identification line. The column identification line is identical to
the line already shown at the top of the data but can be useful in
checking the position of data in a record.
To display the column identification (=COLS>)
Type COLS in the prefix area of any line.
Press Enter.
The column identification line is inserted in
the data set or member after the line in which you entered COLS.
The column identification line moves with the rest of the data when
you scroll through the data set or member.
Note: You can use the COLS prefix command with the BOUNDS prefix
command to help check and reposition the bounds settings.
To remove the column identification line from the panel, either
type D in the prefix area that contains the =COLS> flag,
or type RESET on the command line:
Before the COLS
prefix command shows the boundary definition
line with the COLS command typed in the prefix area of the following
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